Midday Supervisors

Our Mid-day meals supervisors are valued members of our school community. In order to provide clear guidelines to enable them to carry out their duties in such a way that all children in their care feel safe and happy the following guidelines have been compiled. These give more detail of the main responsibilities as outlined in the job description for mid-day meals supervisors.

1. Physical contact

a)Supervisors should not under any circumstances touch, grab, hold or shake a child when reprimanding them. They should not make any attempt to physically move them from one place to another. They should never hit a child.

b)Contact should only be made if attempting to restrain a child who may be putting themselves in danger or endangering the safety of another child or adult.

c)Physical contact of a non-threatening nature may be made ie. if a child wishes to hold your hand while walking around the playground.

d)However, overly familiar/intimate physical contact from the children should be politely but firmly discouraged eg. cuddling.

e)If in doubt please refer the matter to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher for clarification or support.

2. Verbal conduct

a)It is sometimes necessary to raise your voice to gain a child's/group of children attention. However under no circumstances should you shout in or near a child's face. This can constitute threatening behaviour and is extremely upsetting for a child.

b)Under no circumstances is any form of swearing allowed. Please be careful not to use any dubious phrases which may be open to misinterpretation.

c)Always endeavour to use positive praise rather than negative criticism, eg. ‘Well done for waiting quietly’, not, ‘Don’t talk’

3. Duties in the Dining Hall

a)All supervisors must wash their hands before commencing duty.

b)All supervisors must remove their coats and wear the regulation green tabard as supplied by the school before supervising children in the hall.

c)Supervisors are responsible for organising cutlery for the youngest children and any child who has a particular difficulty with management or organisation.

d)When picking up cutlery only ever use the handles. Should you accidently touch thepart children eat with put those items out to be washed and collect replacements.

e)Beakers will be placed on the tables by the cooks. Supervisors are responsible for distributing the beakers on each table and serving the children with drinks from the jugs.

f)Supervisors are responsible for ensuring the children's dirty plates and cutlery are placed in the appropriate place for collection and washing..

g)As the tables become empty it is the supervisors job to wipe them down with the spray substance and cloths provided by Scholarest. It is advised that disposable or rubber gloves should be worn as cleaning sprays can cause skin problems. Please give all used cloths to the cook for sterilising..

h)It is the supervisors responsibility to mop up all spillages on the floor or tables. The "slippery surface" sign from the cleaner's cupboard can be used to warn of possible hazards.

i)When the majority of children have left the hall the chairs/benches should be stacked.

4. General Behaviour

a)Meals may be ordered and purchased at the staff rate. This may only be eaten before or after your duty commences or finishes, never while you are on duty. Supervisors may eat their meals in the staff room. They are not to walk around the school eating as this sets a bad role model for the children who are not allowed to do this.

b)Where a supervisor is also a classroom assistant who has worked during the morning and goes back to Classroom assistant duties in the afternoon a break of 30 minutes should be taken at the end of the duty to allow for something to eat and drink.

c)Where a classroom assistant may be supporting an SEN child during the lunch hour because part of their programme is working on social interaction and appropriate lunchtime/mealtime behaviour, then the classroom assistant may have a school meal provided and eat with the child.

  1. Confidentiality

As a member of the school staff, there is an expectation of discretion in dealing with children’s disputes and behaviour. Children have the right to expect that their problems are dealt with sensitively and that school issues remain at school. Children will develop confidence in Supervisors if they believe their problems are dealt with fairly and discretely.

a)At no time should individual actions/behaviour of children be discussed with parents. All concerns should be reported to the Headteacher.

b)Discussions arising from observations during the lunch period about children should not take place on the playground at any time.

6. Duties on the playground

a)Supervise the children in safe play

b)Organise and encourage them to play a variety of games

c)Carry out first aid

d)Be responsible for playground equipment, bringing the necessity to replace lost or broken equipment to the Headteacher’s notice.

7.General Issues

a)Make a written record of any poor behaviour on the appropriate record sheet, ensuring that you report the facts as they happened and not feelings or assumptions.

b)Make sure that if children are reported they know exactly what it is they have done wrong. If you are in any doubt that they have understood, ask them to repeat back to you their understanding of what they have done wrong.

If the conduct of any member of staff gives cause for concern as a result of not following the above guidelines then disciplinary action could ensue.

Signature ...... ..

Reviewed: 02.11.05