Celebrating Our Diversity
Outline for two-hour module
§ Explain that we will be entering into a celebration of our diversity, its value and why it’s important in our lives and our ministries. Record responses on flipchart 5 minutes
§ Review the Disciples denominational demographics slide (#2) 3 minutes
§ Review definitions and explain this helps us all have a common understanding of the words throughout our discussions (#3 to #7) 5 minutes
§ Introduce the segment – “True Colors” from the ABC Prime Time special with Diane Sawyer. Check with your local public library for a copy. To find a copy of this video in a college in your area, visit www.worldcat.org. In the Search browser, enter Primetime True Colors MTI video. This will yield four links. The fourth one seems to have the most responses.
20 minutes
§ Small group discussion around tables (questions are on slide #9) 15 minutes
o Have you seen any of these practices in your own community or workplace? Describe
o What impact do you believe these practices have on the society in which you live?
§ Life Walk (#10 & #11) – Identify at least one person from each ethnicity represented in the room and at least two Caucasians to participate in this. Ask them to stand with their backs against a wall while you read the following questions (NOTE: Change the questions to be reflective of the audience – some of these are geared towards women). For each question they are able to answer with a Yes, they are to take one step forward. 10 minutes
1. I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in an area in which I want to live and can afford will be neutral or pleasant to me.
2. I can turn on the TV or open the front page of the newspaper and see people of my ethnicity widely represented in a positive way.
3. I can go into a store and find pantyhose that match my skin.
4. I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their ethnicity.
5. I can go into any beauty salon and find someone who can cut and style my hair.
6. I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.
7. I can be pretty sure that if I ask to talk to the manager or supervisor I will be facing a person of my ethnicity.
8. If a traffic officer pulls me over, I can be sure I have not been singled out because of my ethnicity.
9. I can be late for an appointment without having people attribute this action to my ethnicity.
10. I can go home from most meetings or organizations I belong to feeling somewhat tied in rather than out of place, outnumbered, unheard, held at a distance or feared because of my ethnicity.
11. I can be sure if I need legal help or medical help, my ethnicity will not work against me.
12. I can choose blemish cover or bandages in flesh color and have them match my skin.
§ Life Walk Small Group discussion question: 10 minutes
· Are there things in your life you’ve taken for granted that you now see might not be available to everyone in this room?
§ Cultural celebrations – Explain that you are now going to move into the Bible and do some reflection on the Word. Review the slide (#12) with Psalm 51 on it. Then review the slide (#13) with a personal psalm written by Judy Row and Adonna Bowman. Finally, ask them to spend the next 15-20 minutes writing their own psalm on the theme of their cultural life experience, what they have learned today, and their hopes for the future. 15 minutes
§ Sharing of cultural psalms – Have participants share their psalms with one another in their small groups. 10 minutes
§ Sharing in large group – Ask each group to pick one psalm from their group to be shared with the large group. 10 minutes
§ How to’s (slide #14) Explain that after seeing and hearing, we each have an obligation to share our learnings with others. Here are a few things we can do: 5 minutes
o One on one relationship building
o Attending one another’s churches and events
o Make everything we do inclusive of 100% of the people in our area
o Find our voices and use them
o Teach
o BE the model for celebrating diversity
§ Sing or speak the words to the song Dazzling Bouquet (slide #15 to #21) 3 minutes
For more information, contact:
Office of Disciples Women
A ministry of Disciples Home Missions
130 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis IN 46204
(888) 346-2631
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