Mr M Robson
via e-mail
21 November 2013
Our reference:RSPP/JB/PHO/FOI6630/Robson
Your reference:
If you need this information in another format or language please contact the sender.
Dear Mr Robson,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information (6630)
Could you please tell me the number of complaints received about a chauffeur drive company named PCS working at Newcastle Airport.
Also what action if any your licensing team taken against them.
I write in response to your Freedom of Information request and apologise for the delay in providing full response. I have reviewed our complaint history and am advised by Licensing Officers that two investigations have been undertaken in respect of the company PCS at Newcastle Airport.
A complaint alleging use of unlicensed vehicles by PCS in association with Emirates flights at Newcastle and other airports is recorded. Investigation details enquiries to have been made by Licensing Officers which identified that the company were receiving bookings and “relaying” them to a Newcastle office at the airport from which vehicles were dispatched. In the absence of a Private Hire Operator licence, PCS were informed to cease this activity with immediate effect. In mitigation PCS claimed that all the bookings came through a London Office at this time and that the company were using a permitted "cross border element" of the London legislation. No further information was forthcoming and operations ceased at such time from this office.
Officers were satisfied further to a recent “complaint prompted” visit that that no bookings were being received or dispatched from an Airport Office. A test purchase call was made as part of enquiries to a PCS telephone number detailed on the company website. This was conducted as a routine customer enquiry regarding service provision and to ascertain where calls may be received. The Licensing Officer intimated during the call that they may look to make a booking in person via the Newcastle Airport office but were advised by the PCS operative that no such facility existed and that they were based in Manchester.
Information has since been passed to Manchester City Council Licensing Authority to further investigations.
I am not aware of any bookings or dispatch from a Newcastle Office.
If you are unhappy with the information supplied you can ask for an internal review of our decision. Please send details of your request for review to the following address:
Corporate Information Governance Officer
Chief Executive’s Office
Civic Centre
Barras Bridge
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE99 2BN
Telephone: 0191 211 6644
If you are still unhappy with how the Council has handled your request you can write to the Information Commissioner asking for an assessment to be made. Contact details are as follows:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545745
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me on the above telephone number or e mail address.
Yours sincerely
Team Manager - Regulatory Licensing