Background and Aims
The „Germany’s Experience in Implementing EU Legislation: Natura 2000 - Management and Financing“project’s main goal is to transfer German and Austrian experience in a number of practical areas of Natura 2000. Lectures by experienced German and Austrian experts will be organized. The project provides also translation of German and Austrian specialized literature.The Project is implemented by Green Balkans - Stara Zagora and financed by the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Germany) through its Environment Agency (UBA). The scientific coordination of the project is done by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). In Bulgaria the project administration and consultation is done by the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW), National Nature Protection Service Directorate, Natura 2000 Division.
The goal of this workshop is to contribute to the development and the strengthening of the capacity for a qualitative accomplishment of the Appropriate Impact Assessment in Bulgaria through transfer of German experience, presentation of existing practices, examples and guidelines. Experts from the MoEW and its Regional Inspectorates are invited. The lecturers are experts with long years of experience in this area. Their presentations respond specific needs in Bulgaria, carefully analyzed by Bulgarian experts.
You can find more information about the project on:
The presentation from this seminar will be available on a CD-Rom and on the internet page of Green Balkans.
Wednesday, 28th of July 201009:00 / Registration of participants
09:30 / Opening/ Greeting: (MoEW, BfN, Green Balkans).Official handling of translated materials from German to Bulgarian representative. Presentation of Lecturers
9:45 / Latest Update of the Bulgarian Biodiversity Act related to Appropriate Assessments (Lecturer: Nikolai Nedyalkov, Head of Natura 2000 Unit, National Nature Protection Service, MoEW)
10:10 / Brief presentation of the list of translated materials (Lecturer: S. Marin, GB)
10:40 / Coffee break
11:00 / Criteria and Examples for the Determination of the Impact Significance in the Appropriate Assessment (Lecturer: Dr. Axel Ssymank, BfN )
12:00 / Discussion
12:30 / Lunch
13:30 / Examples for Commission opinions and EU Court of Justice judgments (Lecturer: Dr. U. Mierwald, Kieler Institut for Landscape Ecology
14:15 / Discussion
14:30 / Appropriate Assessment of small and big projects (Lecturer: Dr. U. Mierwald, Kieler Institut fuer Landscape Ecology)
15:30 / Discussion
16:00 / Coffee break
16:15 / Planning of Roads and its connection to birds protection (Lecturer: Dr.Annick Garniel, Kieler Institut fuer Landscape Ecology)
16:45 / General Discussion & Consultancy: questions and answers from German Experience
17:30 / Summary of the first day
Thursday, 29th of July 2010
9:00 / Implementation of Natura 2000 in practice: Classical mistakes and conflict points, what are the most important issues to be taken into account in AA (Lecturer: R. Schaal, Ministry for Food and Rural Areas, Baden-Wuerttemberg)
9:45 / Discussion
10:15 / Appropriate Assessment of wind mills in Germany (Lecturer: Dr.Annick Garniel, Kieler Institut fuer Landscape Ecology)
10:45 / Discussion
11:15 / Coffee break
11:30 / Appropriate Assessment of small hydro power plants in Germany (Lecturer: Dr. Dieter Günnewig, Bosch & Partner GmbH in Hannover )
12:00 / Appropriate Assessment of solar systems in Germany (Lecturer: Dr. Dieter Günnewig, Bosch & Partner GmbH)
12:30 / Discussion
13:00 / Lunch
14:00 / Appropriate assessment of Forest Management plans and forest activities (Lecturer: R. Schaal, Ministry for Food and Rural Areas, Baden-Wuerttemberg)
14:45 / Discussion
15:00 / Coffee break
15:15 / Practical session: study cases from RIOEW
17:15 / General Discussion & Consultancy: questions and answers from German Experience
17:45 / Summary of seminar and closing
Dr. Axel ssymank
+49(0)228 8491 1540,
Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Konstantinstr. 110
53179 Bonn
Assya Doneva
+359 (2) 940 66 73,
Ministry of Environment and Water
22, Maria Luiza Blvd.
Sofia 1000
Simeon Marin
+359 (0) 889 223173,
Green Balkans
Target groups:
Experts from the MoEW, Directorates “Prevention Activities” and “National Nature Protection Service” and their corresponding structures within the Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIoEW).
Seminar presentations will be in English with simultaneous translation in Bulgarian.
Venue: Hotel Central Forum, Sofia
Address of venue:
Hotel Central Forum,
Blvd., ”Tzar Boris III” 41, Sofia
Technical organization, registration:
Mr. Dobrоmir Dobrinov
Project assistant
"Green Balkans" - Sofia:
+359 (0) 884004 667
+359 (0) 2 981 72 08 (fax)
Bilateral German-Bulgarian cooperation project to enhance the Natura 2000 implementation in Bulgaria:
“Germany’s Experience In Implementing EU Legislation: Natura 2000 - Management And Financing”
Program of seminar
28 – 29 July, 2010, Sofia