1. Chork:(n.)the noise shoes make when they're full of water
2. Mondegreen:(n.)a misunderstood word or phrase from mishearing something, especially lyrics to a song
3. Gallimaufry:(n.)a dish made up of throwing together odds and ends of food; a hodge-podge
4. Uglyography:(n.)bad handwriting; terrible spelling
5. Mollycoddle:(v.)to pamper; to treat in an over-indulgent or excessively protective way.
6. Overmorrow:(n.)the day after tomorrow
7. Eucatastrophe:(n.)a happy ending, especially in a fictional narrative
8. Ultra-crepidarian:(n.)one who ventures beyond his scope; an ignorant or presumptuous critic
9. Mumpsimus:(n.)a person who adheres to old traditions even when proved wrong; someone who is ignorant of reform
10.Becoming -attractive.
11.Beleaguer - to exhaust with attacks.
12.Bucolic- in a lovely rural setting.
13.Conflate- to blend together.
14.Demure- shy and reserved.
15.Denouement- the resolution of a mystery.
16.Diaphanous - filmy.
17.Dulcet- sweet, sugary.
18.Ebullience -bubbling with enthusiasm.
19.Effervescent- bubbly.
20.Efflorescence- flowering, blooming.
21.Elixir- a good potion.
22.Eloquence- beauty and persuasion in speech.
23.Embrocation- rubbing on a lotion.
24.Ephemeral -short-lived.
25.Erstwhile- at one time, for a time.
26.Evanescent- vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.
27.Evocative- suggestive.
28.Felicity- pleasantness.
29.Fugacious- fleeting.
3.0Gambol- to skip or leap about joyfully.
31.Gossamer- the finest piece of thread, a spider's silk.
32Halcyon- happy, sunny, care-free.
33.Imbrication- overlapping and forming a regular pattern.
34.Imbroglio- an altercation or complicated situation.
35.Imbue- to infuse, instill.
36.Ineffable- unutterable, inexpressible.
37.Insouciance- blithe nonchalance.
38.Languor - listless, inactivity.
39.Lissome- slender and graceful.
40.Mellifluous -sweet sounding.
41.Moiety- on of two equal parts.
42.Nemesis- an unconquerable archenemy.
43.Onomatopoeia- a words that sounds like it's meaning.
44.Opulent- lush, luxuriant.
45Panacea- a solution for all problems.
46.Panoply- a complete set.
47.Penumbra- a half shadow.
48Pyrrhic -successful with heavy losses.
49.Quintessential- most essential.
50. Redolent- fragrant.
51Scintilla -a spark or very small thing.
52.Sempiternal- eternal.
53.Serendipity- finding something nice while looking for something else
54.Sumptuous- lush, luxurious.
55Talisman- a good luck charm.
56.Untoward- unseemly, inappropriate.
57.Woebegone- sorrowful, downcast