Immanuel Christian Reformed Church

April 21, 2013


We’re glad that you joined us today, and we pray that you will experience a meaningful time of worship with us.

Guest mailboxes are located in the south entrance after the alphabetical list of members. Please pick up this information if you would like details on Immanuel’s ministries.

This morning Pastor Bob will continue with the series of messages, “The Invisible War”.

Offerings: General Fund & Faith Promise Missionary Support

This evening the congregation is invited to Encounter Worship which will be held in the Family Life Center.

Offering: Pastor Avelino



8:45AM Dot Vruwink, Kassie Butterworth

11:00AM (Infant) Tammy & Emily Wolters

(Toddler) Kristin Talsma, Mike Wigger,

Jacob Vander Ploeg, Josh Veldink,

Jacquelin Veldink

5:30PM Mary Jane & Sara Geers

Next Sunday:

8:45AM Bea Meinema, Carrie & Lane Lems

11:00AM (Infant) Holly Vredevoogd, Annalise Van Rijs

(Toddler) Kara & Elle Plaisier, Krista Herweyer

Carrie & Chase Heemstra,

5:30PM Ruth Pohler, Erica Dykstra


Today: (Jesus appears to the Ten Disciples)

8:45AM Cathy Dykstra

11:00AM Cheri Lutke, Samantha Bosma

Next Sunday:

8:45AM Michelle Hamberg

11:00AM Evamarie Eggebeen, Carly Geers


10:00AM Education Hour

3:00PM Encounter practice

6:30PM Crossroads



Bart & Arlene Adema:

Vander Meer, Vander Ploeg families

Lee & Carolyn Baas:

Vander Stelt, Vande Steeg families


6:30PM GEMS Fun Night

7:00PM Immanuel Circle – Lessons 23-24


7:00PM Knitting Ministry


6:00PM Crossroads – meet at church


8:45 & 11AM: Pastor Bob

Ephesians 6:16-17

“The Invisible War 301” Advanced Training

Offerings: General Fund & Benevolent Fund

5:30PM: GEMS Sunday

Philippians 4:8 “Think Right: Win the Fight!”

Offering: GEMS Girls’ Club organization


Elder Allen Vedders

Wierenga, Wigger families


10:00AM Education Hour

4:30PM weServe information

6:30PM E.T.


Thank You Immanuel,

We received an email from a woman that we were able to bless with a baby shower about 18 months ago. She had visited the abortion clinic in Grand Rapids but then changed her mind. Here's what she wanted to tell you:

“I feel very blessed to have met you and for the help that you and the others have given me when I needed it the most. I really do not know how I would have gotten by without your help with the baby shower and the gifts I was given. Back then I was worried all the time about how would I support another child when I was barely getting by but with the help I was given and the promotions at work now I am financially stable and worry free!!"

It is amazing that God takes our small contributions and obedience and uses it to change lives. Thanks!

Right to Life Committee


Pray for God’s strength and healing for Sharon Ondersma who has had a flare-up of M.S. and is using a wheelchair.

Fernando Capestany – rehab at Brookcrest

Del De Kleine – health difficulties

Joe Lems – severe back pain

Pete Van Rijs – cancer treatment

Riley Westerhuis (Rozema’s great-niece) – cancer treatment

Captain Ron Thenn – Army


Circle Letter A – Spring Dinner for all Immanuel Seniors

Please mark Tuesday, May 14, on your calendar for the Spring Dinner/ Cookout hosted by the deacons. In past years, the event was for the senior singles from our congregation, but this year we would like to expand the invitation to all Immanuel seniors. Sorry, no high school seniors.J Punch bowl will begin at 5:30PM with dinner shortly after.

If you would like to join us, please circle Letter A in the Friendship Folder so we can have an accurate count for the evening. If you have already circled the letter in previous weeks, we have you on a list and there’s no need to sign up again.

If you have any questions, please contact any deacon.


Directory Update

Steve & Tami Herweyer Ph # 797-4198

6827 Northbeech Ct

Hudsonville MI

College Graduates

If your son or daughter has graduated from college in the past months, or will graduate this spring, please contact the church office (669-9725 or ) with the graduate’s name, college, and the exact degree received.

Right to Life Annual Membership Drive

You will find a brochure in your mailbox that outlines the passion and work done by theRight to Life of Holland Area. When you donate $15(or more!)you will help them carry out their work, and you will receive newsletters throughout the year updating you on the Right to Life cause.

You can mail the form and donation in yourself, or you can put it in the Right to Life Committee mailbox and we will bring it to the Holland office. Please complete your form by May 3.

Thanks for supporting this important Life organization! If you have any questions, contact Cheri Lutke, Holly Vredevoogd or Evamarie Eggebeen.

Right to Life Information Table

Today between services you will find a Right to Life information table outside of the FLC. As we start our annual membership drive for the Right to Life of Holland Area, feel free to stop by the tableif you have questions or if you want to get more informational brochures.

Son Seeker Students and Parents:

Please note our last week for the year will be on Sunday, May 5. We will not be meeting on May 19.

On May 5 we will be closing the year with a celebration in our individual classes. Please bring your child to their classroom at 10:00 and you can pick them up in the Singing Room at 10:45. Our final week to say Bible Memory verses will be next Sunday, April 28. Thanks for your support during these last few weeks!

The Education Committee

Spring Clean-Up for Cincinnati!

Are you in need of some strong, hard working youth to come help you clean up your yard after a hard winter? Do you need some mulching done or flowers planted? Well from now until the last weekend in May we are offering clean-up crews on Saturdays to head over to your place and help you get ready for summer! We need 2-3 days notice, but please contact Brittnee Blom to set something up!

Parents of Graduating Seniors

Please remember to get photos and information about your seniors to Brittnee Blom before April 28th for the recognition night on May 5.


Are you interested in helping with weServe once a month this summer? If so, come to our meeting to kick off the year next Sunday, April 28th at 4:30pm in FLC. Come learn about the new things happening for this season at Presidential Estates!

Day of Service

Please save the date of Saturday, May 11, for our spring Day of Service. We will spend the morning helping those in need and doing some projects around the church building and grounds. More details to come.

April Hand2Hand - Individual size fruit cups

Golf League

We will begin on Thursday, May 2, 2013, at Pigeon Creek Golf Course. There are openings for weekly players and also subs. Call or e-mail Jack De Graaf if interested (662-6636 or ).

GEMS Leaders Needed

We will need additional GEMS leaders next year. Prayerfully consider if you would be able to participate with this program.


Immanuel Circle

We will meet again this Wednesday, April 24 (Lessons 23 & 24). Our final meeting will be on May 1 – watch for more details.



There will be no ET tonight after the last Encounter of the year. We are scheduling ET for next Sunday, April 28th instead. Please check your mailboxes for the new youth calendar for April-August and note the revisions.


We welcome all 1st grade girls to join the GEMS this Wednesday, April 24, for our Fun Night from 7-8:30PM!


This Friday, April 26th -- Save the night for some fun. If the weather is nice, we will head out to eat some dinner together and go to the beach. Meet at church at 6:00pm.


Our last Cadet meeting is on Wednesday, May 1, at 6:30PM. We’ll meet in the basement, have pizza for supper, and then begin our auction. Dads are welcome!

Purity Retreat

A Purity Retreat at the Omega House on May 3-4 will be held for any 6-8th grade girl. Please sign up on the youth board if you are interested. This is a free event and the girls will need transportation to and from the Omega House. The event starts at 6pm on Friday night and ends by 11am the following morning.

Pop Can Collections

Pop can collections for Cincinnati will be held from 9am-12pm on May 4, 18, & 25. Students who arrive will receive an equally divided amount of the funds toward their trip to Cincinnati.


Corners Offering

April Love for Liberia

April 14, 2013

General Fund $10,096

Level 3 Tuition Assistance 1,504

Bible League Int’l 227

General Fund Year-to-Date

Received $437,825

Budget goal 483,238

Over (Under) (45,413)

Budget received – 91%

Fiscal year – July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013

To fulfill our General Fund budget,

an average weekly offering of $11,506 is necessary.

Please tithe in faith and as your response to God’s blessings.


April 21, 2013


Remember in prayer and with a card this week our shut-ins:

Agnes Koomen, Letty Dyk


Pray for God’s strength to be with the many persecuted Christians in Serbia-Montenegro.


Pray for God’s blessing and protection this week on our Administrative Assistant, Lynnea Van Wylen.


Pray for Bart & Arlene Adema as they continue to work with Global Recordings Network in Alhambra, CA.


Pray for these young adults and remember them with a note or card:

Jordan Kuiper, Kaden Nesky, Kristin Schmitt


Pray for God’s blessing on our E.T. Ministry.


Ask God to bless the civil and church leaders of our city and the residents of your street.

Denominational Prayer Line: 1-888-CRC-PRAY


Unity Christian High School is presenting the play The Curious Savage at Beaverdam Reformed Church on Thursday and Friday, April 25 and 26, beginning at 7:00 p.m. General admission tickets are now on sale in the school office for $5.00 each. There will be a dessert by donation intermission.

Unity’s Education Foundation and Hudsonville Christian Foundation will once again sponsor a Scrap Metal Drive on the following weekend: Friday, May 10, from 12-8PM and Saturday, May 11, from 8AM- 3PM. The location for drop-off is just south of the former site of Carter Lumber, at 5790 Balsam St. Proceeds from this drive will benefit the Unity Christian High School and Hudsonville Christian School.

Because the people of Immanuel also have a special place in their hearts for the people of Liberia, we would like to invite you to join us in a special evening of Praise & Worship. Jamestown CRC has a group going to Liberia in June to help the Roger Sackey family launch a worship center/ school in a poor community there.

Come join us on Saturday, May 4, at 7PM as we sing praises to God with joy in our hearts. A free-will offering will be taken to help offset the cost of the mission trip. Questions? Call Lynn (896-0050).

Recovery Conference led by Dr Neil Anderson on Monday, April 29, from 8AM – 4PM at Calvary CRC (3500 Byron Center Ave. in Wyoming). This conference is designed for those who are struggling with addictive behavior or those who are ministering to them. You can pre-register online at or by phone at 726-5400. The cost is $25.00 and includes materials and lunch.

Love INC Opportunities

·  Would you enjoy meeting lots of people while having fun and worthwhile tasks to fulfill? Consider volunteering a few hours a week at Love INC – a variety of enjoyable opportunities await. Training is always provided. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Tonia at 662-3300 ext 122.

·  Love INC is in need of the following items to complete more Foster Care Kits: regular fabric, fleece fabric, yarn, baby lotion, baby shampoo, diaper rash cream, bar soap (travel size), shampoo (travel size), conditioner (travel size), deodorant, night lights, coloring books, toothbrushes (individually packaged), toothpaste (travel size), combs and hairbrushes. Please bring your donations to Love INC, 3300 Van Buren, Hudsonville. If you are interested in helping with a special project – please contact Karla at 662-3300 ext 130.

·  Sewing and Quilting Group

Are you interested in joining a thriving sewing and quilting group who makes many items for those in need? Please contact Carol Yeakey at 669-1643 for more information. This group meets Tuesday mornings at Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church in Hudsonville and always welcomes more members.

Ladies – Join us at Cottonwood Church (1101 Cypress, Jenison) for our Spring Tea on Tuesday, April 30. A light dinner will be served at 6 pm and our speaker, Lisa Van Ryn, who co-authored the book, Mistaken Identity, will speak at 7:15PM. Bring your favorite tea cup or set a table with your own tea service. Please RSVP by April 25 (457-1010, ex 211 or ). A free will offering will be received.

National Day of Prayer Please join us for a special hour of prayer and praise on Thursday, May 2 at Hillcrest CRC. Pastor Brian Bosscher will be leading a prayer service at 7PM.

National Day of Prayer Service - Everyone is invited to join us at First Hudsonville Christian Reformed Church on Thursday, May 2, at 7 PM for a time of prayer for America. We have an opportunity to call on God to show his healing and power in our nation as we come humbly before Him in prayer. Please come and join us to pray for our nation!

First Jenison CRC will be hosting an Ascension Day Service on Thursday, May 9, at 7 p.m. Ascension Day is the crowning event in the ministry of our Lord! We invite you to celebrate this great event with us and our community. Special music will be provided by the singing group, "Touch of Joy".