1) H.C.F of 7 and 8 is ------.
2)Word form of 63 46 08 107 is ------.
3)Roman numeral for 63 is ------.
4)------x divisor +remainder =dividend.
5)Place value of 7 in 37 63 468 is------.
6)A number is exactly divisible by ------if it ends with 0 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8.
7)In Indian system and International system the only period which has same number of places is ------.
8)The only prime number which ends with 2 is ------.
9)A 7-digit number begins at the ------place.
10)H.C.F of 8 and 16 is ------.
11)A number is divisible by 3 if the ------of its digits is also divisible by 3.
12)A number which has only two factors is called ------.
13)A number which ends with 0 is always divisible by 10 ,------and ------.
14 ) To get a number before any number we subtract ------from the given number.
15)In roman numbers a letter before one of bigger value means we ------it
16) H.C.F of the numbers is the ------number that divides all the given numbers without leaving any remainder.
17)------10 lakhs = 1 crore.
18)A 2- digit number multiplied by a 3 digit number will not have more than ------digits in the product.
19)If the sum of the digits of agiven number is 6, it is divisible by 3 and not by ------
20)Greatest 8- digit number is ------.
21)H.C.F of the given numbers cannot be ------than any of the given numbers .
22)Smallest 6- digit number is ------.
23)85 is divisible by ------.( 5/10)
24)Numeral for five crore thirty lakhs two is ------.
25)Greatest prime number less than 50 is ------.
26)In ------period the places are crore and ten crore .
27)If a number ends with 5 it is always divisible by ------.
28)One hundred lakh = ------crore.
29) Factorization of a number in which all its factors are prime is called ------factorization.
30)In roman numbers a letter can be repeated upto a maximum of ------times only.
31)A number which has more than two factors is called ------.
32)Greatest 5- digit number is ------.
33)A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is also divisible by ------.
34)Numeral for eighty crore thirty five lakh six thousand fifteen is ------.
35)8200 – 200 = ------.
36)All even numbers are composite except ------.
37)Place value of 0 in 68 04 125 is ------.
38)A number is divisible by 10 if it ends with ------.
39)In roman numbers ------can be subtracted from L and C only.
40)The only prime number which is even is------.
41)In roman numbers ------and ------are never repeated and subtracted.
42)Smallest 8- digit number is ------.
43)------is neither prime nor composite .
44)If we add 1 to the largest 6- digit number we get ------7- digit number.
45) 756 X 1000 =------.
46)In international system ------period has the places thousand,ten thousand and hundred thousand .
47) 29 99 999 +1 = ------.
48)Hindu Arabic number for XCIV is ------.
49) 60 00 000 – 1 = ------.
50)Smallest possible 7 digit number using 5,7,0,1,3 by repeating the digits is ------
51)Ten lakhs place is in ------period.
52) Sum of 5000 and 222 is ------.
53) 68 is a ------number.(prime /composite)
54)The number of basic symbols used in roman numbers is------.
55)Prime factorization of 12 is ------.
56)6888 X0=------.
57)There are ------4- digit numbers.
58) 60 00 000 + 7 00 000 + 4 000 + 5 = ------.
59) I ,V ,X ,L , C ,D, M are the symbols used in ------numbers.
60)789 rounded to nearest 100 is ------.
61)The figure for eight million six hundred six thousand four is ------.
62)When we compare any two numbers ,a number which has more digits is always------than the other number.
63)In international system the number of places in each period is ------.
64) 56700 ÷ 1 =------
65)1 million = ------lakhs.
1)Find which of the following numbers are divisible by 3 and 9.
a) 89 b) 48 c)97 d)76 e)306
2)Give the number before and after for the following numbers .
a)8 93 499 b)30 00 000 c)4 783 d)35 99 999 e)4 57 800.
3)Add the following.
a)165437+7345+465 d)286723 +32198 g)16034 +1000 +128
b)56213 +5324+28 e)38945+7245 h)64324 +58372
c)108612 +95346+18992 f)18089+69
4)Put >, or < or = in each
a) XXXII L X b) 7 83 46 351 7 38 46 351 C) LX XLI
d) 382 438 3 82 438 e)4 85 002 85 002 f)LXXV XC
g)12 63 543 12 63 44 553 h)20 02 045 20 20 045 i)LXX XLVII
5)Write the following in figures.
a) Eight million seven hundred fourteen thousand two hundred twelve.
b)Nine crore six lakh eleven thousand seventy three.
c) Four hundred fifty five thousand sixty five.
d)Four crore sixty five lakh eighty three thousand fifteen.
e) Fifty million three hundred two thousand four hundred eleven.
f)Two hundred seventeen thousand three hundred fifteen.
g)Sixty lakh three hundred six.
a) 8 3 6 b) 3 8 7
+ 5 1 + 2 4 8
1 2 3 7 3 9 4 5 8 1 6 8
c) 5 8 7 4 d) 8 4 6 7
0 8 4
4 5 8 1 6 8 1 3 7 6 5
e) 3 4 f) 9 6 3 5
+ 8 2 8 1 8 4
5 0 1 0 7 6 8 3
7)write the greatest and smallest 8 digit number by repeating the digits.
a)3 ,0, 4, 8 ,6, 1 b)1, 3, 6, 9,5 c)6, 7, 2, 0, 3, 8 d)1,3,5,7,9,6 e)1,2,3,0,4,5,9.
5)Multiply the following.
a) 9645X76 f)789X372
b) 62003 X407 g)6572X39
c)2535X535 h)5346X410
d)4736X48 i)4386X398
e)5681X24 j)652X543
8)Check whether the following numbers are divisible by 2,5 and 10 or not.
a)85 b)40 c)68 d)75 e)84
9)Round the following numbers to the nearest 1000.
a)45 67 890 b)69 99 900 c)45 63 299 d)3 450 e)67 555
10)Write the hindu Arabic numbers for the following
11)Find the H.C.F of the following numbers.
a)63 ,36, 48 b)45, 50 ,35 c)84 ,36 d)34, 65 e)24, 54 ,35 f)66 ,88 g)28, 42,36
12)Subtract the following.
a)80000— 48632 d)895326—300435 g)7856--999
b)600001—46538 e)301058—135302 h)800058--138945
c)91267 – 7899 f)874321—2984 i)701010—368267
13)Find the prime factorization of the following .
a)28 b)48 c)72 d)63 e)43 f)33 g)96
14)Round the following numbers to nearest 100.
a)35 67 890 b)16 740 c)23 45 689 d) 4 555 e)65 34 564 f)23 432 g)69 979
15)Write the word form of the following numbers in international system.
a)64352001 b)50810145 c)240986 d)2009702 e)2300450 f)12345678.
16)Write the roman numbers for the following.
a)65 b)78 c)88 d)30 e)59 f)44 g)28 h)19 i)99 j)72.
17)Round the following numbers to the nearest hour.
a)6 hours 37 minutes b)6:45 p.m c)1227 hours d)15 hours 12 minutes.
18)Divide the following.
a)65348 by25 d)65560 by 52 g)14430 by 67
b)46943 by 58 e)89345 by19 h)69435 by 83
c)59598 by 23 f)70712 by 92 i)24131 by 75
19)Round the following numbers to nearest 10.
a)35 678 b)12 342 c)78 099 d)67 801 e)34 56 778 f)453 g)8 654
20)Write the following numbers in word form and expanded notation.
a)6 78 90 001 b)35 60 00 104 c)53 44 987d)6 78 052e)84 30 03 030