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Outline for SPED Instructional Unit
This outline is a guide and checklist for planning, implementing, and evaluating the unit
Section 1Introduction and Overview
Note: This section will be one of your
E-portfolio entries. / Write a paragraph (s) including
___ a. Statement of topic or theme
___ b. General description of unit and prerequisites required
Write a paragraph including
___ c. Setting
___ d. Description of student characteristics including accommodations
Write a paragraph including:
___ e. Time allotted to the unit
___ f. A description how this unit is connected tothe North Carolina Standard Course of Study (specific goals from NCSCS will be listed in Section 3.)
Write a paragraph including:
___ g. A description of the types of technology chosen
___ h. Defense of its purpose in this unit (i.e., large group usage as well as individual accommodations)
Section 2
Rationale / Write a paragraph(s) describing:
___ a. How the unit fits the needs of students—academic, emotional, physical, social, and self-determination needs.
___ b. How will the students benefit from this unit.
Section 3
Broad Goals / In a chart show the relationship between a, b, and c below:
___ a. General goals for the unit. (Goals should be developed from IEP Annual goals.)
___ b. Learning outcomes which are linked to Present Levels of Performance
___ c. Relevant goals from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study or End of Course Test.
Section 4
Specific Student Objectives / Listsequenced objectives for each lesson in the unit. The objectives should be:
___ a. Based on students’ present level of performance for the unit
___ b. Related to broad goals (IEP annual goals) stated above
___ c. Stated in student academic and behavioral terms for each lesson
Section 5
Content Analysis / In a paragraph or chart:
___ a. Demonstrate appropriate scope and sequence, scaffolding, chunking, or task analysis
___ b. Provide evidence of correct rules and efficient strategies, where appropriate
___ c. Provide evidence that lessons lead to generalization of knowledge or skills to authentic environments
Section 6
Instructional Strategies
and Activities / In a paragraph or a chart for each of your five lessons:
___ a. Describe teaching strategies utilized making sure strategies are explicit, well-sequenced, and reflective of current best practice.
___ b. Describe student activities used to reach objectives showing active student participation.
Teaching strategies must be research-based, validated as effective and appropriate for students with disabilities. Consider strategies you have read in research articles, strategies learned in methods courses, and strategies presented during the internship/student teaching seminars.
Create a chart
___ c. Create chart to show how your chosen strategies meet diverse learning needs
In a chart:
___ d. Listvaried and appropriate technological resources used (overhead projector, video, digital camera, computers, etc.)
Section 7
Assessment Methods
and Evaluation
Note: This section will be one of your E-portfolio entries. / In a chart, develop appropriate assessment methods, student proficiency criteria, and methods of data analysis:
___ a. Include a list of pre/post assessment methods for the unit, including analysis of prerequisite skills.
___ b. Include appropriate methods of assessmentlinked to lesson plan objectives
___ c. Indicate criteria used to distinguish levels of individual student proficiency or progress
Note: This section will be one of your E-portfolio entries. / In paragraph format, provide a reflective analysis of impact on student learning for multiple levels of student performance with insightful recommendations to improve student learning.
___ d. Reflect on your choice of assessment methods used to assess student learning
___ e. Include student data, which reflect analysis of your impact on student learning
___ f. Include samples of assessments and describe how assessment data were used to modify instruction throughout the unit
___ g. Include recommendations to improve student learning.
Section 8
Daily Lesson Plans / Following components of the COED Lesson Plan Rubric format submit at least 5 Lesson Plans. These lesson plans should address Sections 4, 5, 6, and 7 as described above.
Section 9
Resources, Materials,
and Bibliography / Include a reference page:
___ a. Use APA format
___ b. List all technology, print, visual, and human resources used in developing unit
___ c. Include a comprehensive materials list, showing a variety of materials reflecting the diverse needs of students
Section 10
Reflection and Evaluation
Note: This section will be one of your E-portfolio entries. / Include a Reflection and Evaluation section in the unit. This should be several paragraphs
___ a. Critically analyze the unit as a whole in terms of impact on student learning
___ b. Include student self-evaluations as appropriate
___ c. Evaluate the effectiveness of technology integration in the unit
___ d. Summarize what you've learned from teaching the unit
___ e. Include ideas for future modification
(writing conventions) / The unit should reflect knowledge of appropriate writing conventions. The unit should be proofed for writing quality, format, and typing errors. If needed, seek help through UNCC Writing Resources Lab.
___ f. Demonstrate mastery of standard writing conventions
SPED Common Unit Rubric 2004-20051/9/2019