June, 2014

Otter Tales June, 2014 Page 1

June 9, 2014

The WLRC June meeting

will be held at the

Olive Garden Restaurant

6367 E. State Street

Rockford, IL

Phone: (815) 399-3176

Board Meeting: 6:30 p.m.

General Meeting: 7:30 p.m.




Exit I-90 at State Street. Go west on State Street. The Olive Garden is on the south side of State Street in a strip of stores.

(Look for Office Max and Marshalls)

A huge Thank You and pat on the back to Jen Hornyak for doing an awesome job with the awards and the presentation at the May meeting. You went above and beyond and we all really appreciate it!

Please join us at our Specialty

June 13 & 14th!

A message from our chairperson, Sue Sommer, regarding our June Show:

Thanks to all of you star club members who are making this show come together--most of you as you do every year. And to those who have added responsibilities because of the burden of a rookie chair, thank you extra!

The raffle looks like its coming together beautifully. I don't think I need to remind anyone to bring stuff. Donna Thate bought some baskets for those who are basketless to use; they will be there Friday night, and I'll bring some to the next meeting if anyone needs one

We are currently looking for a ringer eye specialist for the clinic since our usual guy has a conflict. But we do have some leads and it is going to be just fine.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

If you need me, my cell is 262-496-4433 (club members only please.) Also remember your hat for our choral presentation.

Thank you all again.

Need some good dog-related reading?

Our WLRC Library is such a wonderful asset. Members may contact Sue Seehawer by phone at 815-633-4366 or email and she would be happy to bring the books or other media to the following meeting.

A Recipe for Your Dog

For Convalescents:


1 casserole chicken

1 bunch mixed soup vegetables (1 carrot, 1 celery stick plus leaf, 1 leek, a little parsley)

1 1/2 cups fine porridge oats

Cook the chicken and mixed vegetables in 4 pints (2 liters) of water for about 1 1/2 hours.

Remove the vegetables and discard. Take the chicken out of the stock and allow to cool a little.

Skim and remove any fat from the stock. Bone the chicken, remove the skin, and cut the meat into small pieces.

Stir the oats into 2 pints (1 liter) of the stock and bring to a boil.

Allow to thicken, stirring for 2 minutes, then remove from heat and allow to cool.

Mix this thin porridge with the chicken meat in a 2:1 proportion (2/3 porridge and 1/3 meat).

Serve at room temperature in several small portions throughout the day.

Something to

Howl About!

CH Riverroad Dasher JHtook Best of Breed at the Fon du Lac KC shows on both April 19th and 20th. He took BOB at the Badger KC show on May 2nd and 4th and BOB at the Janesville BeloitKC show on May 3rd. He also took BOB at the Oskosh KC show on both May 17th and May 18th. He is on his way to his Grand Championship.

Dasher was bred by Karin Thomas. He is owned, loved and fed by Peg Schuenemann.

On Saturday May 31st at the River valley HRC hunt test Cricket earned her Hunting Retriever Championship (HRCH) in fine fashion!

The completion of this title along with the UKC Grand Conformation Championship (GRCH) makes Cricket only the 4th Labrador Retriever in UKC history to earn both titles. Cricket is following in the paw prints of her mother Bella, who was the 2nd Labrador to earn that distinction. GRCH HRCH Nachusa's Night Song of the Prairie RN WC WCX CGC SH Cricket is loved, trained & handled by Ryan & Jen Hornyak


Earned his Junior Hunter title in less than a month at the Eastern Iowa Hunting Retriever Association Hunt Test in North Liberty, Iowa, on Sunday, May 18, 2014.

Donny has been our son Jeff's hunting companion since he was 18 months old. He knew what he had to do but had to be trained to do it at the "right moment", not when the gun went off. He had to be taught to keep his "happy bottom" (not Earl's words) on the ground until he got the command to go. Donnywill turn8 years old in October. I thought he may have been too old for this, but he proved me wrong. Donny is bred, owned, and very much loved by Mary J. Herburger, and he was handled to his Junior Hunter by his good friend Earl Thomas. Thank you Earl.

River (Dunn's MarshRiver Dance RN, NA, OAJ, NF, WC) and Marti (Dunn's Marsh Chocolate Martini JH, RN,AWC)earned their RA titles at the Janesville Beloit KC rally trial on May 3rd in Jefferson. River finished her title with a first place and Marti with a second place.

River also passed her Rat Instinct test (RATI) on 5/24/14 and earned 2 novice legs at the Happy Feet Barn Hunt Trial in Oak Creek. She got first place in both her novice classes AND High in Trial Novice (which means she beat all dogs of all breeds in Novice with the fastest time).

Jazz (Dunn's Marsh All That Jazz, CD, GN, RAE5, JH, OA, NAJ, OF, RATN, WC)earned her Open Barn Hunt title on 5/24/14 at the Happy Feet Barn Hunt Trial in Oak Creek. She also placed 3rd in her class. Jazz is only the 11th Lab to earn this title and now is moved up to senior where she will now have to find 4 rats instead of the 2 in open.

Summer (GCH Honorbright Summer Blonde Ale JH, RA,OA, AXJ, OF, RATN, WC)has been busy in a different way -- she is almost done raising two beautiful yellow boys and will be back to Barn Hunt and Agility competition in June.

At the Oshkosh KC show on 5/18 Dunn's Marsh Dark Rogue Ale was Winner's Dog. Henry is bred and co-owned by me.

Deb Hamele

At the Badger/Janesville/Beloit shows:

Sommit’s Cocoanut UD RE NA NAJ passed her final 2 DQ’s for her UDX and CH Sommit’s Kanga BN RN earned her CD in 3 straight days.

Sommit’s Flora was WB on May 4th for 2 pts and Lonestar’s Carolina Moon SH passed her first Master Hunter test May 3rd at GRCI.

All the pups are owned by Sue Sommer and Linda Waco

Want to say Thank You to some of our service people? This is from Victoria Lunebach:

My son’s address is...

CLB7 HS Company

Cpl Lunebach, Zachary

Unit 46091

FPOAP 96427-6091

Please remember... foods/snacks individually wrapped are best.

We only ship to CA, the Marine Corp takes it from there.

Please bring anything you would like to share with our troops to the meeting and I will get it boxed up and sent out.

Thank you,

Victoria and Michael

I’m happy to report that summer and warm temps are upon us but remember the yearly warnings about blue/green algae that can be hazardous to our dogs:

thanks to Deb Hamele for this article

LItter box

Our club needs more litters!

Show Supers:

Our Winnebago LRC website has all the info for our June specialty. Contact Sue Sommer if you would like to volunteer to help or have a donation for the raffle.

Otter Tales June, 2014 Page 1

Otter Tales June, 2014 Page 1