Outliers Assessment (essay=90 points)

Directions: You have selected one chapter from the Outliers to discuss; this test will feature your deconstruction of Gladwell’s techniques, and a conversation about the chapter’s relevance to Gladwell’s argument.

For this assessment, please do the following—

  1. Identify 5 techniques that Gladwell is using in the chapter to persuade the reader. Refer to the list you received for “The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes.” List each technique, include the quote and page #, and explain the purpose of this technique.

Quick example: “The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes.”

“Hit him with the back of his hand”(214).

Technique: Gladwell is using italics for emphasis, and he set this line apart from the paragraph, so it’s alone (on its own line).

Purpose: Gladwell wants to emphasize the severity of this moment; he’s describing a Korean Air flight that was off course due to an error, and the Captain reacted to the First Officer’s mistake (or lack of communication) by hitting the First Officer with the “back of his hand.” This reveals that culture dictates conversation, and it can interfere with clear communication. Also, if the end result of an error is silence (the First Officer doesn’t comment on the mistake) and abuse (hitting someone), more tragic results can occur.

  1. In a thoughtful, organized, short essay response, discuss the chapter that you’ve selected and explain Gladwell’s thesis (in the chapter) and its significance to his overall argument. In addition, explain how the chapter you’ve chosen is an integral (important) part of his text as a whole. Consider—what does your chapter contribute to The Outliers that is a necessary component of his overall concept? Your essay should address these ideas as clearly and thoroughly as possible. Short essay = four paragraphs


  • Underline Outliers
  • Put your chapter title “in quotation marks”
  • Mention the author’s name somewhere in the introduction
  • Use some sentence variety (some prepositional phrase openers with the comma used properly
  • Do NOT write “I” or “YOU” anywhere in the essay
  • DO NOT write “another reason why his argument is significant” or any type of sentence that begins with “another”—cripes!
  • Provide exact textual references to support your point of view/ use proper citation format
  • DO NOT put quoted material as the 1st, 2nd, or last sentence of a paragraph
  • BE SURE to have a topic sentence that pertains to the point of each paragraph
  • Provide a conclusion but DO NOT directly restate the prompt
  • DO NOT write about John Proctor or The Crucible
  • NEVER write the word “BEING” in this essay, or pretty much anywhere.

Also, choose FIVE of your Post-it notes that you used for reference in today’s essay. TAPE THEM DOWN on the back of this assignment sheet for credit (10 points)

Techniques/ Discussion = 30 pointsShort Essay = 60 points