Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey, 2008

List of Variables

quest / QUEST
nq / Questionnaire number (Imported)
vague / Sample wave
prov / Province
urbru / Urban or Rural
sex / Sex
age / DV - age of Respondent
hwb1 / R general health
hwb2 / R overall mental health
smok1 / Have you smoked 100 cigarettes in life
smok2 / Age smoked 1st cigarette
smok3 / At present R smoke daily/occas./none
smok4 / Soon after you wake up you smoke
smok5 / When did R stop smoking
alc1 / Past year, often you drink alcohol during
alc2 / R ever had an alcoholic drink
alc3 / Age when you started drinking alcohol
alc4 / Past year # drinks on days drinking
alc5f / Past year, had 4+ drinks at 1 time
alc5 / Past year, had 5+ drinks at 1 time
alc6 / Past 30 days,# of days drink alcohol
alc7 / Past 30 days,# of drinks per day
alc8f / Past 30 days had 4+ drinks at 1 time
alc8 / Past 30 days had 5+ drinks at 1 time
alc10 / Past week had drink of beer/wine/liquo
j1 / Had drink-Day minus 1 (see cbk)
j2 / Had drink-Day minus 2 (see cbk)
j3 / Had drink-Day minus 3 (see cbk)
j4 / Had drink-Day minus 4 (see cbk)
j5 / Had drink-Day minus 5 (see cbk)
j6 / Had drink-Day minus 6 (see cbk)
j7 / Had drink-Day minus 7 (see cbk)
al5a1 / # drinks-Day minus 1 (see cbk)
al5a2 / # drinks-Day minus 2 (see cbk)
al5a3 / # drinks-Day minus 3 (see cbk)
al5a4 / # drinks-Day minus 4 (see cbk)
al5a5 / # drinks-Day minus 5 (see cbk)
al5a6 / # drinks-Day minus 6 (see cbk)
al5a7 / # drinks-Day minus 7 (see cbk)
j0 / Day of the week
drwh1 / Sunday
drwh2 / Monday
drwh3 / Tuesday
drwh4 / Wednesday
drwh5 / Thursday
drwh6 / Friday
drwh7 / Saturday
beer1 / # bottles beer you drank yesterday
wine1 / # of Glass of wine you drank yesterday
liq1 / # of Cocktails/spirits drank yesterday
cool1 / # of btls of wine cooler drank yesterday
cool2 / # of Spirit coolers drank Yesterday
aud4 / Past year,not able to stop drinking
aud5 / Past year,drink prevented norm activity
aud6 / Past year,need 1st alco drink in morning
aud7 / Past year had guilt feeling for drinking
aud8 / Past year forgotten events from drink
aud9 / You/oth ever injured bc of your drinking
aud10 / Relat/friend ever concern about drink
ahar1 / Alcol had harmful effect on friendships
ahar2 / Alco had harmful effect:physical health
ahar3 / Alco had harmful effect:home life
ahar4 / Alco had harmful effect:work/studies
adays / Past year,# day off result of drinking
ahar5 / Alco had harmful effect:financl position
ahar6 / Alco had harmful effect:legal problems
ahar7 / Alco had harmful effect:housing probs
ahar8 / Alco had harmful effect:dif learning
risk2 / Last 30 days,R in agressive incident
risk3 / Most recent incident you/other drinking
alpnd / Past yr,feel you need help for alcoh use
alpgt / Past year,used help to deal w/addiction
pr1 / Past year,R used pain reliever
pr3 / Past yr,ever take more pills than prescr
pr3l / DV (Label for PR5, 1st part)
pr4 / Past year,use pain reliever to get high
pr4l / DV (Label for PR5, 2nd part)
pr5 / Past yr,pain relievers to get high from
pr5a / Drugs to get high:frm pharmcist no presc
pr5b / Drug to get high:from prescr written you
pr5c / Drugs to get high:from prescr for other
pr5d / Drugs to get high:bought from someone
pr5e / Drugs to get high:bought from the net
pr5f / Drugs to get high:from any other source
sti / Past yr,use of various stimulants
sti1 / Past year,how often used stimulants
sti3 / Take stimulants more often then supposed
sti3l / DV (Label for STI5, 1st part)
sti4 / Past year,use stimulants to get high
sti4l / DV (Label for STI5, 2nd part)
sti5 / Past year all stimulants used from..
sti5a / Stimulants to get high:from pharmacist
sti5b / Stimults to get high:from prescr for you
sti5c / Stimults to get high:from prescr for oth
sti5d / Stimulants to get high:bought elsewhere
sti5e / Stimulants to get high:bought from net
sti5f / Stimulants to get high:from other source
sed / Questions about sedatives/tranquillizers
sed1 / Past year,how often use any sedatives
sed3 / Take pills more often/long than told to
sed3l / DV (Label for SED5, 1st part)
sed4 / Past year,use sedativ/tranquil get high
sed4l / DV (Label for SED5, 2nd part)
sed5 / Past yr,R ever used sedatives (see cbk)
sed5a / Sedative to get high:from pharmacist
sed5b / Sedative to get high:from prescr for you
sed5c / Sedative to get high:from prescr for oth
sed5d / Sedative to get high:bought from other
sed5e / Sedative to get high:bought from net
sed5f / Sedative to get high:from other source
can1 / Have you ever tried cannabis in lifetime
can2 / Past year,R used cannabis
can3 / Past 3 month,R used cannabis
can4 / # times used cannabis past 30 day
can5 / Age when you started using marijuana
can6 / Ever had strong desire to use marijuana
can7 / Past 3 mth,strong desire use marijuana
can8 / Use of marijuana ever led to problems
can9 / Past 3 mth,marijuana led to health prob
can10 / Ever failed to do what expected normally
can11 / Past 3 mth,failed to do expectd normally
cans6 / Friend/relat show concern w/marijuana
cans7 / Tried to control/cut down/stop marijuana
cud2 / # hours you're intoxicatd on typical day
cud3 / Past 3 mths,intoxicated for 6+ hrs
cud4 / Past 3 mths,cant stop using marijuana
cud6 / Past 3 mths,need marijuana in morn
cud7 / Past 3 mths,feel guilt using marijuana
cud8 / Past 3 mth,prob w/memry post marijuana
cud9 / You/oth ever been injurd bc of marijuana
capnd / Past year,needed help for marijuana use
capgt / Past year,get service help w/marijuana
coc1 / Past year,ever used Cocaine/Crack
coc2 / Age when started using Cocaine/Crack
coc3 / Past year,used Cocaine/Crack
coc4 / Past 30 days,used Cocaine/Crack
sped1 / Past year,ever used Speed
sped2 / Age when started using Speed
sped3 / Past year,used Speed
sped4 / PAst 30 days,used Speed
meth1 / Past year,ever used Crystal Meth
meth2 / Age when started using Crystal Meth
meth3 / Past year,used Crystal Meth
ext1 / Past year,ever used Ecstacy
ext2 / Age when started using Ecstacy
ext3 / Past year,used Ecstacy
ext4 / Past 30 days,used Ecstacy
hal1 / Past year,ever used Hallucinogens
hal2 / Age when started using Hallucinogens
hal3 / Past year,used Hallucinogens
hal4 / Past 30 days,used Hallucinogens
glue1 / Past year,ever sniffed Glue/Gasoline
glue2 / Age when started sniffing Glue/Gasoline
glue3 / Past year,sniffed Glue/Gasoline
hero1 / Past year,ever used Heroin
hero2 / Age when started using Heroin
hero3 / Past year,used Heroin
salv1 / Past year,ever used Salvia
salv2 / Age when started using Salvia
salv3 / Past year,used Salvia
othe1 / Ever used drug not said to get high
o_othe1 / Name of drug used (not specified) to get high
othe2 / Age when started using drugs not said
othe3 / Past year,used drug not said
o_othe3 / Name of drug used past year (not specified)
idu1 / Ever injected drug other than prescriptn
idu2 / Age when started injecting non-pres drug
idu3 / Past year,injected non-presc drug
dhpnd / Past yr,feel you need help for drug prob
dhpgt / Past yr,use service for help w/drug prob
accdr / Past year,involved in car accident
dr1 / Past year,driver drank 2+ drink/last hr
dr2 / Past year,driver use marij past 2hrs
dr3 / Past year,driver use acl&marij past 2hr
dr4 / Type of driver's licence
dr5 / Past year:R driven a motor vehicle
dr6 / Past year,how often R drove
dr7 / Past year:# times R drove after 2+ drink
dr8 / Past year,in motor acdnt had 2+ drnk
dr9 / Past year,driv motor vehicle usng marij
dr10 / Past year,in motor acdnt usng marij
prg1 / Past year, R been pregnant
prg2 / Alcoh use & pregnancy:change drinking
prg3 / # times R drank during pregnancy
prg4 / Days drank in pregnancy:# of drinks
prg5 / Did pregnancy change smoking pattern
prg6 / Did pregnancy alter pattern of drug use
hcr1 / Ppl harm themselves:smoke cig sometimes
hcr2 / Ppl harm themselves:smoke cig regularly
hcr3 / Ppl harm themselve:smoke mairj sometimes
hcr4 / Ppl harm themselve:smoke mairj regularly
hcr5 / Ppl harm themselves:drink alcl sometimes
hcr6 / Ppl harm themselves:drink alcl regularly
hcr7 / Ppl harm themselve:use ecstacy sometimes
hcr8 / Ppl harm themselve:use ecstacy regularly
hcr9 / Ppl harm themselve:use cocaine sometimes
hcr10 / Ppl harm themselve:use cocaine regularly
hcr11 / Ppl harm themselve:use halluc sometimes
hcr12 / Ppl harm themselve:use halluc regularly
hcr13 / Ppl harm themselve:use heroin sometimes
hcr14 / Ppl harm themselve:use heroin regularly
hcr15 / Ppl harm themselve:use glue sometimes
hcr16 / Ppl harm themselve:use glue regularly
hcr17 / Ppl harm themselve:use meth sometimes
hcr18 / Ppl harm themselve:use meth regularly
hcr19 / Ppl harm themselve:use pain relievrs at times
hcr20 / Ppl harm self:use pain relievrs regulrly
hcr21 / Ppl harm themselve:use stimult sometimes
hcr22 / Ppl harm themselve:use stimult regularly
hcr23 / Ppl harm themselve:use sedative sometime
hcr24 / Ppl harm themselve:use sedative regulrly
hcrn1 / Reasons people don't use illicit drugs
o_hcrn1 / Other reasons people don't use illicit drugs
demo1 / What is your current marital status
demo2 / # of ppl currently living in HH
demo3 / Highest level education R completed
demo4 / Currently attend uni/college/school FT
demo5 / Language usually spoken in home
demo6m1 / Cultural and racial background-1
demo6m2 / Cultural and racial background-2
demo6m3 / Cultural and racial background-3
demo7 / Specific aboriginal background
demo8 / R sexual orientation
demo9 / R presently working for pay
de10a / Ever work for pay in FT or PT
de10b / Last job you had was main occupation
dem11 / <STR3 > In what line of business
dem14 / Estimate total personal income pre-tax
dem12 / Total income hhld members recevd in yr
dem16 / # times R moved in last 5 yr
weight / Weight variable
dum / dummy var for syvtab proc
underage / Underage versus legal age
agecat9 / Age recoded - 9 categories (years)
agecat7 / Age recoded - 7 categories (years)
agecat3 / age recoded - 3 categories (years)
agecat4 / age recoded - 4 categories (years)
agecat6 / age recoded - 6 categories (years)
youth / Youth (15-25 yrs) vs. adults (25+ yrs)
langhome / Language usually spoken in home
educat4 / Highest level of education
marstat3 / Marital status - 3 categories
marstat4 / Marital status - 4 categories
empcat8 / Employment status - 8 categories
region / Region
household / Household size
pincome / Past yr,personal income before taxes
hincome / Past yr,household income before taxes
hinccat5 / Household income - 5 categories
hinccat6 / Household income - 6 categories
incadeq5 / Income adequacy - 5 categories
incadeq4 / Income adequacy - 4 categories
smkstat4 / Smoking status - 4 categroies
smkstat3 / Smoking status - 3 categroies
smk12m / Current Smoker
dsmoker / Daily Smoker
alcstat3 / Drinking status
alclife / Lifetime alcohol use
alc12m / Past year,alcohol use
alc30d / Past month,alcohol use
qfvol / Past year,# of alcohol drinks consumed
qfvolday / Past year,daily # of drinks consumed
qfvolwk / Past year,weekly # of drinks consumed
numdrinks / # of drinks/occassion when alcohol used
alcstat6 / Drinking pattern - 6 categories
aldaily / Daily drinking past year
fivemn / 5+ drink single sitting once mth or more
fivewk / 5+ drinks single sitting 1+/week
aheavywk / Past year,heavy weekly alchol use(cbk)
aheavymn / Past year,heavy monthly alchol use(cbk)
alclev / Daily alcohol intake level = QFVOLDAY
alclev4 / Past yr,alcohl intake level:4 cat-qfvol
alclev3 / Past yr,alcohl intake level:3 cat-qfvol
alclev2 / Past yr,alcohl intake level:2 cat-qfvol
sun / Number of drinks on Sunday
mon / Number of drinks on Monday
tues / Number of drinks on Tuesday
wed / Number of drinks on Wednesday
thurs / Number of drinks on Thursday
fri / Number of drinks on Friday
sat / Number of drinks on Saturday
alc7d / Total standard drinks in past 7 days
alclevd / Total # drinks/day from past 7 days
alclev4d / Past yr,alcohl intake level:4 cat-dwheel
alclev3d / Past yr,alcohl intake level:3 cat-dwheel
alclev2d / Past yr,alcohl intake level:2 cat-dwheel
lriskdrk / Exceed the low risk drinking guidelines
audit / AUDIT score-total sample
audit8 / AUDIT score cut-off 8+:see cbk
auditc / AUDIT score consumption/intake:see cbk
auditd / AUDIT score dependence:see cbk
auditac / AUDIT score adverse consequences:see cbk
auditp / AUDIT score for problems:see cbk
aharm1l / Harm due to alcohol:friends/social life
aharm2l / Harm due to alcohol use:physical health
aharm3l / Harm due to alcohol:home life/marriage
aharm4l / Harm due to alcohol use:work,studies
aharm5l / Harm due to alcohol use:total sample
aharm6l / Harm due to alcohol use:legal problems
aharm7l / Harm due to alcohol use:housing problems
aharm8l / Harm due to alcohol use:dif learning
aharml / One or more type of harm from alcohl use
ahar1c12 / Past year,harm to social life
ahar2c12 / Past year,harm to physical hlth
ahar3c12 / Past year,harm to home life
ahar4c12 / Past year,harm to work
ahar5c12 / Past year,harm to financial position
ahar6c12 / Past year,legal problems
ahar7c12 / Past year,housing problems
ahar8c12 / Past year,dif learning things
aharm12m / Past yr,1+ types of harm from alcohl use
pain12m / Past year,use of pain relievers
painnd / Past yr,use pain reliever not as directd
painhigh / Past year,use of pain relievers get high
stim12m / Past year,use of stimulants
stimnd / Past yr,use of stimulants not as directd
stimhigh / Past year,use of stimulants to get high
sed12m / Past year,use of sedatives
sednd / Past yr use of sedatives not as directd
sedhigh / Past year,use of sedatives to get high
phar12m / Past year,use of any pharmaceutical
pharnd / Past yr use of pharmacls not as directed
pharhigh / Past yr,use of pharmaceuticl to get high
canlife / Lifetime cannabis use
canlifex / Lifetime cannabis use excluding 1 time
can12m / Past year,cannabis used
can3m / Past 3 month cannabis used
can30d / Past 30 days cannabis used
canfreq3m / Past 3 months,frequency of cannabis use
canpattern / Type of cannabis user - 3 categories
ascan1 / Past 3 mths,often use cannabis
ascan2 / Past 3mth desire/urge to use cannabis
ascan3 / Cannabis use:hlth/social prob past 3 mth
ascan4 / Cannab use:no do what expectd past 3 mth
ascan5 / Cannabis use:relative concern past 3 mth
ascan6 / Cannabis use:faild to control past 3 mth
asistcan / Cannabis ASSIST score - total pop
asistcn3 / Risk level for Cannabis-3 categories
asistcn2 / Risk level for Cannabis-2 categories
coclife / Used/tried Cocaine/crack in lifetime
coclifex / Used Cocaine in lifetime,excl 1 time use
agecoke / Age of initiation of Cocaine
coc12m / Past year,used/tried Cocaine/crack
coc30d / PAst 30 days,used/tried Cocaine/crack
spedlife / Used/tried Speed in lifetime
spedlifex / Used Speed in lifetime, excl 1 time use
agesped / Age initiation of Speed
sped12m / Past year,used/tried Speed
sped30d / Past 30 days,used/tried Speed
methlife / Used/tried Meth in lifetime
methlifex / Used Meth in lifetime, excl 1 time use
agemeth / Age initiation of crystal Meth
meth12m / Past year,used/tried Meth
xtclife / Used/tried Ecstacy in lifetime
xtclifex / Used Ecstacy in lifetime,excl 1 time use
agextc / Age initiation of Ecstasy
xtc12m / Past year,used/tried Ecstacy
xtc30d / Past 30 days,used/tried Ecstacy
hallife / Used/tried Hallucinogens in lifetime
hallifex / Used Halluc in lifetime, excl 1 time use
agehal / Age initiation of Hallucinogens
hal12m / Past year,used/tried Hallucinogens
hal30d / Past 30 days,used/tried Hallucinogens
inhlife / Used/tried Glue/inhalants in lifetime
inhlifex / Used glue in lifetime, excl 1 time use
ageinh / Age initiation of Glue/inhalants
inh12m / Past year,used/tried glue/inhalants
herlife / Used/tried Heroin in lifetime
herlifex / Used Heroin in lifetime, excl 1 time use
ageher / Age initiation of Heroin
her12m / Past year,used/tried Heroin
salvlife / Used/tried Salvia in lifetime
salvlifex / Used Salvia in lifetime, excl 1 time use
agesalv / Age initiation of Salvia
salv12m / Past year,used/tried Salvia
idulife / Injected any drug in lifetime
idu12m / Past year,injected any drug
otherlif / Ever used any other drug in life
other12m / Past year,ever used any other drug
any12d12 / Past year,12 illicit drug used-cbk
any11d12 / Past yr,11 illicit drug used,excl cannab
il5d12 / Past year,6 illicit drug used-cbk
il6d12 / Past yr,5 illicit drug used,excl cannab
il6d12xs / Past year,6 illicit drug used,excl salvia
il5d12xs / Past yr,5 ill drug usd,excl salvia/cannab
il3d12 / Past year,use Halluc, Speed, Heroin
amp4_12m / Past year,use Speed,Meth,Ecstasy,Stimul
amp3_12m / Past year,use Speed,Meth,Ecstasy
amp3r_12 / Past year,use Speed,Meth,Stimulants
amp2_12m / Past year,use Speed,Meth
herpain / Past year,use Heroin,Pain relievers
halsal12 / Past year,use Halluc and or Salvia
any13dl / Lifetime use of any 13 drugs-cbk
any12dl / Lifetime use of any 12 drugs-cbk
any10dl / Lifetime use of any 10 drugs-cbk
any9dl / Lifetime use of any 9 drugs-cbk
il6dl / Lifetime use of any 6 drugs-cbk
il5dl / Lifetime use of any 5 drugs-cbk
il6dlxs / Lifetime use of any 6 drugs,excl salvia
il5dlxs / Lifetime use of any 5 drugs,excl salvia
il3dl / Lifetime use of Halluc,Speed,Heroin
amp3l / Lifetime use of Speed,Meth,Ecstacy
amp2l / Lifetime use of Speed,Meth
halsalvl / Lifetime use of Halluc and/or Salvia
alpas / Past year,driver drank 2+ drink/last hr
canpas / Past year,driver used cannabis/last 2 hr
alcanpas / Past yr,driver usd canbis/drink last 2hr
driver / Past year,driver had valid licence
drkdriv / Driven within 1hr of 2+ drinks
candriv / Driven within 1hr of using cannabis
IDNUM / ID Number
XWGT / Main Weight variable
WTHCR24 / Weight for HCR1 to HCR40 questions
HCRNWGT / Weight for HCRN1

*This list was put together by the Data Centre at Carleton University.