Palm Sunday

Our humanity bleeds through today's Gospel passages in more ways than one. We see both elation and fall, hope in the midst of the darker sides of our natures. If we allow it, these Gospels hold a mirror to our own fickle hearts. The crowds cry "Hosanna" and the Apostles profess allegiance unto death. In a manner of days -- even hours -- Jesus is betrayed, abandoned, denied, condemned, tortured, and executed. As God, he could have stopped this horrific narrative from unfolding, but he doesn't. He allows free will to play itself out.

There are nearly two millennia between this spectacle and us. We can stand safely removed, if we choose. But Lent invites us to return to this story. Lent invites us to find ourselves in the people we encounter there. Are we the repentant woman at Bethany? Are we naysayers of such lavish piety? Have we acted in a way that betrays those we love or denies what we know to be good and true? Have we fallen asleep in our faith? Have we unfairly accused others of a crime or immorality we imagine, though perhaps they didn't commit? Do we help others carry their burdens? Do we stand in solidarity with those who suffer? Do we care for the dying?

This week, take up today's Gospel again. Look carefully at the Passion narrative and sit with it in silence. Find yourself in the story and ponder its meaning for your own life. Journey with Jesus to the foot of the Cross so that you too may say, along with the faithful centurion, "truly this man was the Son of God!"

Sunday Collectionfor March 10/11, 2018 was $3,231.00. The collection for March 17/18, 2018 will appear in next week’s bulletin.

Reconciliation Monday

On Monday, March 26, 2018, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is being offered at all 3 Churches at Divine Mercy Parish from 3:00pm to 9:00pm.

Wednesday Afternoon Prayer Group

The St. Cecilia’s Wednesday Afternoon Prayer Group will resume their weekly meeting in the Chapel at St. Cecilia, on Wednesday, April 4th, 2018.

Domingo de Ramos

El Domingo de Ramos tiene doble toque de emociones en los corazones de los fieles. La Liturgia está llena de alegría por la entrada triunfal de Jesús a Jerusalén entre la multitud que lo celebra como Rey. Por otra parte, lo envuelve un ambiente de tristeza, ya que todo está orientado hacia el Calvario donde el momento trágico llegara. La Pasión, y la muerte del Señor. Como comunidad de creyentes, nos preparamos para la Semana Santa y el preámbulo es el Domingo de Ramos. Hay que tomar tiempo para preparar todos los detalles del Triduo Pascual. Nada debe hacerse en solitario, trabajar en equipo es esencial.

En la carta de San Pablo aparece de modo especial la alegría y la tristeza de la Celebración de hoy. "Por eso, Dios lo engrandeció y le dio el Nombre que esta sobre todo nombre, para que al Nombre de Jesus se doble toda rodilla en los cielos, en la tierra y entre los muertos, y todo lengua proclame que Cristo Jesus es el Señor, para gloria de Dios Padre". (Filipenses 2:9-11). ¿Qué comprendemos de este misterio? ¿Cómo contribuiremos al Señor todo el amor que nos ha dado? ¡Que el Señor aumente nuestra fe al agitar las palmas en honor a Cristo Victorioso! El Papa Francisco, nos pide reflexionar en lo siguiente. "Así, al mismo tiempo que también nosotros festejamos a nuestro Rey, pensamos en el sufrimiento que él tendrá que sufrir en esta Semana. Pensamos en las calumnias, los ultrajes, los engaños, las traiciones, el abandono, el juicio inicuo, los golpes, los azotes, la corona de espinas..., y en definitiva al via crucis, hasta la crucifixión". (Homilía del Domingo de Ramos 9 de abril 2017).

Registration for 2018-19

is Now Open At


11 Catherine Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11211

Don’t miss out on scholarship opportunities!

Received a scholarship last year?

Re-apply by March 30, 2018

First time scholarship applicant?

Apply by April 30, 2018

To learn about the benefits of a Catholic education, please contact Principal James Daino at 718-388-7992.



A Message from Fr. Tom

We cannot know the source of our redemption without the suffering of the passion—the cross. The early followers of Jesus called themselves the followers of the Way. Jesus says to us, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” The celebration of Passion Sunday—Palm Sunday—reminds us that the way to the truth and the life must take us through the suffering God’s Son endured for our salvation.

Through recognizing Jesus through the passion, we come to know more and more who He is. We recognize the wounded Christ in our midst—in the daily suffering we encounter each day—and the suffering of the Catholic Church.

Fr. Tom

Divine Mercy Parish Holy Week


On Holy Thursday, March 29, at 7:30pm

we will celebrate our parish Mass of the Lord’s Supper at St. Francis of Paola Church.

On Good Friday, March 30, at 1:00pm

we will conduct the Stations of the Cross throughout the streets of our parish, beginning at St. Cecilia to St. Francis of Paola and ending at St. Nicholas.

After the Station of the Cross at 3:00pm

we will have the Good Friday Service of the Lord’s Passion at St. Nicholas.

On Good Friday, at 7:00pm

the Service of the Lord’s Passion in Spanish will be held at St. Nicholas Church.

On Holy Saturday, March 31, at 8:00pm

the Easter Vigil Mass

will be celebrated at St. Cecilia’s Church

Save the Date

Friday, April 6Start of 40 Hour Devotions

Wednesday, April 4Mass Book July to Dec. 2018

Sunday, April 8DMP Patronal Feast

Saturday, April 28St. Theresa Fundraiser

Saturday, May 19Rosary Society Fundraiser

Divine Mercy Parish

Church Restoration Memorials 2018

If you would like to let someone (a family member, friend, etc.) know how special they are to you, or to honor the memory of a deceased loved one or in the name of your family please consider one of the following Church Restoration Memorial’s. An engraved brass plaque or a material tag will be affixed on or near the fixture noting your dedication.

Divine Mercy Parish

Church Restoration Memorials 2018

St. Francis of Paola Church

Restoration of O. L. Mt. Carmel Statue$ 500.00

New Vestment$ 500.00

Funeral Pall$ 1,500.00

Window Restoration$ 2,000.00

Garden Trellis for St. Francis$ 3,000.00

St. Cecilia Church

Chapel Restored Pews$ 1,500.00

Funeral Pall$ 1,500.00

Remounting St. Cecilia Mural$ 2,000.00

Chapel Sanctuary Mosaic$ 2,000.00

Organ Restoration$ 5,000.00

Restored Pulpit$10,000.00

St. Nicholas Church

New Vestment$ 500.00

Funeral Pall$ 1,500.00

Organ Restoration$ 2,000.00

Baptismal Font$ 3,000.00

Divine Mercy Parish

Patronal Feast Celebration

On Sunday, April 8, 2018 there will be a special celebration following the Divine Mercy Mass at St. Francis of Paola Church at 3:00pm.

A full catered hot luncheon will follow in the

St. Francis Auditorium.

Tickets are $20.00 each and are available at the parish office.

Please purchase your tickets in advance as food arrangements have to be made. Deadline for tickets is April 2, 2018.






“For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome…” (Matt. 25:35-36)

Pope Francis had made the point that we must take our responsibility to the poor on a personal level and when we serve the poor we do so with kindness and empathy.

Specific items needed this week: Canned Soups

Food Pantry Coordinator and Volunteers

St. Francis of Paola Church

Memorial Gifts – March 25,2018


Louis Anolfo by Wife & Children


In Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Virgin Mary: For Good Health by Rosa Maria Suarez-Vargas


Rosa Fiore by Children

Rosa Fiore by Children

Mass Book 2018 at DMP

The second half of the Mass Book (July to December 2018) will be opened for intentions on Wednesday, April 4, 2018. Mass stipend is $15.00 for a weekday Mass and $20.00 for a Saturday 5pm Mass and our Sunday Masses. Rectory is open from 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday.

Good Friday Procession / March 30th

This year the Way of the Cross Procession begins from St. Cecilia at 1:00pm and stops at St. Francis on its way to St. Nicholas for the Passion Service at 3pm. Please arrive at St. Nicholas by 12:30pm, so we may begin on time.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

May 16-25, 2018

Travel with St. Joseph College faculty members: Sister Grace Rowland, CSJ and Father Francis Pizzarelli, SMM. For detailed brochure all Sister Grace at: 631-654-0199 or e mail,

Mass Intentions for the Week

St. Francis of Paola Church

Saturday, March 24, 2018

5:00pmDeceased Members of the Annunciation Society

Sunday, March 25, 2018 – PALM SUNDAY

8:00amLouis Anolfo by Wife & Children

11:30amLouise Rocco & Laura Grillo by Loretta Pizza

Rosa Fiore by Children

Nicolas & Christina Corsaro by Immaculata Corsaro

Monday, March 26, 2018

7:45amGenevieve Rossiello by Cathy & Rose DeMarino

Tuesday,March 27, 2018

7:45amPasqualina Lombardi by Roseann Fortunato

Wednesday,March 28, 2018

7:45amGenevieve Rossiello by Carlotta & Gennaro

Thursday, March 29, 2018 - Holy Thursday

Holy ThursdayNo Morning Mass

7:30pmMass of the Lord’s Supper

Friday,March 30, 2018 – Good Friday

Good FridayNo Morning Mass

Saturday, March 31, 2018 – Holy Saturday

Holy SaturdayNo Morning Mass

Sunday, April 1,2018 – Easter Sunday

8:00amEaster Sunday

11:30amEaster Sunday

Archdiocesan Hymn Festival

Join fellow choir members and cantors from around the tri-state area in discoveringthe singing and “hidden gems” of Catholic hymnody as well as beloved favorites. All voices are welcome at this exciting evening of music-making and fellowship!Church of St. Joseph (Somers) Monday, April 16, 7-8:30pm

Suggested donation $15.00 participants keep all distributed music. More information and registration:

Contact: or 914-968-6200 x 8177.

MARCH 25,2018

Mass Intentions for the Week

St. Nicholas Church

Sunday, March 25, 2018- PALM SUNDAY

10:30amSister Rose Winifred O’Neill by Janet P. Cadogan

Maria Esta & Salvado Colorado by

Sonia Rivera

Friday, March 30, 2018

3:00pm Passion of the Lord

7:00pmLa Pasion del Senor

Sunday, April 1, 2018- EASTER SUNDAY

10:30amEaster Sunday

Pray For the Sick

Pat Stead, Marilyn & Joe, Rosemary DiMieri, Yadira Aybar, Wanda Zadwarny, Richard Schlopp, Angela Mauceri, Mary Kandrach, Rae Pacifico, Kim Camirand, Louis Clappi, Kevin & Christine Orlando

Pray for the Recently Deceased

Rosa Sanchez, Patricia M. Lupo, Josephine D’Agostino, Ronald Bianchini, Nunzio Trezza


We congratulate the following students of Divine Mercy Parish who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday March 10, 2018 at 11:00am. At our Parish Church of St. Cecilia by Bishop Massa.

Fiona Faustina ArrunateguiFrancisco Francis Baez

Janiya Lucy BielAngelina Rose Cipriano

Anthony Kenneth DonowskiAndres John Paul II Farrulla

Brando Damien FarrullaAileen Carmilla Garcia

Emily Christine Greenwood Mayra Guadalupe Guiracocha

William Michael Kossakowski Brandon Angelo Lopez

Javier Anthony LopezVanessa Teresa Martelli

Michael Anthony MazzaDelilah Teresa Medina Alejandra Veronica MoralesMasiel Teresa Mosquera Ronald Francis Naula Jazmin Francis Niola Jaylin Marie Nunez Gabriel Ezequiel Pagan Jr.

Amy Anastasia Paredes.Ariana Ava Perez Jasmin Catherine RodriguezAshley Narcisa Saldana Genna Anastasia Sgrizzi Emily Cecilia Valle

Roary Society Meeting

The next meeting for the Rosary Society will be on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 7pm in the auditorium at St. Cecilia’s.

Mass Intentions for the Week

St. Cecilia Church

Sunday, March 25, 2018- PALM SUNDAY

9:30amArthur Knapp, Jr.

Patrick Del Vicario

Eleanor Rossner

Bob Kelly

Handley Family

Raffloer Family

7:00pmFor the People of Divine Mercy Parish

Monday,March 26, 2018

8:30am Open Intention

Tuesday,March 27,2018

8:30amMary Cappiello (Happy Birthday)

Wednesday,March 28,2018

8:30amJohn & Rose Cusimano

Thursday, March 29, 2018 – Holy Thursday

Holy ThursdayNo Morning Mass

Friday, March 30, 2018 – Good Friday

Good FridayNo Morning Mass

Saturday,March 31, 2018 – Holy Saturday

Holy SaturdayNo Morning Mass

8:00pmThe Great Vigil of Easter

Sunday, April 1, 2018 –Easter Sunday

9:30amEaster Sunday

7:00pmNo Evening Mass

40 Hours of Devotion

leading to Divine Mercy Sunday

Sunday, April 8th/Mass at 3pm

This year we will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday—the patronal feast of our parish—on Sunday, April 8th with a Mass at the hour of Mercy at 3pm.

Beginning on Friday evening April 6th we will have 40 hours of more or less continuous Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in St. Francis of Paola Church. Soon, we will be asking each parishioner—as in year’s past—to sign up for an hour to watch and pray with Jesus.

Please respond generously with your time.

Fr. Tom




CHURCH NAME:Divine Mercy Parish





PHONE NUMBER:718-389-0010

FAX NUMBER:718-389-5090




Memorial Gifts- At Divine Mercy Parish

Memorial Gifts are a wonderful way to honor and remember your loved ones. Please come to the Rectory (or call) for information and available dates.

The following Memorial Gifts are available for the week:

Bread & WineSanctuary LampTabernacle CandlesAltar Candles

Blessed Mother CandlesSt. Joseph Candles

Also available are Tree of Life Memorial Leaf and Blessed Mother Yearly Candle (this candle is lit for a year).

All Memorials can be In Honor Of or Remembrance Of a family member or friend.

Note to Press: This document printed at: 3/22/18 1:09 PM