To: Panhellenic Chapter Members
From: Katy Stine, Director of Scholastic and Chapter Development
Date: April 28th, 2005
Re: 2005 Dean Elsbury Scholarship Applications.
Each year the Purdue Panhellenic Association recognizes an outstanding chapter member who demonstrates excellence in her scholastic and campus achievements with a $500 scholarship.
If interested in applying for this scholarship, the applicant should complete the first two pages of the application which are due in Katy Stine’s mailbox (PMU 288) by Friday, September 30th by 5:00 P.M. Also, the applicant must obtain a recommendation from her sorority or any other source. The final two pages of the application must be mailed to STEW 506 by the recommender by September 30th at 5:00 P.M.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the office or at .
Have a fabulous summer! Good Luck!
cc: Andy Robison, Assistant Dean of Students
Diane Blackwelder, Assistant Dean of Students
Andy Byerly, Graduate Advisor
David Hunke, Alumnus Advisor
Bethany Kingseed, Panhellenic President
Meghan Fay, Panhellenic Vice President of Administration
Dean Elsbury Panhellenic Scholarship
2005 Application
I. Personal Information
- Name:
- Campus Address:
- Campus Phone Number:
- Permanent Address:
- Parent(s) Name(s):
- Parent(s) Address(es):
II. Scholarship
- Current School and Classification:
- Major:
- Graduation Index:
- Semester Index (Spring 2005)
Dean Elsbury Panhellenic Scholarship
2005 Application
III. Employment Information
List all full-time, part-time, and summer jobs. Please indicate if you are currently employed.
Dates of Employment
EmployerFromToHours/Week Position
IV. Organizational and Scholastic Information
Please answer each of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please limit each response to two pages.
1. List and describe all campus activities and positions held.
2. List and describe all sorority activities and positions held.
3. List and describe all honorary organizations and positions held.
V. Recommendations
Please request one recommendation from you sorority or any other source. A recommendation sheet is attached.
Please complete an Achievement Description and submit it to your recommender for review and signature. An Achievement Description sheet is attached.
Signature Date______
Dean Elsbury Panhellenic Scholarship
Recommendation Sheet
Scholarship Applicant’s Name ______
To the writer of the recommendation: Please write a statement indicating your opinion of the applicant’s need for scholarship assistance and her qualifications for receiving this recognition.
Relationship to Applicant______
Please send recommendation by September 30th to: Panhellenic Association Office
c/o Katy Stine
STEW 506
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Dean Elsbury Panhellenic Scholarship
2005 Application
Instructions to Applicant:
A completed Achievement Description must be included with your application for the Dean Elsbury Panhellenic Scholarship. After you have written your Achievement Description, submit it to your recommender for review and signature. All completed Achievement Descriptions must be returned with your application before the deadline.
______Applicant’s Name Signature
On a separate sheet of paper, please explain your reasoning for being qualified for this scholarship. Discuss why you would be a good candidate for this scholarship and why you feel you need this scholarship. Attach this sheet to your Achievement Description.
Please read the applicant’s Achievement Description and indicate its accuracy by signing below. Also please indicate you knowledge of the applicant’s character by signing below. If you would like to add comments about this applicant, please attach them to this form. Thank you.
I have read the Achievement Description and believe it accurately descries the applicant’s needs and qualifications for this scholarship. To the best to my knowledge, the applicant is of good character.
Signature of Recommender Date
Recommender’s TitleAddress Phone
Please direct any questions to:Katy Stine