Please find detailed below the report for the site monitoring undertaken on15 March 2013. If you should have any queries or require any photographs taken on site please do not hesitate to contact me.
File Ref: 23 421 03 / Visit no: 1 of 1Monitoring Officer: Shelley Bailey
Tel No: 01245 437577 / Time on site: 10:30am / Time off site: 11:30am
Site Co-ordinator: Shelley Bailey / Tel No: 01245 437577
Site Name: Sandon Quarry, Southend Road, Chelmsford.
Operator: Robert Brett and Sons Ltd.
Site Representative: Richard Ford (Bretts)
Planning Permission no’s:
CHR/252/55 (Use of land for sand and gravel workings),
ESX/21/92/CHL (Extraction of S+G and infill with inert, non-haz waste),
IDO/CHL/2/92A (Conditions: Mineral winning and working – cessation by 21 Feb 2042),
ESS/01/98/CHL (Schemes to be approved in connection with IDO/CHL/2/92A),
ESS/54/09/CHL (Varies ESS/42/05/CHL for retention of security caravan until 31/12/13),
ESS/53/09/CHL(Varies ESS/49/05/CHL Inspector’s ref APP/Z1585/A/06/2023627 to retain concrete batching plant in moth-balled state until 28/02/13),
ESS/55/09/CHL (Varies ESS/30/06/CHL to allow in-vessel composting to operate until 31/12/13).
ESS/30/11/CHLContinuation of infilling with inert waste without compliance with condition 35 (restoration by 31 December 2002) attached to planning permission ref ESX/21/92/CHL to allow the completion of restoration by 31 December 2017.
Outstanding Submission of details:
ESX/21/92/CHL: - Condition 9 - storage mounds to be grassed over and weed controlled, seed mix and application rates to be agreed with MPA.
Condition 10 – Programme of archaeological work.
Condition 33 – Scheme for reinstatement of trees, hedges, fences, shelter belts, ditches and field water supply.
ESS/55/09/CHL: -Condition 2 requires the implementation of approved schemes for landscaping and planting; signage and lining for the haul road; white lining along Southend Road, by 27 February 2011.
Condition 26 requires ecological surveys prior to continuation of works on site.
Inspection Results/Actions from last site visit:
- Bund/storage mound maintenance.
- Submissions of details as above.
Inspection Results Summary:
- Since the last visit in January 2012, planning permission ref ESS/30/11/CHL has been granted (May 2012). This relates to restoration of the southern void.
- Permission ref ESS/30/11/CHL hasn’t been implemented. The site is still inactive.
- Conditions 8, 17, 22, 25, 27, 32 and 33 of permission ref ESS/30/11/CHL have been approved.
- Condition 29 (Habitat Management Plan) requires further details. RF confirmed the details should be submitted w/c 18th March 2013.
- Permission ref ESS/53/09/CHL allowed the retention of the concrete batching plant in a month-balled state until 28 February 2013. Despite an email reminding Bretts of this prior to the visit, the concrete plant was still in place. RF confirmed that the plant was programmed to be removed from site w/c 18th March 2013.
- The processing plant remains in place in a bad state of repair.
- The area with permission for in-vessel composting remains marked with wooden pegs.
- The habitat mitigation area in association with permission ref ESS/30/11/CHL now contains two pond areas which are being managed for newts. The adjacent grassed area is being grazed less often to encourage newts to remain in the area.
- The caravan permission (ref ESS/54/09/CHL) is due to expire on 31st December 2013.
Actions to be taken before next site visit:
- Concrete plant to be removed from site and confirmation sent to the Mineral Planning Authority by 29th March 2013.
- The site will be put forward for 4 visits per year starting 01 April 2013 as it is due to become ‘active’.
- Outstanding information to be submitted with regard to condition 29 of permission ref ESS/30/11/CHL.