Aufgabe #1:
Getting to know “Germany”
You actually know more about the German language, culture, and history than you think. Read and answer the questions below. You’ll be surprised, both at how much you know, and at the German connection. If you’re stumped, don’t worry- just guess!
- It’s ironic that this general (and future president) became Supreme Commander of the Allied forces against Germany in WWII, since he himself was of German ancestry.
- Any time you put on a pair of jeans, you should thank this child of German immigrants, since he invented them.
- This NC metropolis was named after a queen of England who was once a German princess.
- While you’re at it, thank the German AdiDassler if you own a pair of the shoes he designed.
- These inexpensive dwellings were invented by Warner Sell of Berlin. After WWII, there was a need for places to house the U.S. forces occupying the area. Sell’s company manufactured over 5000 prefabricated houses, and the soldiers lived it up in high style!
- Poor Heinrich Göbel. This German is credited with developing this over 25 years before Thomas Edison had his bright idea. There was just one little thing Göbel forgot to do….apply for a patent. Not too bright of him, in hindsight…….
- There is a large German-American population in this 2nd largest American state. There were actually whole towns in which German was the first language, even taught in schools. Unfortunately, that changed when WWI came along.
- While we’re in the area, this music in Mexico owes its origins to German immigrants, who brought it with them to Texas and Mexico.
- The name of these “Pennsylvania” people is a misnomer; they’re from Germany, not the country their name states.
- You may not have heard of Albrecht Dürer, but you’ve probably seen this “praying” painting of his. It has become part of religious imagery across much of the world of Christianity.
Aufgabe #2:
Die Zahlen 0-100
A. Mathe. Solve the problems. Write out the answer in German, bitte!
Beispiel:zwei + zwei = vier
- acht x vier =
- vierundsechzig – zwanzig =
- dreissig/fünf =
- neun + acht =
- neunundvierzig – dreiundreissig =
- zweiundsiebzig + siebenundzwanzig =
- achtundneunzig/vierzehn =
- sieben x sechs =
B. Unscramble the words/phrases below, then translate them into English, bitte!
Beispiel:laloh = Hallo/Hello
- fuasiedrehwnee
- dea
- sshtcü
- ürgsschid
- utgenormgne
- vessru
- tunge gat
C. Answer the question below in German in a complete sentence, bitte!
1. Wie geht es dir?
D. Bonus question.
1. How do you spell the German teacher’s last name?
Aufgabe #3:
Die Schulsachen
Read the description of each item below. Write the vocabulary word to which it corresponds in the blank. Forget not to include the article (whether it’s der, die, or das).
Beispiel (example):______Clothes often go in here.
__der Schrank____Clothes often go in here.
- ______These actually contain graphite, not lead.
- ______The earlier models of these were as big as a room and did nothing compared to today’s models.
- ______The Tabor classroom doesn’t have one of these. I took it down because Driver’s Ed. kids kept moving the hand forward 5-10 minutes.
- ______The West classroom has 10 of these because I don’t like turning on the overhead ones (too much glare on monitor).
- ______When I was at Paisley, someone broke this to get into my classroom….
- ______I expect you to bring one of these since I have course packs for you.
- ______You can find these online as well; my favorite is
- ______The root of this piece of furniture is the verb “schreiben,” which means “to write.” Think of the word “scribe.”
- ______West doesn’t need one of these because I have one of those big monitors upon which to project information.
- ______This word can also mean “leaf.” Can’t really write on leaves, though….
- ______This word’s roots mean “notebook” and “machine.” That’s sort of what it does……
- ______One of my favorites is Slaughterhouse 5, by Kurt Vonnegut, who, by the way, was a German-American writer from the heartland……..
- ______Before projectors, teachers wrote on these, and students took notes from it. I don’t like to use them……
Aufgabe #4:
Die Wochentage
- Wann……? I will give you the day of the week and a time in relation to it. Write the correct day in the blank, bitte!
Beispiel:Montag + morgen=____Dienstag______
- Mittwoch + vorgestern=______
- Freitag + übermorgen=______
- Dienstag + gestern=______
- Samstag + morgen=______
- Montag + vorgestern=______
- Donnerstag + übermorgen=______
- Datum, bitte! Fill in the blanks with the correct dates below.
Beispiel:Montag ist der vierte Mai. Dienstag ist der __fünfte_Mai_.
- Dienstag ist der zweite Juli. Mittwoch ist der ______.
- Heute ist der einundreissigste August. Morgen ist der ______.
- Donnerstag ist der achtzehnte Mai. Samstag ist der ______.
- Sonntag ist der neunzehnte November. Freitag ist der ______.
- Datum, bitte, Teil 2. Write out these (in)famous historical dates. Remember that in German, you start with the day……
Beispiel:6.6.1944-__der sechsteJuni 1944______
- 4.7.1776-______
- 7.12.1941-______
- 11.9.2001-______
- 9.11.1989-______
- 11.11.1918-______
- 1.9.1939-______
- 6.8.1944-______
- 25.12.800-______
- 15.3.44 B.C.-______
- 14.10.1066-______
- 28.8.1969-______
Aufgabe #5:
Why can’t everyone just speak German?
The the’s……
- Übungmacht den Meister……fill in the chart below with the correct “der” forms. I already did the 3rd line for y’all……….
Maskulin: / Feminin: / Neutrum: / Plural:
(indirektesObjekt) / dem / der / dem / den
- Which “the?” Fill in the blanks with the correct “der” forms.
- Wo ist ______Stuhl?
- ______Tafel ist weiss.
- Zeigt auf ______Projektor!
- ______Fenster ist kaputt.
- Wo ist ______Locher?
- ______Buch ist klein.
- ______Kulissind rot.
- ______Landkarte ist zu alt.
- ______Schrank ist gross.
- ______Wӧrterbüchersindnichthier.
Aufgabe #6:
Internet Scavenger Hunt #1
Go online to find the answers to these most pressing questions. You may actually know some of these without the Net………
- ______She is Germany’s current leader.
- ______This German played for Germany’s championship team in the 1990 World Cup. He coached the German team in 2006, and he coached the U.S. team in 2014.
- ______Speaking of which, where did Germany’s 2014 team finish? I honestly don’t know, b/c the World Cup is still going on as I type this; they have yet to play the U.S…….
- ______The poet/author/dramatist/inventor Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is called the “German ______” by many. His play Faust is considered the German Hamlet by some….
- ______This is too easy. This Austrian musician is so famous, he has his own confection named after him.
- ______German kids, along with many others in Europe, eat this Belgian hazelnut spread the same way American kids eat peanut butter.
- ______What is a “Spezi?” They’re actually pretty good….
- ______This German city was a hub of medieval culture. Unfortunately, Hitler loved it, and gave its name to a series of anti-Semitic laws in the 1930s. Today it is (sadly) known primarily for the war cries tribunals that were held there.
- ______This man untied Germany and created the first German state in the year 1871. North Dakota named its capital after him in the hopes of attracting business from the new Germany.
- ______What is the “Ka-De-We?”