Our Discipleship Blueprint


“Overwhelmed by the love of God, Pleasant View Baptist Church exists to

share Jesus with people and help them to follow Him.”

We will help our people grow to be fully-devoted followers of Christ through the following five ways:

1) Connecting Ministries (Connection Pathways for the Seeker and Disconnected Believer)

The church will provide ways people can become connected and get involved.

Wednesday Children’s Ministry: GLOW is an exciting outreach ministry to children to help them learn about Jesus, understand what it means to grow in a relationship with Jesus, and how they can be an important part of a local church. It also provides already connected children and adults a way to reach out to children and families in the community.

Wednesday Youth Worship: Wednesday night worship is the flagship ministry for our youth group and provides outreach to unbelievers and ongoing growth opportunities for all youth. The goal is to make disciples who go into their homes and schools as missionaries. It will serve as a springboard for the youth into the life of the church.

New Member’s Luncheon: A basic introduction to our church family will be designed to clearly explain who we are, what we do as a church, and what is expected of members.

101/201/301/401: Purpose Driven 101 – 401 classes are offered twice a year for basic discipleship and orientation into our church family. The aim is for every member to take all four classes.

3 for 3: The purpose of 3 for 3 is to get to know and build deeper relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ within our church and to reach out to people who don’t have a church home or don’t know Christ. Once a month for three months your group will get together for a group activity. 3 for 3 groups can also be a way to reach out to people who aren’t Christians or those who don’t have a church home by inviting them to your group’s activity

2) Large Group Worship (Vision for the Committed)

Each week the pastor and staff will communicate the unchanging message of the Bible.

Sunday Morning Worship: The pastor will generally preach sermons for all people that answer basic questions about who God is, how we can know Him, and what it means to follow Him. Sunday morning sermons should edify believers but also evangelize unbelievers. The sermons should be understandable and applicable to all present.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting: On Wednesdaynights special attention will be given to group prayer, along with brief teachings about prayer.

Sunday Morning Children’s Worship: Much like the adult service the children’s worship time, Ignite, will answer basic questions about knowing God and growing as a follower of Christ. Generally, the teaching for the children’s group will follow the pastor’s sermons adapted for a younger audience.

Prayer Meetings: Our church has prayer meetings at least once a month to seek God as a body.

3) Sunday School Life Groups (Support in the Church Community)

Open Sunday school/Lifegroups classes for all ages will be ongoing for Bible study, fellowship, ministry, and evangelism. The Sunday school ministry of our church will be the principal method our church fulfills the Great Commission in its local context. Life Groups and Sunday school classes will be the first line of discipleship and nurture for believers of all ages and evangelism and ministry to unbelievers. Lessons should be understandable and inviting to all present, believer or unbeliever.

4) Discipleship Classes (Training for Every Member)

We regularly offer asemester of discipleship classes in the winter to help our member’s mature, occasional Churchwide discipleship emphasis, and discipleship classes within specific ministries.

NAOS Discipleship Series is an offering of classes on Sunday nights where you can go deeper in study and in diverse groups and topics. From women's and men's studies to how to handle finances in a Christian manner, from deeper Bible discipleship to Apologetics and Christian Worldview classes, these semester based courses are designed to meet your need in drawing closer to the Lord and help with your daily walk. NAOS means "the Temple" in Greek.

5) D-Groups or Discipleship Groups (Accountability for the Core)

A D-Group (or Discipleship Group) is a tool for a local church to use to make disciples. A D-Group is a small group made up of 3-5 same gender Christians. The group meets once a week, about one hour a week, and around a year to a year and a half. D-groups can meet anywhere and anytime convenient for the group members. Being a part of a D-Group is important because Jesus called us to follow Him and personally invest in making more disciples.


Our Core Ingredients/Values in Discipleship:

  • Practical Teaching (teaching the Bible for life transformation)
  • Private Disciplines (equipping believers in spiritual disciplines)
  • Personal Ministry (sending believers for ministry to others)
  • Providential Relationships (facilitating Christ-centered community)
  • Pivotal Circumstances(preparing Christians to walk through life challenges with faith)