Outline idea template
This is a template to help you better focus your idea and describe your solution for preliminary feedback.
Name of Project Co-ordinator & emailProposed name/acronym of project/startup
Names of your other team members and their specific competences
Specify what problem you are trying to solve (max. 100 words)
[Give a one line description of who you think the problem owner is (if any), e.g. a company, a consumer, a specific public sector entity, NGO, etc.
Articulate concisely what you believe the problem (pain point*) is.
Specify what evidence you have identified about the problem or its extent, or why currently available solutions do not meet the customer or end user needs: e.g. reports, figures, statistics, surveys, interviews, etc.; include references to any secondary sources used.
Use what, how, why, where questions to guide you.]
Define a user profile (max. 100 words).
[Who is the customer or end user likely to use your solution? Which user profiles are your extremes? (e.g. a commuter vs a seasoned taxi driver)
Have you observed them in action? Have you interviewed them?
What are the gaps or opportunities that you have identified?]
Analyse your market (max. 100 words)
[What are the solutions currently available to your identified customers or end users (if any), and why do you believe these are not addressing their needs?
What are the gaps or opportunities that you have identified?
Are there any alternative competitive solutions available?
Why do you believe your solution is unique and your customer willing to buy it?
What is the estimated size of the market being targeted? What scope is there to use your solution as a launchpad for internationalising your solution?]
Describe your idea in brief (max. 100 words)
[Give a crisp and concise description of the solution you would like to propose for development, prototyping, testing and deployment. If relevant, mention any high level business functions the solution would execute.
Specify what kind of data or information are you likely to use, what kind of user interface you will develop, e.g. mobile app, web app, SaaS and/or whether the solution will contemplate any devices embedded with sensors, software, etc.
Identify any risks or constraints you foresee, and what kind of subject matter expertise you are likely to need.]
* The wording ‘pain point’ is based on the Lean Startup methodology described in: Ries, E. (2011). The Lean Startup. New York: Crown Publishing Group.