Mr. Martinek – United States History – 1860 – Present Day

Room A - 174

Homework – To be signed tonight


Parents, you can monitor the progress of your child by accessing the county’s PowerSchool Website. If you need to contact me personally the best way to do so is via e-mail:

Please contact me at this e-mail address if you have any questions about the syllabus, grades, or just want an update about behavior.


Danzer, G, et al. (2007). The Americas. McDougal Littell: New York. ($65) – Do Not Lose!

Materials needed:

200 note cards, Pen, Pencil, Paper, 3 ring 1.5”-2” notebook with pockets, black fine tip marker, set of colored pencils.

Cell phones / Class Rules:

Are not to be in class and should be off all day during school. If you are caught with a cell phone or disruptive during class the following will happen:

1st offense : call home, phone confiscated, and incident report

2nd offense: call home, parent must come get phone, incident report

3rd offense: referral

Make-up work:

Late work will not be accepted unless the student is absent. If the student does not have his / her work on the day that it is due they will receive a 0. In the case of an absence the work can be turned in on the day they return only.

Parents help?

I utilize a ticket program in which I give out pens / notebooks / note cards / highlighters / candy every Friday. I cannot afford to fund this program myself, so I am asking if you could contribute one or more of the above items. Your child will be given extra tickets for bringing your items in. I also tend to run out of facial tissues, if you could send in a box that would be great. Thanks!

Research Paper:

Worcester County Public Schools require all U.S. history students to complete a 10 page research paper in MLA format. Since this is a requirement failure to complete a satisfactory (D or above) paper will result in automatic failure of the class. This paper will be done during the end of the semester and a rubric and other requirements will be sent home.

Units: The following units will be covered in U.S. History-

Constitution and Independence, Slavery, Civil War, Reconstruction, Westward movement, Gilded Age, Progressive Era, World War I, Twenties, Great Depression, World War II, Civil Rights Movement, Cold War

Signature :

We have read the syllabus and the syllabus and understand the high expectations of the U.S History class. I will do my best to uphold the integrity of SDHS and WorcesterCountyPublic Schools all year.


Student signatureParent Signature