Jarvis Township Meeting

December 20, 2016

Meeting was called to order by senior trustee Bob Stonecipher on a motion made by Elizabeth Hellrung and seconded by Andrea May. All voted aye.

Roll call was taken with all trustees present.

There was no public comment.

Also in attendance at the meeting where Jenny Holser, Melissa Jenkins, Gerard Helldoerfer and Jason Helldoerfer.

Scott Wiesehan motioned to approve the Town Minutes, seconded by Elizabeth Hellrung. All voted Aye.

Scott motioned to approve the claims as presented, seconded by Andrea May. Roll call was taken with all trustees voting Aye.

Action Items:

Andrea May motioned to accept resignation of Alan Dunstan as Township Supervisor as of November 30, 2016. Seconded by Scott Wiesehan. Roll call taken, all voted Aye.

Andrea May motioned to accept resignation of Kelly Huelsmann as Township Clerk as of December 19, 2016. Seconded by Elizabeth Hellrung. Roll call taken, all voted Aye.

Elizabeth motioned to make Kelly Huelsmann the new Jarvis Township Supervisor. Seconded by Andrea May. Roll call was taken, all voted Aye.

Bob Stonecipher motioned to make Alan Dunstan the new Jarvis Township Clerk. Seconded by Scott Wiesehan. Roll call taken, all voted Aye.

Bob Stonecipher made motion to make Tonya Genovese the new Jarvis Township Attorney, paying a retainer of $600 every 6 months from Town Fund and $600 every 6 months form Road and Bridge Funds. Seconded by Elizabeth Hellrung. Roll call taken, all voting Aye.

Scott Wiesehan motioned to go into executive session to discuss pay schedules for township employees. Seconded by Bob Stonecipher. Roll call was taken, all vote Aye. Executive session lasted from 7:15 PM to 7:31 PM.

Scott Wiesehan motioned and Bob Stonecipher seconded to go back into regular session. Roll call taken, all voting Aye.

Bob Stonecipher motioned and Scott Wiesehan seconded to set hourly rates as follows:

Title:Hourly Rate

Chief Deputy Assessor$18.50

Assistant Assessor$13.50

Road District Foreman$26.68

Street Maintenance Worker (1)$20.50

Street Maintenance Worker (2)$18.50

Roll call was taken, all voted aye.

Highway Commissioner’s Meeting

Bob Stonecipher motioned to approve minutes and Scott Wiesehan seconded.

Voice vote taken, all voting Aye.

Elizabeth Hellrung motioned to approve claims and Bob Stonecipher seconded.

Roll call taken, all voted aye.

Andrea May motioned to adjourn the meeting and Bob Stonecipher seconded.

Voice vote taken, all voted aye.

Alan J. Dunstan

Jarvis Township Clerk