The Netherhall School


Sixth Form Centre


Full Time


REQUIRED: September 2015

CLOSING DATE:- Wednesday 11th March 2015(12 noon)

INTERVIEWS: w/c Monday 16th March 2015

Method of Application

Please complete the application form and write a letter to the Principal comprising a maximum of two sides of A4 setting out why you are the right candidate for this post. Your letter & completed application form should be submitted either by post or email to CVs will not be accepted.

Please ensure that your letter addresses the accompanying job description and person specification for this position.

Candidates who have not heard from the school within 5 working days of the closing date may assume that their application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.

The Netherhall School & Sixth Form Centre
Queen Edith’s Way, Cambridge CB1 8NN

Required for September 2015 - A suitably qualified energetic and talented colleague to join the large, highly qualified and very successful Mathematics Department. The ability to teach KS3 and KS4 is essential and the ability to teach KS5 is preferable. Applicants must have a passion for the subject and have a strong work ethic.
We offer:
  • A successful 11-18 mixed comprehensive school with a flourishing Sixth Form
  • Impressive classroom facilities
  • A vibrant, supportive community with friendly colleagues & students
  • Situated in Cambridge – a centre of excellence
To apply for this position please download an application pack from the school website or contact the PA to the Principal on 01223 868318. CVs not accepted
Application deadline – Wednesday 11th March2015 (12 noon)
Interviews will take place w/c Monday 16th March 2015
The school has a clear commitment to Child Protection
and Safeguarding Children
All appointments are subject to an enhanced DBS Check

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre


The department consists of 6 full-time and 3 part-time Maths teachers. The Maths suite is based in the new atrium building and has 8 classrooms and a workroom. All the classrooms are equipped with data projectors and interactive whiteboards. There are several networked computer rooms and there are a variety of textbooks, homework books, revision guides and workbooks for all year groups.

Students are taught in broad bands in Year 7 and thereafter are grouped by mathematical ability. There are between six and eight classes in each year group. The setting of students is based on both proven ability and the potential to achieve.

In year 7 and 8, the department has been working on a new scheme of work focussing on broadening student experience in the maths classroom. The teacher has freedom to choose styles of teaching and learning appropriate for each topic but investigational, practical and computer work are encouraged. Teacher assessment of each student’s progress is an important part of the scheme of work (recorded and tracked using ICT) and there are regular assessments in place.

In year 9, 10 & 11, students are prepared for the AQA linear examination. Our GCSE results are well above the national average. In summer 2014, 74% of students achieved a Grade A*-C at GCSE.

In the Sixth Form, there are approximately 70 students taking AS or A2 levels. The department uses the Edexcel specification for the maths and further maths courses. Class sizes are small with the teaching shared between two teachers.

The department has a record of excellent academic results and innovative teaching. We are looking for an enthusiastic teacher to join the team and to play a full part in the life of the school. The timetable will include the full range of age and ability levels.

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre


Person Specification: Teacher of Mathematics (MPS)

Qualifications and Experience
  • Qualified Teacher Status
  • Educated to degree level
  • Experience of working in an 11-16 mixed comprehensive school.

  • Good honours classification
  • A range of relevant in-service training, coaching and officiating qualifications.
  • Other qualifications relevant to teach Maths

Knowledge and Understanding
  • Up to date subject and National Curriculum knowledge.
  • Knowledge of examination and vocational courses: GCSE AS/A2.
  • Knowledge and understanding of Assessment for Learning / Every Child Matters agenda.
  • Has passion for teaching and is confident in planning the future development of Maths for all pupils in school related to national orders and initiatives.
  • Understanding of Continuing Professional development.

  • Recent experience of an OFSTED inspection.
  • Experience in a Specialist school and/or Training School.

Skills and Attributes (strategy, leadership and management)
  • Ability to teach high quality lessons across all areas of the National Curriculum and offer expertise in examination courses.
  • Ability to use a range of ICT skills
  • Ability to motivate and encourage students.
  • Commitment to enrichment activities/ extra-curricular activities.
  • Proven communication and organisational skills.
  • Interpersonal skills and good sense of humour.
  • Positive professional role model – punctual and an excellent record of attendance
  • Ability to establish effective structures and working relationships with colleagues.
  • Ability to apply firm but fair discipline and develop relationships with staff and students.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Confidence, tenacity and flexibility.

  • Ability to ‘think outside the box’.
  • Interest in wider research and publication of findings.
  • Ability to drive the schools’ minibus.
  • Is ambitious

Elements of the person specification will be assessed through the following ways

  • Letter of application,
  • References
  • Interview process (including lesson observation)

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre




TITLE OF POST: / Subject Teacher - Mathematics
REPORTS TO: / Head of Maths / Line Manager

Job descriptions have been written to help produce an effective school. They are written statements of what the jobs involve, what teachers and support staff are expected to do and the responsibilities involved in the jobs, thereby providing a basic framework for the discharging of professional and managerial responsibilities. These basic frameworks provide a means by which job-holders and persons assuming the responsibility for the job-holders can mutually discuss the nature of the job. They are not meant to be “static” or “exclusive”. The nature of the work undertaken by the teaching profession, support staff and employees at the school means that flexibility in “jobs” is desirable and inevitable. It is the spirit in which jobs are performed which is important to an effective school.

Core Purpose

To provide outstanding learning and teaching for your subject(s) to ensure high achievement and attainment of all students

To be overall accountable for pupil progress, standards and development within the classroom

All teachers are responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre

Key Areas

Teaching and Learning

Under the direction of the Head of Department (where appropriate):

  • To contribute to the teaching of the department, as follows:
  1. by planning and preparing courses and lessons in accordance with departmental schemes of work.
  2. by teaching pupils according to their educational needs
  3. by setting and marking work carried out inside and outside school
  4. by assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils.
  • To plan and prepare lessons and resource materials that lead to an appropriately differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils.
  • To teach, according to their educational needs, pupils assigned to him/her in the allocated classes.
  • Ensure the effective teaching of classes and individuals, so that learning objectives are met and best use is made of available teaching time.
  • Establish and maintain a purposeful working atmosphere.
  • Set high expectations of students’ behaviour through well-focused teaching and consistent application of the Behaviour for Learning Policy and other school systems.
  • Establish a safe environment, which supports learning and in which students feel secure and confident.
  • Use teaching methods which sustain the momentum of students’ work and keep all students engaged through:

- matching the approaches used to the subject matter and students

- clear structure and presentation of content

- effective use of resources and time

- providing opportunities for students to consolidate their knowledge
and skills, both in the classroom and the setting of well-focused

  • Meet the requirements of the Code of Practice, implement and keep records on individual education plans (IEPs) and report progress and concerns as required.
  • Evaluate own teaching critically, including taking responsibility for professional improvements targets and monitoring progress.

Assessment, Recording and Reporting:

  • Mark and monitor students’ class and homework on a regular basis as required by subject and school policies.
  • Assess and record student progress as required by subject and school policies, including National Curriculum and other standardised tests, and baseline assessment where relevant.
  • Write reports and profiles as required and in accordance with the school’s assessment, Recording and Reporting procedures.

Leading and Managing Staff

  • To support ITT,GTP, NQT and work experience colleagues in the department as required

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre

Communication and Liaison

  • Communicate effectively with members of the department and wider staff through formal and informal meetings and briefings.
  • Meet with line manager over matters relating to teaching and learning and personal professional development.
  • Liaise with other key staff, including Key Stage Pastoral Leaders, SENCO, and Teaching Assistants etc on matters relating to teaching and learning.
  • Liaise with parents (face to face, in writing and via telephone) on matters relating to pupil progress, work and behaviour.
  • To liaise with partner schools,

Efficient and effective deployment of resources

  • Ensure the effective and efficient management and organisation of learning resources including ICT within the classroom.
  • Use accommodation to create an effective and stimulating learning environment in which health and safety risks are properly assessed and conform to school and national requirements.
  • To provide pupils’ work for display as a mechanism for encouraging pupils and raising their level of achievement.

Additional Specific Responsibilities

(a) To be Tutor of an assigned Form/Tutor Group and carry out related duties in accordance with the general job description of Form/Group Tutors.

(b)To seek to maintain a high profile for the subject in the school through competitions, productions, trips etc.

(c)To play a full part in the life of the school community, to support its ethos and to encourage staff and pupils to follow this example.

2.General Duties

(a)To maintain good order and discipline among the pupils and safeguard their health and safety both when they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere.

(b)To carry out a share of supervisory duties in accordance with published schedules.

(c)To set a good example in terms of dress, punctuality and attendance.

(d)To contribute to the supervision and so far as practicable teaching of any pupils whose teacher is not available to teach them subject to the conditions of employment.

(e)To participate in appropriate meetings with colleagues and parents relative to the above duties.

(f)To participate in the arrangements for performance management within the school.

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre


1.The above responsibilities are subject to the general duties and responsibilities contained in the statement of Conditions of Employment.

2.This job description allocates duties and responsibilities but does not direct the particular amount of time to be spent on carrying them out and no part of it may be so construed. In allocating time to the performance of duties and responsibilities, the post-holder must use Directed Time in accordance with the school's published Time Budget Policy and have regard to clause 36(1)(f) of a Teacher's Conditions of Employment.

3.This job description is not necessarily a comprehensive definition of the post. It will be reviewed at least once every two years and it may be subject to modification or amendment at any time after consultation with the holder of the post.


POLICY STATEMENT on: Child Protection – Whistle Blowing



  • The Netherhall School fully recognises the responsibility it has under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 to have arrangements in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
  • The Child Protection Whistle Blowing Policy encourages each staff member to exercise their responsibility to raise concerns about unacceptable behaviour or practice.


  • To prevent the abuse or neglect of children which an individual may suspect is occurring and is being perpetrated by a member of staff or any adult who has an association with our students.
  • To prevent this problem worsening or widening and thereby maintain a whole school

protective ethos.

  • To protect or reduce risks to other children.
  • To protect other staff members who may be unwittingly involved in the abuse or neglect of children.
  • To protect staff members from malicious accusation by establishing a transparent

approach to the pastoral care and welfare of children.

  • To provide staff with training in the safeguarding of children and the recognition of

inappropriate adult behaviours.

  • To protect the whistle blower.
  • To maintain and develop an open culture that promotes safety and well being for all.

Employees must acknowledge that:

  • Any concerns with regard to inappropriate adult behaviours must be passed on to the

Designated Teachers for Child Protection as soon as possible, following the accepted

Netherhall School procedures.

  • The Designated Teachers must then bring these concerns to the attention of Senior

Management and/or relevant agencies.

  • Anyone who has concerns about a colleague’s behaviour will be given appropriate

information about subsequent enquiries, and will be protected from harassment or


  • Proven malicious allegations will be considered a disciplinary offence.
  • The school will liaise with the Local Authority and with the relevant external bodies as


The DBS Code of Practice requires that the school makes available a copy of its Policy on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders to all job applicants. A model policy statement is given below.

The Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre

Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders

In accordance with the Disclosure and Barring Service Code of Practice this policy is made available to all job applicants at the outset of the recruitment process. The DBS Code of Practice is available at

  • As an organisation which uses the Disclosure and Barring service, the Governing Body of the school complies fully with the DBS Code of Practice and undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a Disclosure on the basis of conviction or other information revealed.
  • We meet the requirements in respect of exempted questions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. A DBS check will therefore be carried out before appointment to any job at the school is confirmed. This will include details of convictions cautions and reprimands, as well as ‘spent’ and ‘unspent’ convictions. A criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a position.
  • We arecommitted to the fair treatment of applicants on all protected grounds and in relation to all history of offending.
  • Wepromote equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records. We select all candidates for interview based on their competencies, qualifications and knowledge.
  • Application forms and recruitment information will contain a statement that job applicants will be required to disclose their criminal record if they are invited to interview and a DBS check will be carried out if they are offered the job. The information will only be seen by those who need to see it as part of the recruitment process.
  • At interview, or in a separate discussion, we ensure that an open and measured discussion takes place on the subject of any offences or other matter that might be relevant to the position. Failure to reveal information that is directly relevant to the job sought could lead to withdrawal of an offer of employment.
  • We undertake to discuss any matter revealed in a Disclosure with the person seeking the job before withdrawing a conditional offer of employment.
  • We ensure that people at the schoolwho are involved in the recruitment process have access to professional advice to identify and assess the relevance and circumstances of offences. We also ensure that they have received appropriate guidance in the relevant legislation relating to the employment of ex-offenders, e.g. the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from working atthe school. This will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of your offences.