Our Planet Our Footprint
By: Carlos Santander 3851663
Our Planet Our Footprint
Level 5: Humanities: Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Information Communications Technology, English, Interpersonal Development, Thinking Processes
Learning Focus2
Victorian Essential Learning Standards3
Focus Questions5
Inquiry Process5
Inclusive Curriculum6
Teaching and Learning Activities7
Teaching Activities13
Appendix 1A18
Appendix 1B19
Appendix 1C20
Appendix 1D21
Appendix 2A22
Appendix 2B23
Appendix 3A24
Appendix 3B 25
In Our Planet Our Footprint students investigate, discuss and evaluate the importance of environmental issues with a focus on sustainability. Students will evaluate the impact of human activity in different geographical regions of Australia through process of inquiry and field work. They will define and evaluate their own ecological footprint and the changes that they personally make in order to increase their energy efficiency and sustainable living. They will communicate ways in which sustainability can be promoted and practiced in their homes, school and community.
Students will use Information and Communications Technologies including Web 2.0 technology to research, evaluate and publish their own work through a variety of media including: visual, audio, video, print and online content.
This unit provides opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement against the VELS level 5 standards in the following DomainsHumanities: Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Information Communications Technology, English, Interpersonal Development, and Thinking Processes. The focus of assessment for this unit will be based according to the Humanities: Geography Domain although it can be taught as an Information and Communications Technology unit or a combination of both.
Please note this unit of work requires two excursions
Learning Focus
Physical, Personal and Social Learning
Civics and Citizenship
- participate, promote and contribute to environmental sustainability at home, school and within the community
Interpersonal Development
- work in teams to complete intricate and self-managed tasks, respecting individual input and providing positive contributions
Discipline-Based Learning
Humanities: Geography
- collect geographical information from electronic and print media, including satellite images and atlas maps and analyse, evaluate and present it using a range of forms
- define and examine the impact of their individual ecological footprint and investigate the impact of how the physical process and interaction of human activities have impacted different geographical regions
- propose ways of promoting sustainability in their homes, school and local community; in particular ways in which to ensure the sustainability of local resources
- write appropriately and effectively for a variety of purposesand audiences, editing where appropriate
Interdisciplinary Learning
Information Communications Technology
- use the internet as a means of researching information, analyse and evaluate appropriately and communicate using Web 2.0 technology
- use a variety of software, including word processing to communicate and publish their own work incorporating visual, text and audio mediums
- apply ethical and copyright considerations in gathering and publishing of material
Thinking Processes
- make informed and sound decisions necessary for the completion of the required individual and team tasks
- discuss and compare evaluations with fellow team members and class
Victorian Essential Learning Standards
Our Planet Our Footprint can be used to asses a range of Victorian Essential Learning Standards.
The table bellow may be used to illustrate how this unit of work can be used to asses a variety of Level 5 standards across a range of Domains and Strands.
Strand / Domain / Dimension / Key Elements of StandardsPhysical, Personal and Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building Social Relationships / Demonstrate respect for the individuality of others and empathise with others in local, national and global contexts, acknowledging the diversity of individuals.
Working in Teams / Accept responsibility as a team member and support other members to share information, explore the ideas of others and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose within a realistic timeframe.
Civics and Citizenship / Community Engagement / Present points of view on contemporary issues and events using appropriate supporting evidence.
Explain the different perspective on some contemporary issues and propose possible solutions to problems.
Participate in school and community events and participate in activities to contribute to environmental sustainability or action on other community issues.
Discipline Based Learning / The Humanities
(Geography) / Geographic Knowledge and Understanding / Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of the regions of Australia and those surrounding it.
Explain using examples how the interaction of physical processes and human activities create variations.
Describe differences in culture, living conditions and outlook, including attitudes to environmental issues in these regions.
Geospatial Skills / Collect geographical information from electronic and print media, including satellite images and atlas maps and analyse, evaluate and present it using a range of forms.
Identify and gather geographical information from fieldwork and organise, process and communicate it using a range of written, oral, visual and graphic forms.
English / Reading / Read informative and persuasive texts that explore ideas and information related to challenging topics, themes and issues.
Compare the presentation of information and ideas in different texts and identify cause and effect in informative texts.
Writing / Produce in print and electronic forms, texts for a variety of purposes, including speculating, hypothesising, persuading and reflecting.
Edit their writing for clarity, coherence and consistency of style and proofread and correct spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
Interdisciplinary Learning / Information and Communications Technology / ICT for Creating / Independently apply a range of processing skills, functions and equipment to create products which contain minimal functional, typographical, formatting and readability errors.
During the processing stage of collaborative work, students monitor project plans and record reasons for adjusting them.
Use ICT in a safe, efficient and effective manner.
ICT for Communicating / Use the most appropriate search engines to locate information on websites; using complex search strategies to refine their searches and judge the integrity of the located information based on its credibility, accuracy, reliability and comprehensiveness.
Share their ideas through their blog, website or other public forums, which are correctly formatted, comply with ICT conventions and demonstrate an awareness of the characteristics that contribute to products meeting their purpose.
Thinking Processes / Reasoning, Processing and Inquiry / Use a range of question types, locate and select relevant information from varied sources when undertaking investigations.
Use a range of appropriate strategies of reasoning and analysis to evaluate evidence and consider their own and others’ points of view.
Creativity / Demonstrate creativity, in the ways they engage with and explore ideas in a range of contexts.
Table 1.1: Constructed using VELS Key Learning Elements from the VELS Website (viewed May 2011)
Focus Questions
This unit of work addresses the following focus questions, providing students with the ability to answer, define, evaluate and discuss a range of themes and issues concerning current environmental issues.
- How does the impact of human activity impact the atmosphere and the environment of different regions within Australia?
- What is an ecological or carbon footprint and what does it mean for me as an individual?
- What is sustainability, and its connection with global warming and other environmental issues?
- What are current government policies and procedures to ensure sustainability of resources, e.g. water restrictions?
- How can I as an individual provide a positive contribution to sustainability within my house, school and local community?
Inquiry Process
The VELs Domain of Geography lends itself towards Inquiry-based learning. Students are given the opportunity to build upon their prior knowledge and allow for students to use thinking processes in order to achieve in depth understanding of concepts and themes. Our Planet Our Footprint, uses a variety of learning strategies and assessment tasks encouraging and promoting students to use the inquiry process to further their own learning. This allows for students to be actively involved in their learning by providing a democratic classroom, in which they can voice their concerns and also build upon their prior knowledge.
Examples of this are the learning and teaching strategies in which students are ask to survey the general public as part of this unit, construct analytical questions that they can expect of texts before reading and also through SWOT charts and Y-Charts.
Inclusive Curriculum
It is critical for all students to have equal opportunity not only in their learning but also in achieving their potential. This not only includes having equality in terms of entrance and acceptance into the corporate school body but at a more practical level within the classroom. Allowing for equality in participation and contribution towards learning to all students, where no differences are held towards race, colour, religion, sex, physical appearance and economic situations. To achieve this it is imperative that all students understand are a valued member of the classroom and that they carry no prior labels from previous classes.
This unit of work attempts to maximise inclusivity through the means of not only providing a safe and encouraging classroom but also through the means of the curriculum and learning strategies. In order to achieve this, most of the learning strategies are adapted from the Tribes program. (Gibbs, 2008) The Tribes learning program is based on an inclusive nature and thus it is best equipped to promote inclusivity within the curriculum.
Our Planet Our Footprint, also bases itself around group work and collaborative learning. The assessment tasks are designed to allow for opportunities for every student to participate and contribute. Benard, suggest that teaching and learning strategies need to provide the following three principles, caring relationships, positive expectation messages and beliefs and opportunities for participation and contribution. (2008) In this unit of work attempt through each learning strategy to provide these principles as they are also embedded within the array of VELs Domains and Dimensions taught.
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Teaching and Learning Activities
Our Planet Our Footprint is a five week unit of work compromising of seven classes per two weeks timetable with each class running for an approximate 50 minutes each.
Table 1.2 Depicts the Teaching and Learning Activities for this unit of work including timeline, assessment strategies and resources.
Week / Teaching Activities / Assessment Strategies / Resources1 / Lesson One: Introduction to Sustainability
Think Pair Share leading to a KWL chart.
Class Discussion based on KWL chart.
Brainstorm analysis questions before reading article.
Online Resource Ollie’s World Sustainability Information
Comprehension of article using Tribes Final Word activity.
Watch Video: “Sustainability explained through animation“
Class reflection and discussion regarding sustainability based on information of article and video.
Discussion of importance of sustainability. Using Tribes strategy Fold the Line.
Students write their own definition of sustainability and reasons for its importance.
Lesson Two: Ecological Footprint
Revision of last lesson, in particular definition of sustainability and relevance.
Using Think, Pair, Share learning strategy students will analyse text book chapter. Students will in pairs analyse segment of chapter and report to class 3 main points from text.
Web Quest: Ecological Footprint
Based on the EPA Website
Class brainstorm and discussion to link environments that are under threat with our impact (footprint). This will lead into next class.
Assessment Task One: Sustainability/Ecological Footprint Poster
Due Week 3
Lesson Three (Double Period): Research Human Impact on Earth
Watch Video: The Human Footprint Trailer
Revision of previous lesson.
Calculate Individual Ecological Footprint
EPA Victoria Website
Tribes Put yourself on the line learning activity
Leading to class discussion of ecological footprint
Calculate class footprint and average individual footprint
Brainstorm Ideas for minimising footprint
Go to library or have class set of laptops to work on Assessment Task: Sustainability/Ecological Footprint Poster
Explanation of class excursion next week:
CERES Community Environment Park / Formative:
Observation of student’s interacting in the Think Pair Share and KWL.
Observation of comprehension and depth of analysis in the Final Word activity.
Observation of participation during class discussion and brainstorming.
Observation of students applying searching techniques on the internet.
Observation of comprehension, depth of analysis and relevant participation classroom activities.
Observation of Inquiry Process and ability to use Internet as a research tool.
Answers from Web Quest: Ecological Footprint
Assessment Task: Sustainability/Ecological Footprint Poster
Due Week 3 / Online Resource:
Ollie’s World Sustainability
Sustain Ability International Pty Ltd.
You Tube Video:
“Sustainability explained through animation“
April 9, 2010
Humanities Alive 1 2nd Ed.
Chapter 7.5, pages 198-201.
Web Quest: Ecological Footprint
Appendix 1A
EPA Victoria Website
Assessment Task: Sustainability/Ecological Footprint with rubric.
Appendix 2A
You Tube Video:
“The Human Footprint Trailer”
April 10, 2008
Ecological Footprint Calculator
(Requires Flash)
EPA Victoria Website
Pre-book Library Session
Pre-book Computer Lab
Pre-book Laptop Class set
CERES Community Environment Park Excursion Permission Slip
Appendix 3A
2 / Lesson Four: Population
Reflection of previous lesson.
Introduce the concept of population by conducting a SWOT chart in groups.
Watch Video: “Population Growth”
Worksheet for video
(Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy – Knowledge/Comprehension)
Reflect on SWOT chart – change if necessary
Image Analysis: Figures in Text Book
Watch Intro of Dick Smith’s Population Puzzle
Lead into Class Discussion of What is Australia’s Population
Students create Spreadsheet and Bar Graph of Australia’s Population allowing for them to search and ask for necessary pieces of information as per Dan Meyer (2010)
Compare Bar graphs with Fig2 in Text Book
Lesson Five: CERES Community Environment Park (Excursion)
Students will be out on Excursion to CERES Community Environment Park for the day they will follow a set program run by the staff at CERES. For more information refer to Appendix 3A / Formative:
Observation of participation during class discussion and relevant input.
Observation of students understanding of concepts and themes introduced in class.
Observation of student’s ability to move across Bloom’s Taxonomy level of thinking.
Feedback and encouragement.
Observation of ICT capabilities and understanding.
Worksheet: Population Growth Video
ICT Spreadsheet / Butcher’s Paper and Markers for SWOT Chart
You Tube Video:
“Population Growth”
April 19, 2010
Video Worksheet
Appendix 1B
Humanities Alive 1 2nd Ed.
Figures, pages 202-205.
You Tube Video:
“Dick Smith’s Population Puzzle” (Intro only – Finish at 2:41)
August 22, 2010
Humanities Alive 1 2nd Ed.
Chapter 7.8, pages 206-207.
Excursion: CERES Community Environment Park
Appendix 3A
3 / Lesson Six: Practical Sustainability
Reflection of CERES Excursion and place the students in groups were they are able to share their experiences and inquiry process.
Structured Discussion
Look at various Brochures that inform and promote sustainable living.
Analyse and evaluate the targeted audience, style of writing, medium used and effectiveness of brochures.
Based on knowledge from previous classes and excursion, groups will come up with ten practical changes to become a more sustainable school, home and community.
Groups then write letters to the Principal, highlighting the importance of sustainability as a school body and how classrooms and the school can promote sustainability and reduce ecological footprint.
Worksheet: Letter to Principal
Lesson Seven: Video Brochure
Reflections of previous class – as part of discussion highlight how can we reduce ecological footprint and still promote sustainability.
Assessment Task Two: Video Brochures
Due Week 5
Class Discussion on aspects of a film:
- Message
- Context
- Storyboarding
- Steadiness
- Camera movement
- Zoom
- Lighting
- Clips
Lesson Eight (Double Period): Local Community Impact (Excursion/Fieldwork)
Students will go to local shopping centre with surveys to survey shop owners and assistants as well as general public on their awareness and level of sustainable living.
This will assist students in completing their Assessment task. / Formative:
Observation of participation and contribution during structured discussion activity.
Observation of participation during class discussion and relevant input.
Feedback and encouragement towards contributions for Y-chart.
Observation of team work and participation during filming.
Observation of students’ ability to interact with local community during excursion, conducting surveys.
Worksheet: Letter to Principal
Assessment Task Two: Video Brochures
Due Week 5
Surveys (Field Work) / Sustainability Brochures 5-6
Worksheet: Letter to the Principal
Appendix 1C
Assessment Task: Video Brochures
Appendix 2B
Flip Cameras 3-4
Excursion: Local Shopping Centre
Appendix 3B
Appendix 1D
Clipboards, pens and surveys
4 / Lesson Nine: Reflections
Reflections on fieldwork from previous lesson
Structured Discussion
Put yourself on the line leading to Tribes Fold the line activity
This will promote discussion of the importance of living sustainable and the reasons as to why promote such life style.
Students are giving the remaining of the class time to work on their filming as it must be completed by next lesson.
Lesson Ten (Double Period): Movie Maker
Watch Video: “Movie Maker Basic Tutorial. “
Basic Movie Maker Techniques:
- Capture from video device
- Importing video clips and audio
- Effects
- Transition and cuts
Students will preview their films to each other and provide warm and cool feedback.
Students make relevant changes based on peer feedback to produce their final cut of movies. / Formative:
Observation of competence using Movie Maker software and improvements in their knowledge and skill of software, providing encouragement and feedback.
Observation of peer feedback and reception of feedback as individuals and team.
Observation of teamwork and how team and individuals improve their performance based on peer feedback.
Observation of Tribes activity and relevant participation.
Assessment Task Two: Video Brochures
Due Week 5 / Flip Cameras 3-4.
Computers or Laptops with Movie Maker software.
YouTube Video:
“Movie Maker Basic Tutorial.”
September 25, 2010
5 / Lesson Eleven: Green Carpet
Lesson is dedicated to groups presenting their short films in a ‘green carpet’ sort of feel.
Groups will present and introduce their video to class and at the end of each viewing warm and cool feedback is given by peers.
Teachers might want to provide popcorn and drinks during class time. / Formative:
Observation of video presentation taking note of leadership, oral communication skills, teamwork and peer feedback.
Observation of relevant peer feedback and reception of feedback.
Assessment Task Two: Video Brochures
Peer and teacher assessment of final presentation. / Projector and screen.
Popcorn and Drinks.
Table 1.2: For all assessment strategies including worksheets and assessment tasks please refer to Appendices.