Chris Phelan
TELEPHONE: /01737 276114
PURPOSE OF THE REPORT: / To receive the latest position on the Review Panels established by the Committee.
RECOMMENDATIONS:1. To note the current position on the progress of the Review Panels established by the Committee.
1. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed a variety of developments to the work of the Committee and the Scrutiny function on 22 October 2003. One of the specific and regular matters for report to the Committee will be the progress on the Review Panels that it has established.
Progress on the work of the Panels
2. The Committee have currently nine Review Panels that are at different stages of their work. Each of the Panels have a separate page on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee webpage which includes the agenda, minutes, reports, scoping report and a feedback form for the community to provide their comments on. The current Panels are listed below together with an indication of their remit, membership and current position:
Budget and Service Planning Review Panel
3. Remit: To examine the principles that underline the proposed budget and service plans to be recommended by the Executive.
4. Membership: Councillors M.G.Ormerod (Chairman), B.A.Stead, R.M.Bennett, N.D. Harrison, Mrs R.S.Turner and J.M. Ellacott.
5. Current position: The Panel met on 21 January 2004 and the report from that meeting is attached at Annex 1. This concluded the work of the Panel and its overall findings, Areas of Concern and Recommendations are to be considered by the Executive on 29 January. The Committee will be informed of the Executive’s response.
Town Centre Disabled Access Review Panel
6. Remit: To examine the constraints to disabled access to the environment of the four main town centres in the Borough namely Redhill, Reigate, Banstead and Horley.
7. Membership: Councillors B.J. Samuel (Chairman), J.M. Ellacott, Mrs S.F. King, Mrs S.J.V. Merritt and Mrs R.S. Turner.
8. Current position: The second meeting of the Review Panel was held on 28 November 2003. A range of community groups attended the Panel meeting to support a Brainstorming Exercise to help steer the direction of the Panel’s work. The Panel has additionally held two meetings in community venues (Redhill and Horley) and is scheduled to have two further community meetings as follows:
11am, 9 February 2004 at the Banstead Centre, Banstead, and
11am, 23 February 2004 at the Town Hall, Reigate.
9. The two meetings held to date attracted a very good attendance with some 30 people at each meeting. The level of participation at each was also excellent. There is a strong feeling of support for this review in the community. The evidence received at these meetings will be used to assist it in putting together its report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which was anticipated to be at the 31 March 2004 meeting, but this may be too ambitious to incorporate responses on the issues that have been raised at the community meetings. The Panel has also received copies of Access Audits that were taken in Redhill and Reigate in recent years and these will also be used in its report.
10. An article about the work of the Panel was published in the Winter edition of the Borough News and this has already resulted in a number of community members taking an interest in the work of this Panel.
11. A poster and feedback form was sent before Christmas to some 350 organisations and individuals in the Borough who are known to have an interest in this review inviting them to attend the meetings or provide feedback for the Panel to consider.
12. There has been wide media interest in this review as well. The Redhill meeting received wide press coverage and the Horley meeting attracted the Surrey Mirror and Horley Life (including a photographer). It is expected that this will result in further media coverage of this Review.
13. One of the requests received to date has been for a further meeting that allows the community to consider the findings of the review.
Housing Review Panel
14. Remit: Includes Registered Social Landlord performance; YMCA rent guarantee scheme review; Private Sector Housing Action Plan and Review of the LAWN project.
15. Membership: Councillor M.G. Ormerod (Chairman), Councillors J.C. Dann, Mrs S.F.King, A.M.Lynch and C.T.H. Whinney.
16. Current position: The Panel has met on two occasions to date 13 November 2003 and 12 January 2004. A further meeting of the Panel is scheduled to be held on 9 February 2004.
17. The Panel has to date has considered the Private Sector Housing Action Plan, Reviewed the Pilot Rent, Deposit and Guarantee Scheme operated in partnership with Redhill and Reigate YMCA and the Registered Social Landlord Performance 2002/03.
18. The next meeting of the Panel is to be held on 9 February 2004 to consider a Review of the LAWN project and the progress on the Homelessness Strategy and the comments of the Panel will be reported to the Committee and considered under items 6 and 7 on the agenda.
Personnel Review Panel
19. Remit: Includes the Best Value Review of Personnel Services and the development of a Human Resources Strategy.
20. Membership: Councillor Mrs R.S.Turner (Chairman), Councillors Mrs. M.P. Brewster, Mrs F.D.M. Dixon, Mrs S.J.V. Merritt and C.T.H Whinney.
21. Current position: The Head of Personnel and Support, Steve Williams took up his position in January and a meeting has been held with the Chairman of the Panel to consider the best way of progressing its activities, its overall focus and timetable for operation.
22. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 14 January 2004 offered comments to the Executive on the high level principles behind a Human Resources Strategy. The next stages of this process are being developed by the Executive which is also progressing, in parallel, the Change Programme. When the Executive consider the more detailed content of the HR Strategy it will then embark on the consultation process for the adoption of Policy Framework documents. The Panel’s work on this Strategy is estimated to begin in the summer and a further meeting will be held with the Chairman of the Panel to progress this at that time.
23. The Executive is scheduled to consider the Best Value Review of the Personnel Services on 18 March which will also confirm the timetable for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee involvement.
Licensing Act Review Panel
24. Remit: To consider the implications on the Council for the new responsibilities for licensing.
25. Membership: Councillor R.H. Stamp (Chairman), Councillors Mrs. N.J. Bramhall, B.C. Cowle, R. Harper and J.H. Prevett.
26. Current position: The first meeting of the Panel was held on 16 December 2003 and Members of the Panel received a presentation on the up to date developments on this new legal requirement and the implications and agreed its operational arrangements. The next stages of the Panel’s work will be triggered by the Government’s announcements on the First and Second appointed days which in effect allow the consultation period to start incorporating Government Guidance. The guidance is expected to be received in February.
27. The remit of the Panel was formally extended by the Committee at its meeting on 18 December 2003 to request that it gives consideration to crime and disorder/partnership issues as a related aspect of the work.
Community Transport Review Panel
28. Remit: The Executive’s consideration of the Draft Community Transport Policy has been delayed and is expected to be considered on 4 March 2004. This Panel will examine in detail the service options available, in consultation with the Executive Member.
29. Membership: Councillor S.A. Kulka (Chairman), Councillors R.M. Bennett, S.A. Gates, K. Hagerty and Mrs J. Thomas.
30. Current position: The next stage would be for a meeting to be arranged with the Chairman of the Panel to set the overall focus and timetable for the Panel, taking account of the Executive’s proposed policy.
Leisure and Cultural Strategy Review Panel
31. Remit: The Executive is scheduled to consider the Leisure and Cultural Strategy on 4 March 2004 to agree it for consultation purposes. The Panel’s remit also includes the review of the Parks and Open Spaces Policy Statement.
32. Membership: Councillor J.A. Meech (Chairman), Councillors S.N.W. Marshall, R. Miah, G.L. Norman and E. Russell.
33. Current position: The Parks and Open Spaces Policy Statement was launched on 19 December following a Members’ Seminar on 18 December. The first meeting of the Panel was held on 26 January 2004 and a further meeting has been scheduled for 12 February to consider this Policy Statement. The report arising from these meetings of the Panel will be brought to this meeting of the Committee and considered under item 4 on the agenda. The Panel will consider the Leisure and Cultural Strategy after the Executive have published it for consultation purposes.
Hackney Carriage Restricted Numbers Policy Review Panel
34. Remit: The Committee re-established the Panel in November so that it could
(a) undertake a review of hackney carriage conditions, including consultation with the trade, to consider the conditions to be imposed in respect of any additional vehicle licences issued, i.e. vehicle 76 or higher; and
(b) undertake a review of hackney carriage rank provision;
35. Membership: Councillors J.H. Prevett (Chairman) T.A. Breen, R.M Bennett, Mrs. N.J. Bramhall and G.L. Norman.
36. Current position: The Head of Environmental Health Services has published an article in the Winter edition of the Borough News seeking views on this aspect of the Panel’s work. A consultation form has also added to the Council’s website. The outcome of this will be considered by the Panel in taking the work forward.
Appointments to Outside Bodies Review Panel
37. Remit: To examine the methodology, support and role for appointments that the Council make to Outside Bodies reviewing in particular the following areas:
1. the method of appointment of Members to serve on Outside Bodies;
2. the level of Member support from the Council regarding the Outside Bodies that they are appointed to serve on;
3. the role that Members have when appointed on Outside Bodies including their responsibilities and methods for reporting back on activities;
4. whether the Council needs to continue with membership of each Outside Body;
5. whether (by contacting each Outside Body) it is still appropriate for the Council to continue in membership of the Outside Body from their perspective; and
6. the Council’s involvement with Outside Bodies as part of the wider community partnership audit (including those mentioned in the Community Plan) that is to take place in the New Year.
38. Membership: Councillors B.C. Cowle (Chairman); R.M. Bennett, Mrs M.P. Brewster, S.A. Kulka and B.A. Stead.
39. Current Position: The Committee established the Panel at its meeting on 18 December 2004 and the membership was confirmed at the meeting on 14 January 2004. A meeting is being arranged with the Chairman of the Panel to agree its overall scope with the intention of an early meeting of the Panel. It is hoped that the Panel’s conclusions could be ready in time for the annual appointments made in the beginning of the 2004/05 Municipal Year.
40. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be kept informed of the position in its regular updates on the work of its Panels.
Resource Implications
41. There could be financial implications for the Panels should they agree to hold meetings at community venues. The costs relate to the letting of facilities and providing PA equipment etc and it may be necessary for the Committee to request provision for this within the budget for 2004/05.
42. The work of Review Panels is progressing well. Further progress reports will be presented to the Committee on a regular basis.
Background Papers: / Development of the Scrutiny Function, Overview and Scrutiny Committee 22 October 2003Review Panel agenda/minutes
Annex 1 Reports of the Budget and Service Planning Review Panel 21 January 2004.
Annex 1
21 JANUARY 2004
The Chairman indicated that he had written to Councillor Lyndon Morgan and to the Chief Executive regarding the reports not received at the last meeting. It was noted that the Director of Policy and Environment had apologised to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee about this on behalf of the CMT.
The Panel indicated its satisfaction on the feedback report in relation to the Building and Development Services Service Plan and thanked those involved in writing the report.
The report provided an explanation of the efficiency savings in the Building Services Unit and the Panel was satisfied with the clarifications provided. The Performance Indicators for this Service would be monitored to check whether there are any implications arising from this decision.
The Director of Resources, in introducing the Budget update paper offered his apologies for the report not getting to the Panel’s last meeting.
It was noted that the position on the budget developed on a day to day basis and the up to date position was set out in the agenda for the Executive on 29 January. The position had improved significantly for a number of reasons since the last Budget report in December and as a result a Budget that would result in a Council Tax increase of approximately 4.5% was due to be considered by the Executive on January 29th.
The Panel recognised that there was an increasing emphasis being placed on specific grants rather than general ones. The Panel put on record its concern that this made it more difficult to plan the budget in the longer term.
Some Members expressed strong views about the transparency of recording the interest received from the sale of the Housing Stock within the Budget in recent years.