Our Ref: C/Excursions/Immersion Days

9 February 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 9 Immersion Day - 9 March 2017

As part of our programme of Immersion Days we are planning to take Year 9 GCSE Geography students to visit both Mappleton and Hornsea on the Holderness Coast. As this links in with a Coastal topic from the course syllabus the visit will provide an opportunity to complete a piece of fieldwork which is a requirement of the course.

Students will not have to wear school uniform but they must come to school sensibly dressed for a day spent outside, this includes warm, waterproof clothing and sensible shoes, preferably wellington boots. Jeans are not advisable as if they become wet they become heavy and very cold. There will be no option to cancel the trip in the event of rain. Clipboards will be provided to complete written work, students will be required to bring their own writing equipment. Students should come to school at the normal time and they should go to their allocated room, students will be informed of the room nearer the time. We will return to school for approximately 2.30pm.

There will be no charge for this visit, however, students will require a packed lunch and may we remind you that in line with our healthy eating policy no fizzy drinks should be brought in. If your child is in receipt of free school meals a lunch will be provided on request. Please indicate this on the attached slip below. There may, depending on time, be an opportunity for students to stop at a shop so students may wish to bring with them a small amount of money to purchase a drink or ice cream.

For your child to be able to attend please complete the permission slip below and return it to school. If you have not already returned the medical form sent to you by Mr McCluskie at the beginning of the academic year, please return it with the slip below. Without this form we regret your child will not be able to participate in this excursion. If you have returned your child’s form but the medical details have changed please inform us of the changes/amendments we need to know about.

If you have any questions about this visit please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.

Yours sincerely

Miss H Moon


Please complete and return this acknowledgement slip to Miss Moon, Mrs Perrin or Mr Philliskirk

Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………..MG: ……….

(Please print)

I acknowledge receipt of the letter regarding the Immersion Day visit to Mappleton and Hornsea and give permission for my child take part in this visit.

My child is in receipt of free school meals and will require a packed lunch on the day: Yes 

Signed: ………………………………………………………………… Parent/Carer

Date: ......