Ottawa City Soccer Club – SGM -

October 12, 2016 commenced at 7:40pm



Jarrod Beattie Josee BoucherRob Capretta

Bernie Etzinger Jason Garcia Breda Kelly

Tom Mendicino Scott Moon Piero Pavone

Julia PinheiroDavid SnowdonCarl Wimmi


Kim GambleJane KlingamanJane Reid


John Foulds - last registration 2013 Outdoor

Opening remarks – Dave Snowdon – Chair

Kim Gamble – Provided an overview of Constitution - Name change needed on the constitution. With this change, she seeked the assistance of a sports lawyer. The lawyer provided additional recommendations for changes to ensure that we follow requirements of Ontario Corporation Act and OSA.

Overview of changes:

Providing Audited financial statement at AGM –

Change of board of director size.

Changing voting terms so that half Executive change each year.

Floor is open for comments and feedback on particular articles – at the end of the discussion, a motion to accept the constitution.

Bernie Etzinger – comments – concerns that the organization would be less transparent.

  1. Nominating committee – requirements to make public
  2. Odd number of board members ( 7) could be interpreted as tie breaking –
  3. Audited financial statements – can be obscure – auditor’s report does not provide the same detail as a treasurer’s report. .
  4. Timelines for adding items to the agenda doesn’t align with the communication for the AGM date.

Dave Snowdon – the constitution allows for opportunities for presentations and issues to be brought forward – Perhaps issues that are not issues now but can be in the future, the new constitution allows us to grow and modify.

  1. Nomination committee will allow persons from outside the board to be included in the process.
  2. Number of Board Members is about what is needed for directors based on the size of organization and volunteer base and potential portfolios.

Our aim is to have standard policies and processes.

Julia Pinheiro -

  1. Providing Audited financial statements at AGM will ensure we are following the Ontario Corporation Act. Since our year end is Sept. 30 – it has never been achievable for either previous Club to present auditor’s report in time for AGM.
  2. Financial statements as stated in the Constitution– are balance sheets / profit and loss / details. This will ensure the financial statements that are provided to our members are exactly what is provided to the Auditors.

D. Snowdon – Are there any other comments or concerns from the floor? Asked if this method is preferred or would anyone like to go line by line?

J. Garcia – This method is preferred. No comments.

No other comments from the floor.

Dave Snowdon - Motion: to approve the Ottawa City Constitution, allowing a phased in approach to new policies and processes.

Scott Moon – 2nd motion

Approved –11

Abstained – 1

Meeting adjourned: 8:16pm