Outline of Acts: (including the fates of the Apostles)

Readers of the New Testament may eventually find themselves wondering about the fate of the many people that appear, especially the apostles who were so important to Jesus and to whom he gave his commission to take the Gospel to the world. Little can be gleaned from the New Testament, but other sources throw some light on what may have happened to a few of these men (and women). Of the twelve original apostles, Judas Iscariot died at the time Jesus was sentenced to death. Of the remaining eleven, there is only a New Testament account of the death of James the Greater, the son of Zebedee and brother of the apostle John some ten years later. The fate of the remainder and where they preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ comes from a variety of ancient traditions. Such traditions also apply to Matthias who replaced Judas Iscariot, and to the death of the apostle Paul. Few, if any of the traditions can be proved, but for some, the circumstantial evidence appears quite strong.

Area of Acts of the Apostles

Peter's journeys /
Philip's journeys

Key:+ - the traditional place(s) of death of the Apostles and John the Baptist
Most of the locations where the Apostles preached and died come from various ancient traditions. Paul's travels are recorded in Acts

Acts can be naturally outlined around Acts 1:8, the spread of the gospel from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth.36

I. The Witness in Jerusalem (1:1-6:7)

A. The Expectation of the Chosen (1:1-2:47) Progress report no. 1: “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (2:47).

B. The Expansion of the Church in Jerusalem (3:1-6:7) Progress report no. 2: “So the Word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly” (6:7).

II. The Witness in all Judea and Samaria (6:8-9:31)

A. The Martyrdom of Stephen (6:8-8:1a)

1. The Arrest of Stephen (6:8-7:1)

2. The Address of Stephen (7:2-53)

3. The Attack on Stephen (7:54-8:1a)

B. The Ministry of Philip (8:1b-40)

C. The Message of Saul (9:1-19a)

D. The Conflicts of Saul (9:19b-31) Progress report no. 3: “Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria … was strengthened; and [it was] encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord” (9:31).

III. The Witness to the Extremity of the Earth (9:32-28:31)

A. The Extension of the Church to Antioch (9:32-12:24) Progress report no. 4: “But the Word of God continued to increase and spread” (12:24).

B. The Extension of the Church in Asia Minor (12:25-16:5) Progress report no. 5: “So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers” (16:5).

C. The Extension of the Church in the Aegean Area (16:6-19:20) Progress report no. 6: “In this way the Word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power” (19:20).

D. The Extension of the Church to Rome (19:21-28:31) Progress report no. 7: “Paul … welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ” (28:30-31).

The Mission of the Relatives and Disciples of Jesus after the Pentecost

The Relatives of Jesus

Joseph - Father of Jesus -Descent from David

Death - Date not known but apparently when Jesus was a child.

Mary - Mother of Jesus - Descent from David

Mission of Mary:

She was placed in the custody of the Apostle John, her nephew, at Calvary. It was assumed that she was cared for by Joseph of Arimathea, her guardian and protector most of her life.

Death of Mary:

The death of Mary is not known.

The medieval Roman Church declared her Assumption was in a manner like they portrayed Christ’s, floating in clouds up to heaven, to live a perpetual life as “Queen of the Heavens”

They also redefined her birth so she was born by Immaculate Consumption.

They also redefined her life, so that she was a perpetual virgin

Burials of Mary:

Tombs: A tomb in Ephesus is reputed to be Mary’s (due to her relationship with The Apostle John. This tomb is empty.

The tomb of Mary is also found in Muree, India, is found about 45 miles east ofTaxila, now a quiet mountain resort nearKashmir. It is called Mai-Mari-de-Asthan, or the “resting place of the mother Mary.” (Nazir Ahmad, Khwaja, Jesus in Heaven on Earth., p.361 quoted in Hassain 158-159) This tomb is located in a sealed military area on Pindi Point, outside the town. The tomb, east-west oriented in Judaic custom is unusual since Hindu’s cremate all bodies and tombs are not in existence in this area. This tradition is consistent with the Indian tradition that Jesus (St. Issa) spent several years after the crucifixion traveling and ministering in India and later died and was buried in a the tomb of Jesus (St. Issa) at Rozabal in Srinagar. (Hassain 22)

In the 7th century when the Muslims conquered the area, all sites were desecrated except this one, since Mary is honored by Muslims as a mother of the Prophet and one of the ‘people of the book’.

An epitaph in Glastonbury, England on the side of the ruins of the Glastonbury Cathedral state, Mary-Jesus. Authors have states excellent cases that Mary was buried at Glastonbury, England, but there are no ancient records that state the site or location or time of Mary’s death. It is assumed that this epitaph is a memorial rather than a tomb.

In the Ste Maries of the Camaroque, of the seacoast of Provence, France is the reputed burial site of Mary Salome and Mary Cleopas. If Mary Cleopas is to be identified with Mary, the mother of Jesus, then her burial would be at this location. There is one caveat. The bones of one of these women are preserved, so Mary Cleopas site of burial may also be unknown.

Mary Worship: A case could be made that Mary’s burial site is deliberately unknown in order for Roman Church to promote the teaching on the Assumption of Mary back to heaven. On the other hand, it could be stated, that the site was deliberately hidden by God, knowing the propensity of man to worship human heroes. Can you image the sacrilege and commercialization if the site of Mary’s burial were known today?

Joseph of Arimathea - Uncle to both Joseph and Mary

Mission of Joseph:

Jerusalem: The power and influence of Joseph of Arimathea quickly affected the entire future of the ministry of Jesus. If was he, who preserved the body of Christ at the cross and lovingly put it in a protected place. It was he who used every physical process to assist in the preservation and assistance of life. His influence with Pilate was strong, his influence within the Jewish community was equally strong. Under his protecting hand the early church flourished.

Caesarea: This maritime city was within the influence of Joseph, with his shipping interests and business contacts as well as his Roman political influence. He had given up or sold out his Jerusalem and Palestine estates by this time, now a hunted man by his former Sanhedrin associates. To them, he was atraitor against the Jewish cause, a marked man for the Zealots, but still respected for his Roman connections. In Caesarea, he was not touchable, that is until there occurred a vacuum in the Roman-Jewish politics.

47-48 AD - The year was a Sabbatical year in Jerusalem and the country was at heighten stage for religious and political unrest. The Nazarenes were becoming marked by the Romans especially at the instigation of the Sadducean authorities. This was a double perilous time for right after the Sabbatical year, the Roman census went into effect. This was a time of anger and agitation for the entire Jewish population.

This Sabbatical year also came after a severe famine in Palestine. The political climate was intense, poverty was tightening its grip on the population, a year of famine, a year when the whole population is off work and the land is idle followed by a year in which the census and taxes for fourteen years are due.

Cuspius Fadus, appointed governor of Judea by Claudius had used oppressive action against increased Jewish guerrilla activities. Judah was aflame and the Nazarene who had the ear of the Zealots and the Sicarii plus the general populations were coming under suspicion by the Sadducean authorities. In light of this, Joseph of Arimathea with his political, religious and economic resources was a liability that could not be ignored.

46 AD - Fadus was replaced by Tiberius Alexander as the new governor of Judea. During this interim, the Sadducean High Priest had complete autonomy in the political and religious control of Judea. Yet they still feared the long arm of Rome, so rather than assassinate Joseph, they plotted to send him into exile, with a one way ticket hopefully to his demise. (Schonfeld, 171-173)

Understanding now the historical background, we can see the validity in the Rabanus document

The Forced Exile of Joseph and the Friends of Jesus:

Joseph and a group of twelve were sent according to tradition of a boat with no sail, no rudder and no oars. The Jewish authorities believed that the will of God would create their demise. Yet Providence carried the boat on the current across the Mediterranean to the coast of Provence, France and landed on the sandy beaches in the Camaroque near the present town of Les Ste. Maries.

Occupants of the Boat:

Though traditions are sketchy, within this boat was a company of twelve, that included:

Joseph of Arimathea plus
Mary Cleopas
Clemon (Clement of Rome)
Mary Salome and Sarah handmaiden
Eutropius, who later went to Orange
Mary Magdalene
Sidonius (Restitutes “Man born blind” who later went to Aix and known as St. Restitutes
Martha with Marcella handmaid
Martian, who later went to Limogenes
Lazarus, who went to Marseilles
Saturinus, who later went to Toulouse
Trophimus - Martha’s father? Who went to Arles
Maximinus - ‘Rich young Ruler’ who went to Maximinus

Near their landing site was the great city of Marseilles, one of four of the greatest cities of the Roman world in the first century. The city of Marseilles had a rock harbor with dry docks and an armory. The Ephesium was the prized temple dedicated to Diana of Ephesus. There also was a temple dedicated to the Delphians of Apollo. The city was controlled by a well regulated aristocracy called the Council of 600.

Here in Marseilles, was Philip, the friend of Joseph and his company. He had come earlier under instructions by Peter to scout out the region of Gaul and begin to establish the mission of Jesus on the European continent above the area already started by James the Greater. (Stough 78)

Philip took charge of the company, and during this interim, he dedicated Joseph with the apostolic commission as Bishop to Britain. An emissary must have been sent ahead to the British Silurian royalty.

Here, Joseph followed the tradition path of the ancient Tin Traders. From Marseilles, they traveled to Narbonne on the southern coast of France. They then traveled by horseback across central Celtica or France up the route through Figeac, Rocamadour, Limoges and on to Marlaix on the western coastal peninsula of France.

At Morlaix, so the traditions say, Joseph and his company were met by a British Druidic delegation led by Arviragus, the crown prince of the Silurian tribe in the Dukedom of Cornwall. He was the son of Cunobelinus, the Cymbeline of Sheakespeare fame, and cousin to the renown British Pendragon and warrior, Caradactus. This tribe represented the most powerful tribal confederation on the Isle of Britain.

Then they took a ship across the English Channel to St. Michael’s Mount called Ictis as it was the loading dock for the tin that would be shipped by East from the town of Marazion. From Marazion, they would travel by Joseph of Arimathea and the Royal Silurian Family (Gardner) skiffs through the marshy islands to Glastonbury, called the island of ‘Ynes Wyten’ Here they were met by a second delegation, with King Guiderius and an entourage of nobles.

The first official act by Arviragus was to present to Joseph a charter with twelve hides of land, one for each disciple, as a perpetual gift, free of tax. At the equivalence of 160 acres per hide, there was given about 1920 acres for the first Christian mission in the Isles. This charter is extant today, recorded in the British royal archives. It was recorded in the Domesday Book, recorded by authority of William I the Conqueror, first Norman king in England in 1066 AD. (Jowett 70) Here in isolation and protection, one of the greatest mission station was built.

Some may suggest that the Christian message reached Britain at this time, but to the contrary, it was written by Gilgas (AD 500), the foremost early British historian, who wrote in his De Exidio Brittannioe, “We certainly know that Christ, the True Son, afforded His Light, the knowledge of His precepts to our Island in the last year of Tiberius Caesar.” (37-38 AD) (Jowett 82) Careful historical reconstruction confirms that it could have only been Joseph who initially went to the Isles and brought the “Good News”.

At the site was already built, a ‘Wattle Church’ which 400 years later would be claimed by Augustine the Great, the doctor of the Roman Church, was “built by the hands of our Lord.”

There also at a site was anatural spring, now called the Chalice Well, where the twelve lived in individual huts built in a circle. This became the tradition of the anchorites which lasted for hundred of years, for whenever one would leave or die, another anchorite would be appointed. At this site was the beginnings of the first Christian school and institution of higher learning.

The Brethren of Jesus(see under Twelve Apostles)

John the Baptist / First Cousin
John the Apostle / Cousin by Half Blood - (see under Twelve Apostles)
James the Great (Apostle / Cousin by Half Blood - (see under Twelve Apostles)
James the Less (Just) / Half Brother or Cousin by Half Blood
Symeon (Simon) / Half Brother or Cousin by Half Blood
Jude (Thaddeus) / Half Brother or Cousin by Half Blood (see under Twelve Apostles)
Joseph (Barsaba) / Half Brother or Cousin by Half Blood ‘son of wisdom'
Ancestor of the “Heirs” of Christ also called Justus / One clue on Joseph or Justus is the Jesus Justus, whom Paul states, was one of the only Nazarene Jews, along with Aristarchus, and John Mark, who were willing to work with him in his mission in Rome. (Col. 4:10-11)

History: In Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History, reference is made to a Letter to Aristides by Julius Africanus, which deals with the genealogies of Matthew and Luke. This letter records the survival of members of Jesus family from the war of Jerusalem in AD 66-70. Their family records and family memory depicted pride in their Davidian heritage. Julius states, “These coming from Nazara and Cochaba , Jewish villages, to the other parts of the country, explained the aforesaid genealogy as faithfully as possible from the book of Chronicles” (Eccl, Hist I viii, quoted in Schonfield 293) Prior to the war, 66-67 AD, most of the Nazarene Christians fled to Pella in the Decapolis, the northeast tip of Peraea (Eusebius, Eccl. Hist III,v quoted in Schonfield 240) and set up agovernment in exile under the leadership of Simeon, son of Cleophas. It appears that Nazara (Village of the Sprout) was in this region as Cochaba (Village of the Star) has been identified there also. Nazara and the modern translation of Nazareth would be references to a village identified with the Isa. 11:1 prophecy, ‘the sprout or shoot shall arise out of stock of Jesse.” Later, the name Cochaba, would be linked to Bar-Cochba, leader of the Second Revolt in AD 135 reflecting the ancient prophecy of Balaam in Numbers 24:17 states, “a star shall come forth out of Jacob”

Nazareth, the Lost City - We must take into account that a research of all Roman records, histories, topographical maps reveal that village of Nazareth did not exist prior to the 4th century AD. It is beyond the scope of this study, but Nazareth could be associated as a village of the Nazarenes and be possibly be identified with the above Nazara, where the later Nazarene (Jerusalem) Christians fled to prior to the fall of Jerusalem. This city would be somewhere above Galilee, somewhere in the region of Caesarea Philippi and Damascus.

66 AD - Simeon, son of Cleophas, called a “certain aged man from among the Elders…who frequented the Holy of Holies”, (from the Nazarene documents, Gospel of the Hebrews, (the Hebrew Matthews), the Ascents of Jacob) Epiphanius’ ‘falsified Acts’) and the Book of John as presented in Schonfield 234) was elected to take the leadership position of the Jerusalem Nazarene Church upon the death of Jacob (James) the Just. About the year 66 AD, the Sanhedrin for the Nazarene Church, were seeking a leader with the respect and wisdom to prevail upon the Nazarenes to withdraw “from their midst” or to leave the sacred city of Jerusalem. Eusebius, quoting from the lost Memoirs of Hegessippus from the second century states: “After the martyrdom of Jacob (i.e. The brother of Jesus), and the capture of Jerusalem which immediately followed, the report is, that those of the apostles and the disciples of the Lord who still survived came together from all parts with those who were related to the Lord according to the flesh - for the great part of them were still living. These consulted together to determine who was most suitable to succeed Jacob. They unanimously declared Simeon son of Cleophas, of whom mention is made in the sacred volume (i.e. Luke 24:18) as worthy of the episcopal seat there. They say he was a first cousin of the Savior; for Hegesippus asserts that Cleophas was the brother of Joseph” (Eccl. Hist III, xi quoted in Schonfield 294)