18 August 2014

Our reference: Louise Appleby

Your reference: N/A

J Holdaway, FOI 7720

Dear J Holdaway,

I am writing in response to your request for information, under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Question 1: Leaving Care Services:

- Who is the current provider of this service?

- What is the value of the current contract?

- What is the duration of the current contract?

- What are the start and end dates of the current contract?

- Are your leaving care services commissioned in partnership with any other authority?

Question 2: Family Support Services:

- Who is the current provider of this service?

- What is the value of the current contract?

- What is the duration of the current contract?

- What are the start and end dates of the current contract?

- Are your family support services commissioned in partnership with any other authority?

Question 3: Missing from Home and CSE Services:

- Who is the current provider of these services?

- What is the value of the current contract?

- What is the duration of the current contract?

- What are the start and end dates of the current contract?

- Are your missing from home &/ CSE services commissioned in partnership with any other authority?

Question 4: CYP Mental Health Services:

- Who is the current provider of your mental health services for children and young people?

- What is the value of the current contract?

- What is the duration of the current contract?

- What are the start and end dates of the current contract?

- Are your mental health services commissioned in partnership with any other authority?

Answer: Please see attached spreadsheet.

If you are unhappy with our response to your request you can ask for an internal review of our decision. Please send details of your request for review to the following address:
Corporate Information Governance Officer
Chief Executive’s Office
Civic Centre
Barras Bridge
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE99 2BN
Telephone: 0191 211 6644
If you are still unhappy with how we have handled your request following our internal review you can complain to the Information Commissioner. Contact details are as follows:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545745

Yours sincerely

By email

Louise Appleby

Complaints and Customer Relations Team

If you need this information in another format or language please contact the person who sent it.