Annotations: The annotation ought to be added to the text in original language of the article and in English. Separately keywords of the topic are added.

At the beginning of the text author’s initials and surname, academic degree, academic title, full name of organization, city and country are added. Title of the article (abstract) is printed in capital letters, bold font.

The organizing committee reserves the right not to publish the report (abstract) that do not meet all the above requirements, or will be sent with a delay.

To participate in the conference and to cover organizational expenses and the preparation for proceedings of scientific journal to December 30, 2013 each participant must transfer the registration fee (in the case also for distance participation) in the amount of 250 UAH (~31 USD). With an obligatory mark – the details of payment «for participation in the conference» including of VAT, and also specify your name and initials.

Details for payment in UAH:

Recipient – «International Institute of Business Education of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman»

Account: 260050398600

Bank: JSC «Brokbiznesbank», Kyiv, Ukraine

MFO: 300249

Bank code (EDRPOU[1]): 32961034

Details of payment: for participation Full name in the international conference «Modern Economic Theory and Civilization Factors of Economic Development».

Transportation and accommodation costs are paid by an organization which directs an employee to the conference, or by a participant of the conference. Accommodation is in hotels of the city.

Email of the committee: ; ;

Contact phones of responsible secretaries of the organizing committee:

Mykola Galaburda – +380504357301;

Denys Verba – +380667684411;

Dmytro Hohych – +380979872063;

Victoriia Zimkina – +380503122722.

Appendix 1

Application form

for participation in the international conference

«Modern Economic Theory and Civilization Factors of Economic Development»

Surname ......

Name ......

Patronymic ...... ………..

Science degree ......

Title ......

Organization (main place of work) ......

Job title ......

Home address......


Home ......

Work ...... ………………

Mobile ......

Email ......

Ministry of education and science of Ukraine

State Higher Educational Institution

«Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman»

All–Ukrainian Public Organization

«All–Ukrainian Association of Political Economy»

Political Economy Department of Accounting and Economics Faculties at

KNEU named after Vadym Hetman



Modern economic theory and civilization factors of economic development

May 15-16, 2014

Kyiv, Ukraine

Goal of the conference: to attract attention of scientists and policy makers to the problems of content of the subject in modern economic theory, the necessity of researching the hole system of economic development factors, the specificity of motivation for human economic activity in the information society.

Program of the conference:

– The subject of modern economic theory: main reasons and factors its transformation in context of post-non-classical science;

– The Modern Political Economy: theoretical-methodological field of research;

– The Modern Political Economy and the New Institutionalism: the nature of interrelations and mutual influences of the factors in the study of economic development;

– Specificity of the modern paradigm of theoretical research in economic theory;

– Place of interdisciplinary methodologies in ensuring the quality of theoretical studies of modern economic science;

– Scientific research tools in modern economic theory and political economy: the dialectic of understanding and using;

– The current system factors of economic development and its structure as an subject of studies in political economy;

– Civilization factors of economic development as the object and subject of study economics;


Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman,

Ukraine, Kyiv, Peremohy Avenue, 54/1.

International Scientific Organizing Committee Members:

Chairmen of the Organizing Committee:

Anatoliy Pavlenko – Doctor of Economics, Professor, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Rector of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;

Volodymyr Savchuk – Doctor of Economics, Professor, corresponding member of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Political Economy Department of Accounting and Economics Faculties at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;

Yuriy Zaitsev – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Head of Political Economy Department of Accounting and Economics at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;

Viktor Tarasevych – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Political Economy Department at National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine), Co-coordinator of the All–Ukrainian Association of Political Economy.

Members of the Committee:

Andriy Grytsenko – Doctor of Economics, Professor, corresponding member of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Deputy Director of «Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine»;

Mykhailo Zveriakov – Doctor of Economics, Professor, corresponding member of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Rector of Odessa National University of Economics;

Viacheslav Dementiev – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economic Theory Department at the Donetsk National Technical University, Vice Rector, co–chair of the International Association of Institutional Research;

Alexander Beliaev – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of Political Economy of Human Resources and Marketing Faculties at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;

Michael Schäfer – PhD, President of the International Scientific and Educational Association (L "Associasion 1901" SERIKE "Germany – France, professor Dual Schule Mann–heim Universidad);

Anatoliy Porohovskiy – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Political Economy Department at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia);

Viktor Ryazanov – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economic theory Department at St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia);

Yuriy Yakovets – Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the International Institute of P.Sorokin – M. Kondratiev (Moscow, Russia);

Alexander Buzgalin – Doctor of Economics, Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, president of the Fund «Alternatives» (Moscow, Russia);

Oleg Sukharev – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Research Fellow at Center for Real Sector of Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of «Macroeconomic regulation» Department at Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia);

Viktor Vorobyev – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economic Theory Department at the Belarusian State Economic University (Minsk, Belarus);

Mykhailo Dovbenko – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Public Organization of scientists «Institute of the Open Policy» (Kyiv, Ukraine);

Tetiana Zheliuk – Doctor of Economics, Professor of Public and Municipal Administration Department at Ternopil National Economic University;

Executive secretary of the conference: PhD, associate professors Mykola Galaburda, Denys Verba, Dmytro Hohych, teacher Victoriia Zimkina.

Official languages of the conference: Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Conference application form and Report: Anyone who wishes to participate in the conference, welcome to the December 30, 2013 sent to the email address of the Organizing Committee (; ) text of the report and the conference application form (Appendix 1) with a copy of the registration fee transfer.

In case of successful acceptance of topic by the Organizing Committee, an author will receive a message – an invitation to attend the conference.

Accepted by Organizing Committee topics will be published in scientific journal of KNEU «Formation of the market economy», which is included in the list of professional publications of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine.

Paper format (requirements for materials):

Abstracts and papers should match the theme of the conference.

The volume of materials theses – 0.2 printed sheet; report (article) – 0.5 printed sheet (1 printed sheet is 40000 printed symbols).

Structure of the report (article):

– Formulation of the problem;

– Analysis of recent publications and research, unresolved part of the problem;

– Statement of goal of the report;

– The main material with substantiation of scientific results;

– Conclusions and prospects for future research.

[1] Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.