House of Commons

Dear [NAME]

I am writing regarding Muscular Dystrophy UK’s report ‘Hydrotherapy in the UK: The urgent need for increased access’ which was published on the 3rd December 2015.

Hydrotherapy is a form of water based therapy focused on pain relief and treatment, built around the performing of a specific set of exercises in a specialised hydrotherapy pool. Nine out of 10 people with muscle-wasting conditions who have been able to access hydrotherapy treatment have said that they find hydrotherapy to be crucial in managing their muscle-wasting condition.

After extensive research, Muscular Dystrophy UK’s report has found that the provision of hydrotherapy in the United Kingdom is inadequate. Over three quarters of people are not able to access a hydrotherapy pool as often as they need to in order to improve their wellbeing, shockingly it is easier to gain access to hydrotherapy pools for pets than it is for people. Other barriers to access have included unaffordable costs, extended travel distances and a lack of accessible changing facilities. Even when they are able to overcome these barriers families are being refused access to hydrotherapy pools“because they are for people who have broken bones and have measureable outcomes when using a hydrotherapy pool”.

[You could include some more personal details here, for example barriers you or your family have faced accessing hydrotherapy treatment, or you may be concerned about the need for access to hydrotherapy treatment to manage your muscle-wasting condition]

With the publishing of Muscular Dystrophy UK’s report there is an opportunity to tackle the issues outlined, to ensure that people with muscle-wasting conditions are able to manage their own condition and improve their quality of life.

Therefore, will you write to the Shona Robinson MSP,Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary of Health, Wellbeing and Sportto call for the establishment of a Scottishgovernment led national review into the provision of hydrotherapy services for people with muscle-wasting conditions and support the early day motion advocating the establishment of the review?

For more information on Hydrotherapy and the barriers to access, please contact Lloyd Tingley, Neuromuscular Outreach Officer at Muscular Dystrophy UK on or call 020 7803 4804.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,