Board Position Responsibilities

All Exec board members are required to attend Exec board meetings at 7pm each Wednesday evening. Attendance and assistance (set-up/clean-up) at all or most Hillel events is expected (Minimum two Shabbat dinners a month, one Bagel brunch a month)


• Oversee all activities of Hillel Executive board

• Conduct Hillel Executive Board meetings (and have an agenda prepared)

• Conduct regular Hillel events

• Plan yearly calendar

• Plan and co-facilitate board retreats

• Liaison to other campus groups

•Maintain regular contact and meet with Advisor and Program Director re: Hillel account

Program plans

Promotion and Recruitment


Religious Life

Vice President

• Assist president with all responsibilities

• Take President’s role in their absence

• Liaison to Interfaith Student Council

•Oversee program committees (below) and serve as primary contact person for committee chairs



Holocaust Remembrance

Any others as needed


• Oversee Hillel program budget, give updates to Exec board

• Collect, deposit, and distribute Tzedakah funds

• Oversee use of Hillel check card

• Ensure reimbursements are made in a timely fashion

• Collect, deposit, and offer accounting of money from events and t-shirt sales, etc.

• Look for Hillel International Grant opportunities to fund programming efforts

• Act as the Hillel representative at the club council meetings

Communications and Public Relations Chair

• Create and implement marketing plan for all programs and Hillel in general

oSeek opportunities for promoting Hillel within F&M and larger community

oMake and hang posters/banners in college center; update the Hillel photo board

oMaintain an Active Facebook presence

oMake and distribute program flyers, etc.

oAssist Program Director with Hillel newsletter


• Record and distribute Executive Board Meeting notes

• Send event e-mail to student listsevery Sunday night

• Send out event reminders

oExec notes get distributed execs, general notes to Hillel general list.

oKeep files of all eventfeedback notes

oMaintain mailing lists (e-mail and housing locations)

• Ensure that photographs are taken at Hillel events and serve as a Hillel historian

• Work with Hillel webmaster to make sure that website is current

House – Hospitality

• Buy, prepare, and present snacks and thematically appropriate foods for events

(not including Shabbat and special holiday celebrations).

• Oversee kitchen operations

• Participate in events by sharing interesting/pertinent Jewish food or Kashrut info

•Work to create a generally welcoming atmosphere at Hillel functions

• Monitor the Kashrut observance in the kitchen

oTeach and model observances of Hillel Kashrut standards

oEnsure all pots, pans, etc. are clearly labeled and stored appropriately

  • Oversee Hospitality Committee, if needed

Education Chair

•Seek opportunities to creatively include Jewish learning in regular Hillel programs such as evening events, Shabbat Dinners, and bagel brunches.

• Plan and implement a regular Jewish learning/discussion group program

oLunch and Learn, Torah Study, Ethics Explorations, How do you Jew?

• Work cooperatively with Religious life to do the following:

oOffer students opportunities to practice/explore Jewish religious life during weekly cafés and other Hillel programs.

A taste of our tradition, About the Holiday,discussions with other campus groups etc

oOffer activities or programs for students to make or learn about ritual objects

Religious Life Chair

•Plan and lead regular Shabbat dinner rituals and programs, including services

• Work cooperatively with Education to do the following:

oOffer students opportunities to practice/explore Jewish religious life during weekly cafés and other Hillel programs.

A taste of our tradition”, About the Holiday, etc.

oExplain, then lead blessings for meals at social events or Havdalah

oOffer activities or programs for students to make or learn about ritual objects

• Work with area synagogues to afford students the opportunity for more regular worship

opportunities off-campus

Social Chair

• Plan and implement at least one significant social event each semester.

•Plan and implement social aspects of all events, including bagel brunches, and holiday celebrations.

oJewish Joke of the Week, Gambling for Chanukkah, Lottery for Purim, Birthday


• Work to maintain a sense of fun and community at all cafés and events

• Choose and order “giveaways”

• Manage all aspects of Hillel T-shirt design/order/distribution with the Treasurer


Tzedek Chair

•For each semester, plan and implement one social action project for Hillel to participate in as a group.

• Develop ongoing project to promote Tzedek agenda.

• Create programs for Hillel and F&M community regarding Tzedek agenda

oPrograms should educate, raise awareness, and/or raise funds

• Update Hillel students on community service opportunities in the community and at F&M.

•Research and present possible recipients of Hillel’s weekly Tzedakah collections- to be decided on at the beginning of each semester.

• Overseeing tzedakah programs and finding volunteers

  • Oversee Tzedek Committee

Israel Chair

• Plan and Implement one significant Israel related program each semester

• Present Israeli current events issues at weekly cafés

• Represent Hillel- serve as Hillel liaison at multicultural/International programs

• Organize some celebration (campus or Hillel-wide) for Yom Ha’atzamaut

•Serve as a resource and reunion coordinator for those who wish to, or have already attended a Birthright program.

  • Oversee Israel Committee
