Fundamental Geometry

Fundamental Geometry

Course Description:

Geometry is the branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, figures, lines, and angles. Throughout the course we will integrate, review, and learn some new algebraic concepts that will enhance our understanding of geometry.

The first semester of this year will be used as an introduction of geometry through definitions in various algebraic problems. Concepts that will be covered include: Basic Geometric Definitions, Properties of Triangles, Properties of Polygons, and The Pythagorean Theorem & Proportions. The first semester will conclude with a cumulative midterm that will be given at the end of January and will count towards the second quarter average.

The second semester of the year will focus on concepts that include: Coordinate Geometry, Transformations, Loci & Constructions, Surface Area & Volume, and Circle Properties. The course will conclude with a cumulative final that will be given at the end of June. To successfully pass the course, a student must maintain an overall four quarter average of 65.

Students' course averages will be calculated by counting each quarter as 20% and including the final as the other 20% of the overall course average.


Tests will be given at the end of chapters. There are usually 2-3 tests each quarter. Tests will be graded by the points available / points awarded scale and count for approximately 50% of your average.

***Test Corrections will be allowed for partial credit, but a scheduled time before or after school must be made and kept with Mr. Stone or Mrs. Marinaccio. Test corrections must be made on a separate paper with either teacher present and with a detailed explaination of steps needed to find a correct solution. ***

Quizzes/ Team Quizzes will be given once or twice a week. Quizzes may contain material from the homework assignments. Quizzes will be graded out of 10-20 points and count for approximately 25% of your average.

Homework is given and checked daily. Completed homework will be graded out of 4 points, an incomplete assignment will receive 2 points, and a missing assignment will receive 0 points. Late assignments will not be accepted. Homework will count for approximately 25% of your average. Homework can significantly impact your overall average in a positive/negative way!


Students must report to Mr. Stone (in room B-127) or Mrs Marinaccio during the activity period (7:45-8:04) the morning they return to: (1) get missed notes, (2) missed homework, and (3) submit owed homework.


Students will need to bring the following materials to every class:

- 3 ring binder (at least 2 inch) with 4 tab sections

- Notebook/Graph Paper

- Pencil/Pen

- EAHS Agenda Booklet

- (Recommended) Scientific Calculator or Graphing Calculator (TI-83, TI-84, etc..)

Students will not be allowed to go back to lockers to get materials.


Each student is too keep an organized 3 ring binder throughout the school year. The notebook should be divided into four sections in the listed order. (1) Class Notes & Handouts, (2) Daily Homework, (3) Quizzes & Tests, (4) Extra Notebook/Graph Paper.

Classroom Procedures & Policies:

(A.) Entering and exiting the room:

- Students are to quietly arrive prior to the bell for the start of class with all necessary materials. (1st unexcused tardy-warning), (any additional tardies- activity period)

- Get out assignment that is due and start the daily quiz that is posted.

- Students are asked to remain seated until the teacher dismisses the class.

(B.) Classroom Rules:

- Respect others.

- Come to class on time with materials.

- Always raise your hand when you need to speak.

- Follow directions the first time that they are given.

(C.) Class Discipline:

- Warning and discussion with student.

- Assign Activity period and/or call home.

- Assign Teacher Detention and call home.

- Behavior Referral sent to the Main Office.

Additional Help:

Mr Stone will be available in my office (B-127) to help students daily during the following times: Activity Period, , , and after school until 3:15.

If we see you are having difficulty with the material we may assign you to report at one of these times. You will receive a progress report from us after every test so you and your parents will know how you are doing.

All homework assignments, upcoming tests, and additional information can be found on my website under the high school drop down at:

Welcome to the Fundamentals of Geometry!

Mr. Stone Mrs. Marinaccio

Mr. Stone Mrs. Marinaccio

Office: B-127 Office: B-218

Phone # at school: 687-2300 (ext. 7124) Phone # at school: 687-2300 (ext. 7189)

Email: Email:

cut below & return ->


I have read the attached information and understand the classroom policies.

Student's Name (print): ______Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Name (print): ______Signature: ______

Student's Email: ______Parent/Guardian Email: ______

Home Phone Number: ______Best Time to Call: ______

Work Phone Number: ______Best Time to Call: ______






