

Our pledge goal for 2014 is $250,000.

To date we have received in 102 pledges in the total amount of $212,751.00



For the sick: James Lott, Audrey Homan, Roberta, Roger Giacomini, Teresa Santiago, Bill Hinton, Irena, Geralynn Marchesi, Philip Wulfken, Tom Hartman, Christine Bushnell, Jean Giacomini

The Perpetual Light is given this week In Loving memory of Andrew DiGregorio, the gift of Jerry & Jean Giacomini.

To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for 4 weeks, please e-mail the church office with the person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: .

Last Sunday attendance: 157


WED1/21 12PM – Holy Eucharist

THURS 1/22 7PM - Spanish Healing Service

SUN1/26 8AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I; 10 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II


The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church

January 19, 2014

FROM THEWARDEN:Canon Betit’s Visit and the Vestry’s Selection of the Short Search Process

Last Sunday Canon John Betit celebrated and preached in the 10:00 AM Eucharist and met with the Vestry to discuss the transition we are about to enter. I wrote about the three options for the transition process in the newsletter for January 5. Canon Betit reiterated the promise of full Diocesan support in our search and encouraged us to keep in contact with his office as frequently as needed.

The Vestry met on Monday and voted unanimously to choose the short search process that would allow us to make our selection by July and have a new Rector in place in the Fall. This time line, of course, assumes all going smoothly with each step of the process. This option also means that the Vestry will conduct the search itself and eliminate the time needed to form and work through a separate Search Committee.

Step One is the timely creation of the tri-fold parish brochure, describing who we are, what we are looking for and the compensation package we are prepared to offer. This document will guide the Bishop in vetting candidates to send to us. In addition, we are currently putting together the small group with writing and graphic skills for creating the parish brochure, and we will be seeking parishioner input through the parish-wide “appreciative inquiry” session. This is the new Diocesan mandate which actually kicks off the formal search process. The parish-wide appreciative inquiry session will take place on March 2. Canon Betit has assigned Mother Elizabeth (“Liz”) Tunney as the consultant who will lead this session. She will be with us at the 10:00 AM Eucharist and lead the appreciative inquiry session immediately thereafter. We need everyone’s input. PLEASE MARK THIS IMPRORTANT DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR AND PLAN ON GIVING YOUR INPUT IN OUR SEARCH FOR OUR NEXT RECTOR.

Step Two is the vetting of candidates by the Diocese and sending them for the Vestry to evaluate. Canon Betit has indicated that candidates will be assessed carefully on their knowledge and experience (how well they meet our requirements), skill (he identified experience in running a parish and familiarity with dealing with a fairly complex system that includes staff, a nursery school and a myriad of active volunteer ministries) and their style and fit with St. John’s. Candidates will be sent to us in batches of 5 for as long as we need to make our choice.

Step Three is evaluating the candidates and making our selection. We will also review the candidates’ experience and skills based on our own criteria we will look for a person who will carry on the work already begun to grow and develop our vision. The consultant will give us additional guidance in developing questions for the candidates and evaluating how well their answers meet our criteria. We will have the final say on how well a candidate fits the culture, vision and ministries of St. John’s.

Once the Vestry makes its selection and informs the Diocese, Step Four is calling the selected candidate and, assuming acceptance of the call, the process becomes one of logistics of signing a contract, deciding on a start date, finding suitable housing and relocation of our new Rector.

As stated previously, during the transition period, the Diocese has promised to keep the rest of our clergy team intact with Mother Ale serving as our Resident Priest assisted by Deacon Anthony Jones and Parish Intern Diane DeBlasio. All three will continue to share the pulpit and other pastoral duties. Throughout this period, the Vestry also promises to keep the parish informed of all developments and welcomes your inquiries.

Heather G. Kress




We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. Visit the Greeters’ Kiosk in the rear of church, where Greeters are available to answer questions and provide you with a packet of additional information about church services and activities.


Registration forms can be found on the website; and on the back table of the church, along with class schedules. Registration for Confirmation is due February 16.


With regrets, we must cancel the First Holy Communion class due to only one registration. It'll be reinstated next year 2015.



The shop is open this morning. Stop in for special occasion greeting cards especially for Valentine's Day coming up in February. Look over jewelry as a possible gift on that day.


TOOLS FOR A MIRACULOUS LIFE: An Experiential Workshop with Christina Fortin

The Women’s Spirituality Group presents Tools for a Miraculous Life: An Experiential Workshop with Christina Fortin on Saturday, January 25 for 10 AM to 1 PM. Flyers with full information about this workshop can be found on the table in the back of church. Lunch is included. Suggested Donation is $15.00. For Reservations please contact Heather Kress at 631-549-5186 or


The CPR class originally scheduled for January 18 has been rescheduled due to a conflict with the Martin Luther King holiday weekend. The new date is Saturday, March 8 from 10-11 AM. This is an American Heart Association “Hands-on Only” CPR class which will include training on the use of Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), which we now have. Our AED is located outside the restrooms between the Church and the Sacristy. ALL clergy, lay ministers, altar servers, ushers and lay people over the age of 10 are encouraged to attend this class. Please RSVP to the church office at: if you would like to sign up for this class.



Mark your calendar for our upcoming Annual Meeting and Vestry Elections for Sunday, February 2, 2014. There will be two services that date: 8AM and 9:30 AM. The Annual Meeting will take place immediately following the 9:30 AM service. All parishioners are highly encouraged to attend this meeting.



The Treasurer will soon be closing the books on 2013, so it is important to submit any unpaid 2013 pledges very soon. Please be sure to indicate on your check that it is for 2013 in the memo section.

If you need to know how much your balance is – please EMAIL the church office at: and you will be advised of the amount.


The Youth Group will be taking a separate collection on Sunday, February 2 for “Souper Bowl of Caring” Sunday. All that is needed is $1. This nationwide annual event. We will be donating this year’s collection to HIHI (Huntington Inter-faith Homeless Imitative). Last year we raised $387.00.

Thank you for your support!



ALL flyers for St. John's events can be found on the front page of our website. You can print out these flyers to share with family, friends and neighbors! Or print out for yourself as a reminder!

Bookmark our website now!

And don't forget to LIKE of Facebook Page as well - which can provide you with up to the minute info on things happening at St. John's!