Ottawa Ukrainian-interest Events Calendar – January 2012

Веселих Свят та Щасливoгo Нoвoгo Рoку !

Jan. 1 & 7, Sun’s. 9:30 am. Ukrainian Profile TV’s Christmas special. Rogers TV ch. 22.

Jan. 1 & 8, Sun. 5:00 – 6:00 pm. The Ukrainian Radio Program on CHIN 97.9 FM features Christmas shows.

Previous programs can be heard for 6 weeks at .

Jan. 6, Fri.Sviat Vechir Holy Supper. Doors open 6pm, lighting up at 6.30 pm.$35 adult, $20 youth aged 11-19; children 10 and under no charge. Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral 1000 Byron. By reservation only tophone613-722-1372, or , by Jan. 3rd. Non-perishable items for food bank appreciated.

Jan. 6, Fri., 8 pm.Great Compline & Liturhiya for the Nativity of Christ. Christ the Saviour Orthodox Sobor.

Jan. 6, Fri. 9 pm. Nativity Eve vigil. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Ukr Orthodox Cathedral: 1000 Byron Ave.

Jan. 7 Sat. 10 am.Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ. Christ the Saviour Orthodox Sobor, Somerset St. W.

Jan. 7, Sat. 10 am.Nativity – Christmas Liturgy. Assumption Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral: 1000 Byron Ave.

Jan. 9 – April 10, Winter Courses at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Saint Paul University, Earn university credits or audit courses at Saint Paul U for personal interest. For more info on course schedules and descriptions, please visit or call 613-236-1393, ext. 2332

Jan. 12, Thurs. 6 – 10 pm. The University of Ottawa Ukrainian Students' Club comes carolling. If you’d like the club to come carolling at your home, or make a donation, e-mail .All proceeds will go to Dzhereloand the students' club. Students’ kolyada practice on Sun. Jan. 8, 7-9 pm. All students encouraged to participate. If you'd like to participate in this year's kolyada, contact .

Jan. 17 & 19. Ukrainian Classes begin. Tues. Jan. 17 - beginners'; Thurs. Jan. 19 - seniors' or advanced. 10 weeks $120; single lecture $15. Contact: Oleh Belkin, International Languages Instructor, 613-842-4782

Jan. 18, Wed. 8 pm. Great Compline, Blessing of Water for Theophany.Christ the Saviour Orthodox Sobor.

Jan. 18, Wed. 6 pm. Great Blessing of Waters and Feast of Jordan Dinner and carolling-- by donations. Assumption Orthodox Cathedral.

Jan. 19, Thurs., 10 am. Divine Liturgy for Theophany (Jordan). Christ the Saviour Orthodox Sobor.
Jan. 19, Thurs, after 10 am Liturgy. Theophany—Yordan. Great Blessing of water after the Divine Liturgy

Jan. 19, Thurs. 5 pm. The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies invites you to join in celebrating Theophany, at the St. Onuphrius Church, Canadian Museum of Civilization. For more information and to RSVP please call 613-236-1393, extension 2651

Jan. 21, Sat. MALANKA 2012. This year's Malankawill feature the well-known Ukrainianband "Burya", live from Toronto.Book your tickets now. Adults $80, Students (13+) and Seniors (65+) $60, Children (12 and under) $40, Dance only $30. At 1000 Byron Ave. For tickets, contact Michael Reshitnykat , 613 277 4664, or Buduchnist Credit Union , 911 Carling Ave, 613 722 7075

Jan. 24, Tues. 7:30 pm. Ukrainian Genealogy Group Meeting at the Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall, 952 Green Valley Cresc. (off Prince of Wales). Information: 613-731-1870 (evgs).

Advance Notice
March 1, Thurs. Deadline for applications for the 2012 Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism. Award recipients nominate a not-for-profit Canadian organization or association to receive a grant of $20,000. Info:
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Ukr Orthodox Cathedral: 1000 Byron Ave. 613-728-0856
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine: 952 Green Valley Cresc. 723-1673
Christ the Saviour Orthodox Sobor (Bukovynian parish): 721 Somerset St. W. 613-723-7790
Contact Irena Bell at to have Ukrainian events listed, or to receive the monthly Events Calendar by e-mail.
Print Calendar sponsored by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) Ottawa Branch