Julius Caesar Acts and Scenes
ACT 1 / Feb 14 & Mar 14, RomeScene 1 / Feb 15, 44 BCE
A street. / Commoners
Flavius & Marullus (tribunes) / Yay, Caesar!
Go home!
Scene 2 / Feb 15
A public place, celebrating Festival of Lupercal / Caesar, Casca, Antony, Calpurnia
Commoners, including a Soothsayer
Portia, Decius, Cicero, Brutus, Cassius / MA, bless C for me.
Don’t you love me? B = good. C = bad.
MA offered JC the crown!
Scene 3 / Mar 14, at night
A street. / Cicero, Casca, Cassius, Cinna / Bad omens!
Nah. Join my plot.
ACT 2 / Mar 15, Rome
Scene 1 / Mar 15, hours before dawn
Brutus’s orchard. / Brutus, Lucius
Cassius, Casca, Decius, Cinna, Metellus Cimber, Trebonius. Portia. Caius Ligarius. / It must be by his death.
Plot comes together.
I’m worried.
Scene 2 / Mar 15, morning
Caesar’s house. / Julius Caesar, Servant, Calpurnia. Decius
Brutus, Ligarius, Metellus, Casca, Trebonius, Cinna, Publius / Strange times.
Bad dream. Stay home!
Nope - good dream.
I’m going.
Scene 3 / Mar 15, morning
A street near the capitol. / Artemidorus / I’ll warn him in this letter.
Scene 4 / Mar 15, morning
In front of Brutus’s house. / Portia, Lucius, Soothsayer / I’m so worried!
ACT 3 / Mar 15, Rome
Scene 1 / Mar 15, morning
In front of and inside the Capitol. (Senate is seated at a higher level; they are “inside.”) / Crowd, including Artemidorus & Soothsayer
Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Decius, Metellus, Trebonius, Cinna, Antony, Lepidus, Publius, Popilius, and more
Antony’s Servant, then Antony. Octavius’s Servant
Scene 2 / Mar 15, morning
The Forum. / Brutus, Cassius, Citizens/Commoners
Mark Antony, Caesar’s body
Octavius’s Servant
Scene 3 / Mar 15, later
A street. / Cinna (a poet)
Mob of Citizens/Commoners
ACT 4 / Dates unknown
Scene 1 / Date unknown; some days later. A house in Rome.
Antony, Octavius, Lepidus
Scene 2 / Date unknown; some days later again. A military camp near Sardis, in front of Brutus’s tent.
Brutus, Lucilius, Lucius, 3 Soldiers. Titinius, Pindarus, Cassius.
Scene 3 / Immediately after scene 2. Inside Brutus’s tent.
Brutus, Cassius lines 0-97. Poet, Lucilius, Titinius, Lucius, Messala. Varro, Claudius. Ghost of Caesar.
Act 5 / Date unknown, all on one day
Scene 1 / Date unknown; some days later. The plains of Philippi.
Octavius, Antony, their army, Messenger. Brutus, Cassius, their army, Lucilius, Titinius, Messala, and others.
Scene 2 / Same day. The plains of Philippi. The battlefield.
Brutus, Messala
Scene 3 / Same day. The plains of Philippi. Another part of the battlefield.
Cassius, Titinius, Pindarus, Messala, Brutus, Cato, Strato, Volumnius, Lucilius
Scene 4 / Same day. The plains of Philippi. Another part of the battlefield.
Brutus, Messala, Cato, Lucilius, Flavius, First Soldier of Antony’s, Second Soldier of Antony’s, Antony
Scene 5 / Same day. The plains of Philippi. Another part of the battlefield.
Brutus, Dardanius, Clitus, Strato, Volumnius, Antony, Octavius, Messala, Lucilius