Our Christian Sympathy Extends to those who mourn the death of Chuck Bohnenstiehl.
Ill or Recuperating Members: Gary Eberhardt, Diane Egberts, Adela Fanter, Sylvia Flotron, Kevin Gerling, Rex Gould,Vern Kieffer,Kristi Key, Caroline Kuechenmeister, Roger Kuhlmann, Chloe Leidholdt, Millie Malke, Carl McKenzie, Tracy Moeller, Donna Scotino and Thelma Schlobohm.
Ill or Recuperating Family Members and Friends: Sandra Bullock, August & Barbara Eckenfels, Art & Jean Goodwin,Tom Guebert, Kathie & Gene Hall, Robert Hodson, Krista Hunt, George Johns, Linda Johnson, Mary Ann Krause, Frank Liu, Larry Million, Joyce Molitoris, Kay Norton,Dorothy Oliver,Jeanette Patton, Alene Roth, Don Roth, Robert Schaff, Frances Scotino, Twila Stuhr, Erma Tilman,Joy Thomas, Sid & Judi Wilson, and Jeremy Winkelman
Immanuel Members Serving in the U.S. Armed Forces: Jennifer Clough, Allen Conrey,Aaron Kusterer, Joshua Mannucci, Lauren Martin, Matthew McKenzie, Andrew Shaw, Ransom Springer and Feng Zhao.
Family Members & Friends Serving in the U.S. Armed Forces:Daniel Bagby, Willie Barry, Matt Biernbaum, Christopher Bishop, Henry Blair, Mark Brunworth, Chaplain Dan Berteau, Dustin Clark, Dave Cooper, Andrew Domsch, Timothy and Jonathan Erickson, Christine Fonaris, Shawn Gahring,Jon Gimbel, Matt Gomoll, Jeremy Horton, Bradley Jacob, Dakotah Jacob, Paul Keiser, Dan Laramie, Todd Laroche, Ester Liu, Wesley Leugers, Barry Morgan, Nathan Murphy,Devon Parks, Corey Pritchard, Ken Roth, Eric Saxx, BenjaminSchmidt, Benjamin Wilson, and Michael Wolf.
NOTE THE CHANGE ON EASTER MORNING! The Elders have decided to eliminate the Sunrise Service this year due to its decreasing attendance. Easter Day services will be held in the gym this year (due to the worship space refurbishing project) at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. The services will be nearly identical and both will offer Holy Communion with our Risen Lord! The Senior Youth will serve a “continental breakfast” in the Fellowship Hall while an Easter video is played for the little ones in the atrium.
LILIES FOR THE ALTAR – Those wishing to purchase a Lily to place in the chancel for Easter should call Arlene Coulter (428-8133) or the church office (993-2394). Lilies are $12.50 each and the deadline for ordering if March 31, 2012.
WELCOME TO THE LENTEN SUPPER ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28.It will be hosted by Women’s Guild.
HOLY WEEK COLLECTION FOR THE SEMINARY FOOD PANTRY: The Community Care Team is sponsoring our annual “Personal Care Items” Collection to benefit the Concordia Seminary Food Bank. During Holy Week, beginning Palm Sunday and running through Easter Sunday, April 8th, we’ll be collecting toiletries, laundry items, cleaning products and baby items. Flyers with specific information are at the Welcome Desk. Please drop off your gifts anytime during Holy Week. The collection table is set up at the top of the first flight of
stairs by the elevator. Your gifts will be very appreciated by the
Seminary families!
WOMEN’S GUILD SPRING BANQUET– Our annual Spring Banquet will be held Tuesday, May 1, at 6:00 p.m. Reservations and payment may be made in the gym between worship services on Sunday, April 15, Sunday, 22, or with Diane Tallyn (314-567-5433) or Sue Wyland (314-404-2903). The price is $11 for adults and $7 for children (ages 5-11). Members and non-members are invited – we hope to see you there!
ANNOUNCING!! Women’s Guild April Showers meeting on Tuesday, April 10th at 7:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. This meeting includes business (choosing which worthy cause we will distribute our funds) and an ingathering of new infant to 2T baby clothes; baby food, formula, baby toiletries, and anything else a small one could use. Your donations will help the Concordia Seminary Resale Shop and Food Bank. Place your items in pretty gift bags. The bags can be sold
at the shop. Questions? Call Joan Marek at 636-946-7332. Join us for
refreshments, fun and fellowship.
THE ANNUAL CHURCH & SCHOOL BUILDING/GROUNDS CLEANUP will take place on Saturday, April 14, from 8:00 a.m. – 12 noon. A variety of tasks are planned which will require a variety of help. Everyone’s help is needed, so please mark this date on your calendar now and plan to work with fellow members to keep our building and grounds looking beautiful!
THE ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT will be on Saturday morning, March 31, for children 0 through 4th grade. Register between services on March 11 and 18 in the gym. You can also register at the welcome desk from March 11-25. This is sponsored by the local outreach team, so invite your friends and neighbors.
EASTER SINGERS WANTED! The biggest event in the Church year is coming up – EASTER! To enrich our worship services, we need your help! Singers are needed to participate in the Saturday night Easter Vigil, which will be held at 7:30 pm on Saturday April 7. If you’ve been to this service before, you know how special it is, and how our ensembles really add to the worship. If not, now’s a great chance for you to participate! To help, contact Andrea Brauer (680-9839) or Paul Snyder (761-4797). Also, as has been our tradition in recent years, anyone who knows the “Hallelujah Chorus” is invited to join the adult choir in singing at either the 8:00 or 10:30 Easter service, or BOTH! (You’re encouraged to come to choir practice on Wednesday the 4th at 7:00 pm, and warm-up will be at 7:30 on Easter morning.) Talk to Paul for details!
DAY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT– The re-enrollment of current students has been completed and enrollment is now open to new families. Word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising, so please do encourage friends and neighbors to come and see what we have to offer here at Immanuel! We do have an open house planned for Thursday, April 12, 4:00-7:00 p.m. If you know families looking for a great school, please let them about Immanuel!
Immanuel Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and athletic and other school-
administered programs.
WE’RE ON AN AMAZING DESERT JOURNEY THIS SUMMER IN VBS! Each day the children will learn about God’s love and how He provides for their lives now and in eternity through Jesus, His Son, our Savior! Registration is open for ages 3 years old to just finished 5th grade. VBS is June 4th to 8th, 9:00 a.m.-noon. Kids meet friends, explore Bible stories, do activities, sing songs, make crafts, play games, and eat snacks. We expect a great response, so enroll your child today. Registeronlineat :
We need you! Through the dedication of our members and friends who volunteer at VBS, we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to over 100 children each year. If you aren’t part of VBS yet, why not call today? If you can help full or part time we have many levels of involvement to suit your schedule and interests. Contact Tara Copeland at (314)821-0315 or Michele Zalmanoff at (636) 939-3047, for more information. Register online as a volunteer at:
LWML CONVENTION CHOIR: Calling all women who can sing! You’re needed to participate in choir for the 2012 LWMLDistrict Convention. The convention will be held in St. Charles on June 8-10, 2012, and the choir will be singing for the opening service on Friday and closing service on Sunday. Choir music will be provided. Rehearsals will be Saturday, May 3 at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, June 2 at 9:00 a.m., and Wednesday, June 6 at 7:00 p.m. All rehearsals will be at Peace – Lemay. If you’re interested, or have questions, call Sherry Bierwagen at (314) 892-5610 x112 or email her at .
“A NIGHT FOR KIDS” – The ninth annual Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA) Dinner –Auction will be held Friday, April 13, 2012, from 5-10 p.m. at The Royale Orleans Banquet Center, 2801 Telegraph Rd. Don’t miss this opportunity to come together with other Lutheran school supporters! Shop the varied silent auction sections and bid big during the live auction. The evening’s special events include a collector’s glass sale, and old fashioned lollipop pull, a “Wine and Dine”, and a drawing for a 32 GB iPad 2 (drawing tickets available for $25; need not be present to win). Event tickets are $55 each, with tables of 8 available. To make a donation to the auction, purchase tickets, or to volunteer, call Melissa Maxfield at 314-268-1525 or visit us at Funds raised will be matched by metropolitan area Thrivent chapters and the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis. Proceeds to benefit children attending Lutheran elementary schools in the St. Louis metropolitan area through the resources LESA provides and Building Blocks Scholarship Fund.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Volunteers are needed weekly to help clean the floors of the Church, School, and East Building. Parents of Immanuel students, don’t forget that cleaning can be used towards your “Doing It for the Kids” hours needed each school year. Sign-ups are in the Atrium. If you are new to the program, an orientation is provided. Grab a friend and lend a hand to keep your church beautiful. Please contact Courtney or Shawn Foote for more details. 314-719-6940 or
What’s going on at Immanuel? Join our email list to find out! Just send your name and email address to to receive weekly updates and notifications of special events.
FOOD PANTRY UPDATE: Thanks for your faithful support of the Food Pantry. We are in need of Cereal,Pasta and Pasta Sauce, Side Dishes, Soups, Canned Meat, Peanut Butter, Laundry Detergent, Dishwashing Liquid, and Toiletries.The Food Pantry is available to walk-ins, our regular families in need, as well as our church members and their family and friends. If you have any food needs, please feel free to speak in confidence with Eve Brandt or one of our pastors to make the arrangements.
THE 2012 FLOWER CHART is posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hallfor anyone who wishes to sign up on a particular date to place flowers on the altar for a special occasion. After you sign up for that date, call the church office with the information you wish to place in the Sunday bulletin, or fill out a form found by the flower chart and attach it to the clip on the church office door. This information needs to reach the church office by the Wednesday morning prior to the Sunday for which you have signed up.
If someone has already signed up for that date, we suggest you call the family and ask if they would share the altar flowers. The cost of two side bouquets is $50.00, payable to Immanuel Women’s Guild. If you wish to have a particular flower color, please contact Arlene Coulter at 428-8133. Center bouquets are not available from January through March during church renovation. The flowers may be removed and taken home after the 10:30 a.m. worship service.