The Egoic Lotus
Soul’s Abode
Chart VIII
Chart IX
Overview of Egoic Lotus or Causal Body
Chakras in General
Human Causal Body
Planetary & Solar Egoic Lotus
Rationale for Study.
Two Methods
Mystical –
Lotus as a whole
Various ways to visualize the lotus.
Numbers and Tiers of Petals
Transcript of 1992 Tapes on EGOIC LOTUS
Knowledge petals
Knowledge Tier: Petal No. 1
Knowledge Tier: Petal No. 2
Knowledge Tier: Petal No. 3
Love Petals
Petal No. 4.
Petal No. 5
Petal No. 6
Sacrifice Petals
Petal No. 7
Petal No. 8 –
Petal No. 9
Synthesis petals
The Jewel
Colour and the Petals
Working Tables
Various MDR comments from files
Effect of the Rod on the Initiate's Causal Body
AAB References
Chart VIII
(Note, there is an error in chart name in most editions of Treatise on Cosmic Fire,
i.e., Chart VII listed is Chart VIII.)
Chart IX
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The Egoic Lotus
Soul’s Abode
Overview of Egoic Lotus or Causal Body
Chakras in General
Human Causal Body
Planetary & Solar Egoic Lotus
Rationale for Study.
We are told by H. P. B.61that the sense of responsibility is one of the first indications of egoic control, and as more and more of the human family come under egoic influence, conditions will be bettered slowly and steadily in every department of life.
(3) In the educational world an apprehension of man's true nature will bring about a fundamental change in the methods of teaching. The emphasis will be laid upon teaching people the fact of the Ego on its own plane, the nature of the lunar bodies, and the methods of aligning the lower bodies so that the Ego can communicate direct with the physical brain, and thus control the lower nature and work out its purposes. Men will be taught how, through concentration and meditation, they can ascertain knowledge for themselves, can develop the intuition, and thus draw upon the resources of the Ego. Then will men be taught to think, to assume control of the mental body, and thus develop their latent powers.
In the above few remarks are indicated very briefly and inadequately the results which may be looked for from a true understanding of the essential nature of man. It has been written in view of the necessity these days of a statement as to the real or inner man, and as to the laws of the kingdom of God. That inner man has ever been known to be there, and the "kingdom within" has ever been proclaimed until H. P. B. came and gave out the same old truths from a new angle, giving an occult turn to mystic thought.
Now comes the opportunity for man to realise the laws of his own being, and in that realisation those who stand on the verge of intuitional apprehension of knowledge and those of scientific bent who are willing to accept these truths as a working [Page 815] hypothesis to be utilised as a basis for experiment until proven false, will have the chance to solve the world problems from within. Thus will the Christ principle be manifested upon earth, and thus will the Christ nature be demonstrated to be a fact in nature itself.
The value to the public thought of a true explanation of the evolution of the Ego, and its gradually developing power on earth is very great.
Two Methods
Mystical –
Mystically related in The Chalice:
The lower chalice rises like a flower of colour dark or somber. Dull it appears to the outer vision, but within a light will sometime shine and shatter the illusion.
Chalice the second rises from out the lower sheath as does the flower from out the calix green. Of colour rose it [Page 768] is, and many shades thereof; and to the onlooker it seems as if the colour might transcend the inner shining light. But this is but illusion which time itself dispels.
Chalice the third surmounts all and opens wide in time its outspread petals. Blue does it appear and blends with the rose, forming at first a deep impenetrable shade which shuts out the light.
Within the three, deep hidden in the heart, tiny at first yet ever waxing greater, shines the light divine. This light, through radiating heat and innate divine vibration, constructs for itself a sheath of iridescence. It emerges from the threefold chalice as a floating bubble alights on a flower.
Within this iridescent sheath burns the inner Flame, and in its turn it burns out the lower gross material. E'en as the Path is neared, clearer the light shines out. Forth through the chalice gross and dark that forms the foundation shines the light supernal, till all who see the radiation cry out within themselves: "Behold, a God is here."
Forth from the chalice rosy red shines the inner glow, till soon the red of earth desire becomes the glow of heaven's fire, and all is lost save aspiration that shades not the cup with karmic colour.
Forth from the chalice blue shines and glows the inner light divine till all the forms are burnt and gone, and naught is left save one divine abstraction. Naught but the shells remain below, naught but the forms for use, and at the culmination what strange event is seen? Tarry, O Pilgrim, at the strange appearance, with bowed head watch the progress of the fire. Slowly the chalice threefold merges into an altar, and from that triple altar mounts the fire unto its Source. As mounts and spreads the inner flame, the beauty of the central sphere, lit with a radiance white, causes the worlds to stand and cry: "Behold, a God is here."
Ever the flames mount higher, ever the warmth streams forth, till—in the moment of the hour set—the flame destroys all, and all is gone, the work of ages passes, in a moment, into nothingness.
But forth from the fourfold fire, up from the altar of [Page 769] the ages, springs the Liberated One, the Flame. Back to the fire of Cosmos springs the dual flame. Into the Three is absorbed the essence, and becomes one with its Source. The Spark becomes the Flame, the Flame becomes the Fire, and forms part of the great Cosmic blaze that holds the secret of the Five hidden within the heart.
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The Egoic Lotus
Soul’s Abode
There are two ways in which man may view this matter, both of which provide food for meditation, and well merit serious consideration. …
The problem may be regarded as one calling for the elevation of the inner consciousness of the human unit (functioning in the physical body) to the higher levels of the mental plane, and therefore involves a raising or expansion of his waking consciousness till it becomes aware of this higher life. This is the way of mystical approach, and many instances of its successful accomplishment can be studied in the lives of the mystics of all ages. By sheer devotion and strenuous application, and by a severe disciplining of the physical body, the mystic effects his entrance into the heart centre of his little system, and his life becomes irradiated by the beams of his own central sun—the egoic light divine.
The problem may again be regarded as one in which the effort of the man is concentrated in an attempt to bring down into the physical brain consciousness, and thus on to the physical plane, the life and power and energy of the inner centre, the Ego. This involves necessarily a scientific apprehension of the laws of being, and a recognition of the dual nature of the Self. It involves a devotion to the work of bringing about a domination of the lunar lords through the radiant control of the solar Lord. This is the occult method.
It is the method of studying the constitution of those entities who form the [Page 816] fourfold lower nature, the personality, and a close investigation of those divine Essences Who build the body of the Ego or higher self. To this must be added a severe application of the laws of nature to the individual problem.
What is proposed in this Treatise is to follow the latter method, as the aim is to make clear the rationale of the process.
(b) The evolution of the petals.
The building of the causal body is the result of dual energy, that of the lower self with its reflex action upon the higher unit, and that of the natural energy of the self as it makes its direct impress upon the substance of the egoic lotus. It should here be remembered that, subtle though the material may be, the egoic lotus is as truly substance of a particular vibration as is the physical body, only (owing to its rarity) physical plane man regards it practically as nonsubstantial. It is in fact, as earlier pointed out, the result of the dual vibration of the fivefold Dhyanis or Gods in conjunction with the fourfold Quaternary, or the Pitris of the lower vehicles.
Through a conscious effort of the planetary Logoi, these Dhyanis and lower Pitris are brought into a close relationship. This produces (upon the third subplane of the mental plane) a ninefold vibration or whorl in the gaseous matter of the plane—for this is the cosmic gaseous subplane—which, after a certain period of persistence, assumes the form of a nine-petalled lotus.
This lotus is folded over in bud shape upon the central point, or heart of the lotus—that spark of electric fire which by its action or innate vitality working upon the substance of the lotus, attracts to itself sufficient of that substance to form three inner petals, which closely shield the central spark; these are nevertheless of the same substance or essence as the nine other petals. The student must be careful not to materialise his concept too much and it might therefore be wise for him to view this manifestation from other angles and employ other terms to express the same idea.
For instance, the body of the Ego may be viewed in the following four ways:
As nine vibrations, emanating from a central point, which, in its pulsation or radiations produces three major vibrations of great force pursuing a circular activity around the centre; the nine vibrations pursue a diagonal path until they reach the periphery of the egoic sphere of influence. At this point they swing around, thus forming the well-known spheroidal form of the causal body.
As nine petals of a lotus, radiating from a common centre, and hiding within themselves three central petals, which conceal a central point of fire. The radiations from the tip of each petal are those which cause the illusion of a spheroidal shape.
As nine spokes of a wheel, converging towards a central hub, which is in itself threefold, and which hides the central energy or dynamo of force—the generator of all the activity.
As nine types of energy which produce definite emanations from a threefold unit, again itself an outgoing from a central unit of force.
For all purposes, the second definition will be the one of the most use to us in our attempt to picture the constitution, nature, method of development and true evolution of the Ego, functioning in the causal body.
Lotus as a whole
Notice that the causal body corresponds to the throat, heart, and head chakras on the mental plane[VSK1].
Various ways to visualize the lotus.
Leo, the synthesizing fire of self consciousness, and the bird, thought, rising from the fire, signify the Phoenix rising as another apt symbol[VSK2] of the causal body in final stage.
Numbers and Tiers of Petals
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The Egoic Lotus
Soul’s Abode
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The Egoic Lotus
Soul’s Abode
Transcript of 1992 Tapes on EGOIC LOTUS
TRANSCRIPTION OF TAPES of May 1992, Boston, Esoteric Psychology Study Group
Editing, including some additions and paraphrasing, by Vicktorya April 2007
TCF 538 - The number 5 is particularly associated with the egoic lotus itself because it is the 5th kingdom. At initiation we are receiving the energy from the Heavenly Man from which we emanate. Our Heavenly Man or Planetary Logos is in contact with the Solar Logos and the unfoldment of the inner three petals is especially related to that kind of contact.
“They are the flaming Wheels, and in Their various names, as found in the Secret Doctrine, may be discovered the clue to the mystery. Let us realise this clearly, nevertheless, as to regards the microcosm, and later extend the idea to the Heavenly Men. Let us picture the nine-petalled egoic lotus, the heart centre in the monadic consciousness, unfolding each of its petals in groups of three upon the three planes of the higher mental.”
This seems to imply that each of the tiers of petals is associated with one of the subplanes of the higher mental, even though the focus of a lotus before initiation is on the third and after 3rd initiation its on the 2nd, and later on towards the 4th initiation it must move up to the first plane.
The vibratory pitch of the causal body changes plane as the initiatory process goes up. So for the average individual its on the third sub-plane of the mental plane. Let us also correlate the three halls, Ignorance, Learning, and Wisdom, with the unfolding of the petals.
[vsk notes:
- The third sub-plane of the mental plane correlates to the mental throat chakra, or the knowledge petals.
- The second sub-plane of the mental plane correlates to the heart chakra, or love petals.
- And the first sub-plane to the mental body head chakra, or sacrifice petals.
Therefore, average man has the soul, the egoic lotus (a threefold body), polarized upon the 3rd subplane. It is the past ‘solar system’, because his focus is still on knowledge petal unfoldment. Advanced man, thus, with second solar systemic or soul development on the heart as his focus, has the lotus polarized in on the second tier, or love petals of the second sub-plane of the mental. I believe this implies that the initiate would have his polarisation on the 1st sub-plane, meaning that the soul residence, place of polarization or anchorage, is on par of the mental permanent atom, and the head chakra on the mental plane – the sacrifice petals. The initiate is then perfected, in the way that his incarnated lowest point of polarization is triadal, i.e., the mental permanent atom.]
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The Egoic Lotus
Soul’s Abode
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The Egoic Lotus
Soul’s Abode
Knowledge petals
Knowledge Tier: Petal No. 1
If we wish to assign the elements to the tiers and petals, (i.e., Fire, Earth, Air and Water), I think the outer plane of knowledge would correlate with Earth. Also, while each of the petals is ruled by an astrological sign, the outer petals are connected with the outer planets.
This first petal relates to the planet Saturn, as it deals with the breaking of the law and the ensuing suffering, the price of ignorance is paid and knowledge is achieved. That is Saturn in the lowest sense of ruling the seventh sphere of crystallised matter
I would say Saturn as a whole rules the knowledge petals. Each of the tiers is ruled by one of the synthesising planets:
- Saturn rules the Knowledge petals,
- Neptune rules the Love petals and
- Uranus rules the Sacrifice petals.
- Sun would rule the Jewel, and three synthesis petals.
From another point of view, there are three other planets of a lesser order than Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune;
- Jupiter
- Venus
- Mercury
The rulership of the tiers of petals may belong to more than the three synthesising planets, therefore, as there are also other significant and sacred planets that may have much to do with those three tiers of petals. For example, perhaps Venus as whole would be connected with the love petals, also 5th ray on the soul level and it’s essentially 2nd/6th ray.