Gaelic Training
Training in Gaelic Football & Hurling by GAA coach will be on Wednesdays for 1st – class to 6th class, up until HallowE’en. Please ensure your child wears their outdoor runners and bring their Hurleyhelmet (if they have them) each Wednesday for this. There was a slight mix up with this today so Jonathon will be back for this week only, on Friday(so don’t forget your Hurley & helmet this Friday).
Outstanding Book Bills /Book Rental Money/ Info Forms
These are now well overdue please return immediately.
ICT Policy & Acceptable Use Sign –in Sheet
Enclosed is the sign –in sheet for Acceptable Use of the Internet at school. The ICT Policy is on the school blog & should be read & discussed with your child before they sign the Acceptable Use Form. All children who wish to use the internet at school need to sign their acceptance of the school rules regarding its use. Pls return the Peach form by Tuesday 13th September.
Allianz Personal Accident Insurance
Also enclosed is a form for the personal accident insurance from The Parents’ Association. This is an excellent scheme which many parents have found most useful in the past. Allianz Insurance pay quickly without quibble in the event of your child having any accident at home broken bone, dental injury, stitches etc. (€9 for 24 hour cover which we think represents excellent value) or at school (school day cover per child €6).
The Board of Management recommends that all parents avail of this insurance, however if this poses a significant financial difficulty please come to Heather in confidence. Please fill in the form (one per child) and return it along with the fee, in an envelope marked Insurance & your child’s name. Please return by Tuesday 13thSeptember.
Music classes with Mr. Dunne resume this Friday 9th Septemberpls ensure your child has their recorder & music folder.
Orchestra Classes for this begin on Friday next 9th September at 8.20am. The Contracts for the Rental of the Musical Instruments are being sent home to be signed. The rental for your child’s instrument is €20 per term or €60 for the school year. Please send the fee in an in an envelope together with the returned signed Contract Marked with your child’s name & Orchestra Rental.
Please note that the €2 per lesson is payable to Mr. Dunne either weekly or in a termly lump sum (€28 up to Christmas)
Please return Rental Contracts & Rental Fees by Fri 16thto Mrs. Finnan in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your child’s name.
Diocesan School’s Service in Christchurch
The pupils of 5th & 6th classes will travel to Dublin on Thurs 13thOctober, more details later.
Church Assembly
A special assembly to celebrate the start of the school year will be held in St. Saviour’s Church on Tuesday next 13th September at 9.30am. Your child loves to see their parents there & the staff do also, looking forward to seeing you there.
Clothes Recyclingon Wed 28th September – a good time for a wardrobe clear out !
Vaccinations for Junior Infants
The Public Health Nurse will be coming to vaccinate the children in J. Infants, on Fri 7th October. Forms for this will be sent home shortly, please fill in & return to Mrs. Doyle before 7th Oct.
Flier about Coillte Adventure Courses also Dance Classes also Flier regarding Avonmore football from Junior Infs to 1st class.
Parents Notice-board in Foyer
- Tara & Sandra Kelly are doing a sponsored Mountain Walk in aid of Diabetes,sponsor card in Hallway
- Important new info from Department of Children & Youth Affairs re Community Childcare Subvention Programme has been placed on the notice-board this may be of interest to some families.