Our Year 5 pupils will be working with our Creative Agent, Lesley Martin and Jim Elliott, our artist and professional film maker. We will of course be sharing everything we learn with the rest of the staff and pupils and possibly other school too!

Our Creative Committee – Jayden, Aamna, Georgia, Isobel, Maisie and Kirsten.

Our Creative Committee shortlisted and interviewed the creative practitioners.

They will be an integral part of the planning process and will represent the views and opinions of all pupils during our project.

We will begin planning our project with Jim in November and December.

We had to come up with an inquiry question which was linked to our school improvement plan.

We have chosen to look at how multi-media learning experiences can improve standards of literacy.

We will plan to use a range of multi-media in the classroom – film making, designing apps, animation etc.

Jim will also train teachers so that all teachers and pupils will benefit from this project.

By April, the pupils and staff will have gained lots of new skills which will enhance teaching and learning at Victoria CP School.

We have been successful in our application to become a ‘Lead Creative School. This means that as a school we can...

•Explore how new approaches to teaching and learning can improve learner outcomes

•Develop the creativity of learners and teachers

•Find new ways to inspire and motivate our learners and to engage them with the curriculum

•Provide opportunities for learners to co-construct and take responsibility for their learning

•Put the arts and creativity at the heart of school life

•Be recognised for our commitment to improvement through creative teaching and learning the arts

•Involve our community further in our learning activities

The Lead Creative School scheme has been established by the Welsh government and the Arts Council for Wales to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools across Wales by putting creativity at the heart of the curriculum and using it as a vehicle for engagement.

It is a two year scheme. With one project being carried out per year. The scheme uses well-developed teaching and learning techniques that are specifically designed to be practical and relevant to real-life curriculum demands. The Creative practitioners are from a broad range of creative professions and work closely with the teachers to address the schools needs and requirements so that planning can be carried out effectively to ensure maximum impact on the learners.

Creativity is not a skill bound within the arts, but a wider ability to question, make connections, and take an innovative and imaginative approach to problem solving.

How does this help our learners?

These are skills that will be demanded by future employers. More than ever before young people will be going out into a world that is increasingly uncertain to do jobs that don’t yet even exist.

50% of the jobs in the future that our learners will take on don’t even exist yet.

We are very keen to involve our community during the project. We will be inviting parents and school partners to join us in the classroom to see our work in progress.

At the end of the project, we will be inviting our community to share our final product.

These are very exciting times for teaching and learning!

If you would like any further information about the project, don’t hesitate to get in touch.