Dietary Supplement / JOINTS, MUSCLES,

Oval, film-coated, 970 mg tabletMade in France


Nutritional ingredients: Fish protein hydrolysate rich in hydrolyzed marine collagen (PROMERIM®30) - Lithothamne -

Calcium carbonate - Acerola extract (25% natural vitamin C) - Zinc sulphate - Natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Additives: Maize starch - Magnesium stearate (E470b) - Silicon dioxide (E551). Coating: Shellac (E904) - Acacia gum

(E414) - Vegetable glycerin (E422).

Average analysis for 1 tablet for 2 tablets

+/- 20% +/- 20%

Proteins, hydrolyzed collagen PROMERIN® 30215mg430mg


vitamin D32.5 μg 5 μg

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)6mg12mg



Joints, bones, muscles, tendons and cartilage health.



Joint pains are linked to a deficit or degeneration of cartilage in joints. Collagen fibres synthesized by fibroblasts

ensure the cohesion and resistance of cartilage.

Pre-clinical studies have shown:

- a stimulating effect on fibroblast cell growth (2)

- an insulin-like stimulating effect on protein synthesis (3)(4)

- a reduction in locomotor disorders (osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis) (5).

_ Calcium

Osteocalm (DIELEN 34) combines marine calcium extracted from seaweed and mineral calcium. (EU health claim)

_ Vitamin D3

Cholecalciferol is essential for promoting calcium absorption. (EU health claim)

_ Vitamin C and Zinc

Co-factors of collagen synthesis by fibroblasts. (EU health claim)


The best before date is 24 months at room temperature (out of humidity, light and stored at a temperature lower than


Allergens:Fish and gluten.

Clinical studies

Prof M. Cloarec, Tenon Hospital, CHU Saint Antoine, Paris (6)

The observational study included 9 patients (men and women aged 44 to 70 years) with osteoarthritis pathologies. These

pathologies were resistant to standard medicinal therapy and were associated to digestive disorders.

After 3 months supplementation with DIELEN 34, the improvement of the efficiency criteria was significant for 7 patients

over 9. The reductions on pain, functional difficulty, and biological inflammatory syndrome were very significant. The

tolerance to the supplementation was good for all patients.

Dr M. Besnier, Medecine du sport, Cherbourg, Medical practice study (7)

Observational intervention study after medical prescription in urban practice further to a joint, muscular or tendinous pain.

The study included 55 men and 133 women. After 15 days of treatment with 2 tablets per day of Osteocalm, the reduction

of the pain and the functional discomfort are superior than 35%.


1 to 2 tablets per day for 1 month, renewable.

Swallow without chewing, with water, preferably before the main meals.

Recommended in addition to a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Not suitable for children.

(1) Serrano JJ: «Etude d’innocuité de l’hydrolysat de protéine de poisson riche en collagène PROMERIM30»; Laboratoire de Pharmacologie, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université de Montpellier I, 1999.

(2) Joly F.: «Etude du PROMERIM30 sur des cultures cellulaires de fibroblastes»; Institut de Nutrition de Tours, 1996.

(3) Giard W.: «Etude sur l’activité métabolique des hémocytes d’ormeau en culture à long terme»; Université de Caen, 1995.

(4) Giard W.: «Etude sur les cultures de cellules du bord du manteau de la coquille St Jacques»; Université de Caen, 1996.

(5) Cloarec M.: «Etude pré clinique sur un dérivé de collagène marin: PROMERIM30»; Association Nationale de Prévention Médicale, Paris 2001.

(6) Cloarec M. Rougereau A.: «Etude de la supplémentation DIELEN 34 chez des sujets souffrant d’arthrose rebelle au traitement médicamenteux classique»; Association Nationale de Prévention

Médicale (ANPM), Hôptal Tenon, CHU Saint Antoine, Paris, mai 2001.

(7) Besnier M : “Etude de la supplémentation DIELEN 34 en médecine de ville » Dielen laboratoires, novembre 2011, Cherbourg, France.

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