Joining People Who Inject Drugs To Treatment”
Message of the Week
9th November 2016
The Drug Outreach Team (DOT) is a Belfast Community Addiction Service initiative led by Social Work developed through the partnership of community agencies and the Belfast Trust. 13 years ago, drug misuse problems in Belfast reached critical levels most evident in the increase in Heroin presentation to community and voluntary organisations. Addiction services had concluded that “hard to reach” drug users were under-using services, whilst over using general acute hospitals, particularly A&E and primary care services. The impact on communities was most noticeable in an increasing level of blood borne viruses such as Hepatitis B, C and HIV and in increased crime due to drug acquisition. Needle and syringes and other injecting equipment were being discarded and families of Heroin injecting drug users were left to try and cope without expertise or support.
In conjunction with the community sector and other interested community groups the concept of the Drug Outreach Team was developed. A small team of outreach workers and an Addiction Treatment Specialist (senior social worker) formed the core of this initiative. The idea was simple – work with drug users at street level to reduce health risks and encourage them to move towards treatment, such as substitute prescribing of Methadone. Engagement would take place where they felt comfortable, the street, a café or their home. This team was enhanced in 2006 by an administrator and a Women’s Outreach Worker. The service developed partnerships with community and Voluntary sector agencies such as the Welcome Centre, De Paul Trust, Extern’s Homeless Support Team and Carlisle House, extending the social support network, including housing, employment and debt management into a holistic care package for People who Inject Drugs (PWID).
Dr Karen McElrath, QUB formally evaluated the project in 2006. Dr McElrath noted:
“The Drug Outreach Team (DOT) had considerable face-to-face contact with clients, and Team members have established an excellent network of services. Stakeholders and clients were asked about their experiences with and perceptions of the Team. Five themes emerged from the data: Expertise, trust, persistence, accessibility and client empowerment.”