April 18, 2017 — Norquay PAC Minutes

Meeting was preceded by a presentation on the new curriculum.

In attendance: (Chair Charis Broadbent absent). PAC members: Raymond Chow, Linda Chow, Wendy Cao, May Cheng, David Kimiotek, Edna Aguinaga, Shauna Cook, Amy O’Brian, Lisa Chong, Barb Lee, James Liao, Christie Chua, Joseph Chua, Anna Kam, Bronson, Kim Li, Shirley Chang

Meeting convened at 7 p.m. by Shauna Cook.

Welcome and introductions.

Approval of February and March minutes put off due to concerns/ questions.

Approval of April agenda.

Barb Lee moves to approve. Shauna seconds. MOTION PASSED

Admin message: Sharon Vieira

-Breakdown of fees for 2017/2018 school year is as follows: Going to request $25 school fees, $10 for performances, $3 for garden (new), $16 for jump math (only if class uses it). $8 for agendas. (Only some classes use them.)

-On May 4, our district is having the Big One earthquake drill at 2 p.m. We’re asking 50 parents to come with ID to test emergency response system.

-I would like to start talking to neighbours and parents about emergency preparedness.

-Next year I will make some specific requests to PAC for items for the emergency preparedness kit. Want to talk to PAC.

-$3 garden fee will go toward maintenance of garden. Seeds. Soil. If a hose breaks, etc.

-Barb asks if money will go to school or PAC. Will go to school, Sharon says.

New Business

-No more fundraising planned for remainder of year.

-Barb concerned we will dip into next year’s general accounts

-Sharon suggests having fundraising committee rather than one person.

-AGM will be in May. Wine and Cheese. May 16th

Garden update. See Val’s report

Playground update. See Letti’s report

Fundraising/ volunteer update: Subway day this Friday

EMB update (Shauna):

-Went to second meeting of EMB transition to secondary committee. Dug in on location. Where is the program going to be? 18 high schools in Vancouver. Chart showed which schools have Mandarin classes, how many kids are in the classes, how many Norquay families living in the district. Looked at criteria.

-Nancy (Brennan) announced that extension will happen at a school that already has Mandarin. The seven high schools with an existing Mandarin program that are being considered are: Britannia, Churchill, Hamber, Templeton, Thompson, Van Tech and Windermere. The committee has not formally ruled out any of those options.

-Hamber and David Thompson (secondary schools) are both queuing up to undergo construction in a few years.

-Barb: “They keep using seismic as a reason why Hamber isn’t an option. Red herring. Those kids will have to be moved into a new school anyway.”

-Templeton and Churchill are both almost at capacity

-Other factor with Hamber – look at population growth. Cambie corridor, so much growth, impacts Hamber.

-They don’t see Hamber as a good option.

-Nancy and her team need to have conversations with staff and principals at the schools that are being considered.

-They’re coming to Norquay on the 28th at 9 a.m., speaking to process of site selection. EMB coffee and chat.

-Britannia, Windermere, Templeton seem to be the most viable options at this time.

-Gladstone is not a contender because it offers no Mandarin courses.

-Sharon: Ask them again when they’re going to tell you about site selection. April (2018) is too late.

-Barb: Feel like they’re stalling. Keep having these meetings, but not giving any answers.

-457 vs 640 kids placed in choice programs for kindergarten this year (Sept. 2017) compared to last year (because of Supreme Court ruling, return to smaller class sizes)

-Barb: Only 19 kids graduating from Jamieson this year. Death spiral for that program.

Treasurer’s update (Shirley) – See report

-The general account is pretty much empty.

-Lots in gaming account, but can only use it for specific things.

Meeting adjourned 7:38 p.m.