At the end of the semester each group is required to prepare a term project. For the term project, you need to select a subject to teach in the field you may like to teach. The length of the subject you plan to teach should not exceed 3 hours of instruction time (only one unit). In order to teach the subject you select effectively, you need to develop instructional/learning materials which will be your term project. In your term project you may develop more than one materials. All the materials should be developed in digital environment, and should complement each other.
1. Introduction
· Describe your project
· Provide information on what types of instructional materials exist as of today and how the selected unit is taught currently.
· Explain what you want to achieve with this project
2. Analysis
· Explain how you will do learners’ analysis.
· Analyze your content: explain your content
· State instructional goals.
3. Design and Development of Materials
· Explain how you will develop each material and provide your rationale for selecting them
· Explain how they will meet your instructional goals.
· Explain your purpose for developing each material.
· Explain which technologies (product and process) you will use for developing the materials.
4. Utilization of Materials
· Explain how you are going to implement/use the materials in instructional settings.
· Explain how you will achieve learners’ participation in implementation procedures of the materials.
5. Evaluation
· Describe the formative evaluation you are planning to conduct.
· Describe how you will measure the effectiveness of the materials and what you will do to improve them.
6. Management of the Project
· Describe how you (as a group) worked to achieve the objectives of the project.
1. Creativity: What is new and different in your method and materials from the existing ones.
2. Visual design: How well you followed the visual design principles.
3. Clarity & Systematic Process: How well you followed the steps of the ASSURE Model.
4 Applicability: Is the planned utilization of the methods and materials realistic and applicable to instructional settings?
5. Consistency: Do the selected method/s and developed materials complement each other?