
…Our truth no longer relates to God's

For the past month or so, I have preached in Guam and the Philippines on the subject “Deception”, which means to deliberately cause [someone] to believe something that is not true.

As we know, the Bible is filled with many stories of deception. From the story of Samson being deceived by Delilah, to the story of Esther and how her people were nearly destroyed and Eve's fall of humanity.

In bringing attention to the subject “Deception”, I was reminded of the book of Kings. Like a roller coaster, the book is filled with difficulties of lifelong dramas that affected kingdoms and nations. One could only imagine the daily conversations of the people and the influences of daily life that moved them to make decisions that either brought them closer to God or caused them to stray from Him.

In this book, you find time after time, kings and nations turning to God and then away from God. What was interesting is even when the people had turned away from God - according to the prophets - they believed they were worshipping God although they erected pagan gods and worshipped them as they did to the only God.

Now for a long time Israel has been without the true God, without a teaching priest, and without law”. (2 Chronicles 15:3)

In researching the pagan goddess, Aserah (known as wife of God and fertility goddess) I was surprised to find it erected in the Synagogues as if they were part of God.

Then I thought of the known pagan things we have today and how we have brought them into the churches as if they are part of God, although there is nothing in the scriptures that supports such thing. I can see how then and now people are deceived to believe in something their denomination teaches although it is not biblically true.

For clever is the dark one, for he is more clever in deception than our minds can imagine. Like a specialized professional, he and his fallen angel’s deceptive ways have made truth appear as wrong and wrong as right, that we see no difference. Those things which were unacceptable to God now is practiced as if acceptable. And so we the people, who call god, “God” worship not knowing we are rebellious just as people did before many generations ago.

The stairway to heaven that appears before us, in reality is not as it seems. Neither the path we have chosen is not as it appears, nor does the service of our worship nor our practices of the many churches align with that demonstrated in Biblical teachings.

To deliberately cause [someone] to believe something that is not true = deception.

Biblical ref:

  • 2nd Chronicles 15:3
  • 1 Kings 13:17-28
  • 2 kings 5:15-30
  • Proverbs 11:1
  • Jeremiah 7:15-28
  • Jeremiah 44:17–30
  • Romans 12:2
  • Galatians 5:16
  • Galatians 6:7-8

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Putting Our Trust in Men And Not God

A recent incident happened with my wife that reminded me we must put all our trust in God and not men. Had I not done this, my wife would have died.

On the eve of the Sabbath, my wife had experienced a sudden chilling of her body. Her hands became extremely cold yet the rest of her body was extremely hot. She cried out in pain saying it felt like something was poking her muscles throughout her body with needles. Her temperature went up and then down through the night but the next day it was as if the incident was over or had not even happened. However, that night the symptoms returned and we then became more concerned and called the hospital. Now the second day we went to the emergency room and after describing the symptoms the Dr. informed us it was merely the flu. Even after giving more detail and explaining the symptoms, recent incidents, and travels, the Dr. insisted that it was merely the flu and that the other information given had no relationship to my wife's illness.

Not convinced I contacted one of the ER head nurses and asked about their assessment. Again, I was told it was most likely the flu. They also sent me links to the CDC concerning the flu and malaria. Both explained that there is a flu epidemic in the US, in support of the ER's assessment of her having the flu.

I understand that there are a high number of people in the US getting the flu and the desire to call it an epidemic. I can also recall reading in the newspapers many years ago of five thousand people dying from the flu. The interesting thing is this information was not picked up by the popular news stations and was not well known. Today's popular flu epidemic or newsworthy information caused my wife's true diagnosis to be mislabeled as flu.

After being told numerous times she had the flu, and although I felt out numbered by the professional assessment, a voice inside and aside from me was saying take her to another doctor. Not feeling confident, I listened to the voice.

To make a longer story short, my wife was eventually diagnosed with a kidney infection. The infection had entered her blood stream causing her temperature to rise 105 degrees and ultimately, she had to spend several days in the hospital on high doses on antibiotics to rid her of the infection.

Often times we are quick to believe popular beliefs and ignore the obvious. This is one time of many in the medical field but, but is often the normal practice for Christians and their too many denominations.

Popular as "...Lord will come as a thief in the night..." has spawned false teachings and beliefs as silent raptures and fictional movies such as "Left Behind." All of which are attempts to mislead people from the full truth; even when 2nd Peter explains this event, as it coincides with calamity, and the rest of the events to take place at the same time.

As in the medical professionals assessment of my wife we are so easily caught up in popular beliefs as well as our own beliefs, that we unconsciously disregard portions of facts so that our own preconceived thoughts will prevail. Not only is this practice dangerous but also, will eventually cost the lives of many who practice this way of teaching, as well as those they teach.

God's works are not partial nor are His words partial as in the works men. So let us not do as men - taking God's words in partially for our sake - but in fullness for God and our souls sake.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Chinas Growing Role In The World

I was surprised to see the comment in the below article about China diplomats contact with the Libyan rebels. We as common Americans are not aware of how well economically, politically, and culturally the new business adventures China has and will continue to have around the world. Simply because we are focusing on ourselves. While other countries throughout the world are booming economically, we cannot see this because our attention on ourselves and our goals of preserving our complacent lifestyle, is and will be the death of us.

Like the children of God with all their religious stuff and religious beliefs were led into Babylon by the great Nebuchadnezzar, they soon afterward became custom to the lifestyle of the Babylonians. Eventually all the people and the chief priest adapted this lifestyle as part of their own. From one person to another they accepted this lifestyle as if it were the God of the heaven.

Although some prospered and enjoyed their wonderful lives they did not turn to God's ways, but embraced the practices of the gods of men as if they were God. Until God sent a deliverer as Cyrus, but had He not, they would have continued in their religious mis-guidance until the end.

We who call ourselves children of God do not want to hear what God has to say. We change His words to suit our personal religion, our culture all for the sake of preserving our complacent lifestyles. In turn we are so convinced that God will somehow save us, preserve us, and our lifestyles as if we who uphold His way of life, His doctrine, His teachings, His love, His faith, His image and not our own. Are we not more comparable to those whose home was Babylon than those who were taken captive into Babylon? Rightly so but unlike those who were rescued by God, we are not willing to be rescued. Sadly, we have tuned out truth for the sake of lifestyle. We have turned off God for the sake of religious names and positions. We have ill-regard for what God has said for a place to practice our twisted words of belief. So when the empire surrounds us and ascends to the top of the economical world, what and whom shall be our god? Will a rescuer come as did in Babylon? We live in a place where god is forever changing and adjusting to the will of men. In reality, we do not want to be rescued, and it is because of the deep-rooted belief that we have that we will embrace this rescuer, this god-sent saver as being from God. But to God will be known as man in the name of God or the anti saver of man.

Come out from her thinking before its too late.


  • Genesis 2:24
  • Exodus 8:10
  • Deuteronomy 4:35
  • Deuteronomy 4:39
  • Deuteronomy 32:39
  • Deuteronomy 6:4
  • 2 Samuel 7:22
  • 2 Samuel 22:32
  • 1 Kings 8:60
  • 2 Kings 19:15
  • 1 Chronicles 17:20
  • Nehemiah 9:6
  • Psalm 18:31
  • Isaiah 37:20
  • Isaiah 43:10
  • Isaiah 44:6
  • Isaiah 44:8
  • Isaiah 45:5
  • Isaiah 45:14
  • Isaiah 45:18
  • Isaiah 45:21
  • Isaiah 46:9
  • Zechariah 14:9
  • Matthew 6:24
  • Matthew 19:5
  • Matthew 23:8
  • Matthew 23:10
  • Mark 12:29
  • John 5:44
  • John 10:30
  • John 17:3
  • John 17:22
  • Romans 3:30
  • Romans 16:27
  • 1 Corinthians 8:4
  • 1 Corinthians 8:6
  • Galatians 3:20
  • Ephesians 4:4-6
  • 1 Timothy 1:17
  • 1 Timothy 6:16
  • 1 Timothy 2:5
  • James 2:19
  • Jude 4
  • Jude 25

Saturday, June 4, 2011 2:59 AM

Do Christians get it?


A country where freedom of religion was part of the building blocks it did not intend for other religions to be protested against or for one to dominate another. At the same time where churchgoers are more concerned about being Christian, they are not necessarily concerned about following God. The same country filled with pastor controversy, scandals, and allegations - many which are proven to be true - we fail to realize that just being called Christian does not save a single soul. Additionally, one’s religion can not give them salvation. What we as Christian have forgotten or can't see is history repeating itself and as time advances into the future, the word of God has becomes less important to people and the doctrine of men has become more and more valuable. This is very evident in the many mega churches and in Christianity itself. We have adapted cultural characters as part of the church and allowed them to overshadow God's truth. And when pressed about the pagan practices that existed long before Jesus Christ walked the earth, the same practices are mixed in and accepted with open arms into the faith, but cause offense [with] some when questioned. And for those who know the truth, are more willing to go with the norm than following truth. In the end, the result can only be a faith-filled with controversy, scandal and allegations. Instead of focusing in and fixing the monstrous problems that exist within, we are quick to look at the faults of over faiths as if to shield Christianity’s many acceptable faults.

1. Indictments in TN Pastor's Death, Suspects Claim Sex-for-Pay Angle

16 Year Old Charged as Adult in Pastor's Slaying

Autopsy Reports Slain AME Pastor Stabbed 18 Times

Prominent Pastor Killed; Police Suggest He Was Gay

Suspect Claims TN Pastor's Demanded Sex Act

Mother of Suspect Denies Son is "Gay"

2. Wife Knew Haggard Was Hot for Guys

3. Controversy swirls around pastor

A local pastor with a history of lawsuits, tax liens and bankruptcy is under fire from parishioners for questionable financial dealings, and may have been operating illegally after his church's corporation was suspended in 2009 for failure to pay taxes.
Read more: - Controversy swirls around pastor

4. Pastor Terry Jones: a homophobic used furniture salesman with a love of controversy

Pastor Terry Jones: a homophobic used furniture salesman who has become famous solely through the use of controversy

Jones threatened to burn copies of the Muslim holy book to mark the anniversary of the September 11

a. DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) — A Florida pastor at the center of a Koran-burning controversy was jailed briefly for refusing to pay what the authorities called a “peace bond” for a planned demonstration outside a mosque.

Posted, Sunday, April 24, 2011

Distinguish Between The Two

I awoke and sat up in bed with fear and concern on my mind, but as I laid my head back on my pillow I quickly understood that it was not the voice of God or an angel from above that had brought the terrible image of a dream that I had had of what was to come. Instead, it was a spirit from below acting in all splendor as if it was from above. Through dreams and feelings, we are moved to do one thing or another. We think these feelings are spiritual communications from God, but are they.

There is One God and One God alone. And as we study His history and take a glimpse into the future that He so willingly allows us to look into, we act as if god, the imposter, the replica, the self-exalter does not exist. As if no warning was given of him. As if He (being God) did not tell us of His clever unending ways or His ability to deceive even the best of the best. Convincing many to believe in the things that do not exist. So cleverly, we have been deceived. Our thinking that He was warning them, the casual church go'er, the non-church go'er, those of other religions, of other faiths, but not us who attend church, or us who are proud of our religion.

We are positive of our faith and in what we believe, in what it teaches and practices. We speak positive and focus on the positive, not wanting to entertain the negative. Is God not a God of both positive and negative? Does He only reward and not judge, chastise, and punish? Can we not discern between the voice of God and those below? Has our cultural atmosphere diluted our ability to know the difference? Do we not hear what was known, or have we ever known truth?

Moving through feelings we are not even aware of the distinguishable differences between the God of the heavens and the imposter of the earth and his limitless ability to convince the inconvincible.

The distinguishable spiritual signature of God is True and can not be replicated, but if one does not know or live in God's truth it is highly improbable to distinguish between the two. If so, can one walk in the footprints of God and not tend to those who are truly in need and be concerned with others and not just our self?


  • Matthew 22:16
  • John 1:14
  • John 1:17
  • John 8:31-32
  • John 17:8
  • Psalm 15:1-2
  • Zechariah 8:16
  • Ephesians 4:25
  • 1 John 1:8
  • 1 John 3:18
  • Psalm 119:160
  • Daniel 10:21
  • John 17:17
  • Ephesians 1:13-14
  • James 1:18
  • Job 34:12
  • Psalm 25:5
  • Psalm 43:3
  • Psalm 86:11
  • James 1:18
  • Matthew 22:16
  • John 1:14
  • John 1:17
  • John 8:31-32
  • John 17:8
  • Psalm 15:1-2
  • Zechariah 8:16
  • Ephesians 4:25
  • 1 John 1:8
  • 1 John 3:18

Saturday, March 26, 2011 8:45 AM

You Have Now Reached Rock Bottom

(I wrote this several years ago, but it all sounds even more real today.)

Subject: Failing to Realizing when sin has made you reach rock bottom...and you still think you are on top

Sin does not care about you. It is sin all by itself. With you or without you, it will be sin.

What sin does care about, is that it wants to have a relationship with you and its goal is that you die serving it.

Sin initially sounds good. It even sounds sound, but that is the way sin is. It slowly creeps into our lives and that is where it all begins. Eventually it becomes part of our house and part of our way of life. Sin become what we talk about doing. It is the stuff we feed ourselves in the morning, the dessert we serve our children and it makes us feel good, happy and sad, all in the same hour. It relaxes us and makes us forget our worries even if just for a little while. We see it on the television and on the movie screen, we purchase it through music CDs and entertain our family with DVDs. We say it is all around us and that is the way the world has come to be. Through our LCDs and ever so clear Plasma TVs, we learn how to tell better lies and purchase whatever we see, and act as if it does not matter and say, "This is what the world has come to be." We say to ourselves these things do not affect me or even my children, because they know it is only make-believe.