Select one of the options below to participate. Please enclose this entry form (and your written check to “WES PTO” if required) and return to school in a envelope marked “Trunk or Treat” no later than Wednesday, October 21, 2015.
Our Family will Trunk or Treat!
______Family Name
We will participate by decorating our trunk (please refer to WES PTO webpage for trunk decorating examples) and passing out candy at the event. We will bring 275 pieces of candy to pass out and arrive at school by 4:30 pm to park and decorate our trunk. Our children will wear their costumes and receive free wristbands to attend the event. Wristbands entitle children to trick or treat, participate in group games, dancing and a free pretzel and water during the event.
We have ______children in our immediate family that will be attending the event. Please send my free wristbands home with my child______his/her teacher is ______.
Our Family will Trick or Treat
______Family Name
We will participate in the event by coming dressed in our costumes. We will pay $5.00 per child for wristbands to participate in the event. Wristbands entitle children to trick or treat, participate in group games, dancing and a free pretzel and water during the event.
We have ______children in our immediate family that will be attending the event. Enclosed is a check to the “WES PTO” for a total of ______. Please send my wristbands home with my child______his/her teacher is ______.