GAD/LSE June 2017

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Year 7 Parents’ Evening

On Thursday 6th July 2017 we shall be holding our Year 7 Parents’ Evening from 6.00pm – 8.00pm. Parents are asked to sign in at reception as they arrive.

Heads of House will issue reports from 6.00pm – 6.20pm in the Sixth Form Common Room then parents are encouraged to see subject staff about reports. Reports not collected can be obtained from Heads of House in their subject areas.

Having had the opportunity to reflect on past assessment grades we know that you will be anxious to discuss your child’s progress with subject staff in the following rooms:

Main Hall: Maths, ICT, Humanities, D.T. and Performing Arts

Canteen: English, P.E., R.E., and Art

Rooms E3 / E4: Science

Stage: Modern Foreign Languages

The SENCO will be available from 5.30pm in the Interview Room prior to parents evening.

I am sure you will appreciate the importance of this evening in providing the opportunity to work together to look at past assessments, and see where improvements can be made, to discuss problems or concerns and set individual targets for future improvement. This will be invaluable in ensuring that students complete their work to the best of their ability and reach their full potential.

In order to help organise the evening we suggest that you note down the names of teachers you would like to see in your son/daughter’s planner.

Please could you complete and return the slip below to acknowledge receipt of this letter and return it to your child’s Form Tutor, as soon as possible – no later than Tuesday 4th July 2017.

Yours sincerely,

G Davies

Exams Officer


Please return to your son/daughter’s Form Tutor by Tuesday 4th July 2017

To: Form Tutor______Student Name______

I acknowledge receipt of your letter re: Year 7 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 6th July 2017

I will/will not be attending (Please delete as applicable)

Signed______(Parent/Guardian) Date______

G:\Common\PA Job Share\Parents evenings\YEAR 7 PARENTS EVENING\Yr 7 Parents Evening Letter JULY 2017.doc