RAC – Value of Research Task Force
Meeting Minutes
Date / July 23, 2012 / TimeFacilitator / Dale Peabody / Scribe / Dale Peabody
Subject / RAC Value of Research Task Force Meeting Minutes
Attendees / Glenn Roberts, NH DOT; Diane Laroux, Quebec MT; Wendy Kipp, VT AOT; Elisha Wright-Kehner, AHTD; Dave Meggers, Kansas DOT; Chris Jenks, TRB; Patrick Casey, CTC & Associates; Brian Hirt, CTC; Mark Morvant, LA DOT; Jerry DiMaggio, TRB/SHRP2; Daniel Yeh, WIDOT; Debra Elston, FHWA; Roberto DeDios, CODOT; Darryll Dockstader, FL DOT; Barbara Harder; Bob Skinner, TRB; Kevin Womack, RITA; Allison Thomas, Rutgers; Leslie Wright, FHWA; JT Rabun, GA DOT; Casey Abe, HI DOT; Richard Woo, MSHA; Rick Collins, TX DOT; Phil Nash, TTU; Steve Bower, MI DOT; Dave Huft, SD DOT; Mike Pumphrey, WV DOT; Bill Ahearn, VT AOT
Action Items from April 27, 2012 meeting
Action Item / Owner / Date
Prepare Sweet 16 list and article for weekly AASHTO online newsletter / Mark / Completed
Include recognition of the Sweet 16 in the full compilation HVR document being prepared by FHWA / Dale/Roberto/Dawn / Completed
Prepare Sweet 16 certificates to be signed by SCOR and RAC chairs and presented at summer RAC meeting / Task Force / Completed
Key Points Discussed
No / Topic / Highlights
1. / NCHRP 20-63 update / Steve Ziegler, ICF International gave a demonstration of the (Research Performance Measures) RPM web tool (www.rpmweb.org) being refined under NCHRP 20-63 project. Steve’s demonstration focused primarily on the High Value Research submittal functionality of the RPM tool. As a reminder, beginning in 2013, the HVR submittals will be done via the 20-63 web tool.
Question: What is the Task Force’s role in promotion of this web tool?
Note: A RPM webinar was completed on Sept. 13. The video can be found at:
4. / High Value Research annual process & deliverables
NCHRP 20-93, Developing a Guide for Transportation T2
Training/Certification Program for Transportation Research Program Managers & Researchers / FHWA prepared the full compilation for the Summer meeting. Copies of the 2012 Research Impacts: Better-Faster-Cheaper document were made available to all conference attendees. The online version is available at the SCOR-RAC website. The work of FHWA with Dawn Vanlandingham as lead was recognized by the Task Force.
A draft Sweet 16 article for the weekly AASHTO Journal was presented.
CTC and Associates prepared and presented the draft 2012 Research Makes the Difference (RMtD) brochure. Task Force input was solicited. It was noted that 6 out of the Sweet 16 were included in the RMtD brochure.
It was suggested that more RMtD type brochures be prepared, focusing each one on a theme: Pavements, Bridges, Safety, etc. Another suggestion is to prepare a “Low Cost Solution” RMtD.
Barbara Harder led a discussion on this subject in order to gather input from the Task Force.
During a TRB State Reps Advisory Panel (STRAP) meeting, this general concept was mentioned as a potential product that TRB might be able to produce. STRAP and the Task Force agreed that a training/certification program does have some merit.
5. / Wrap Up and Next Steps / See action items below
5. / Next Meeting / TBD
Action Items
Action Item / Owner / Target Date
Complete the 2012 RMtD brochure / Pat/Brian / September 2012
Sweet 16 article to be highlighted in weekly AASHTO newsletter / Dale / August 2012
Coordinate Sweet 16 poster session at TRB / Dale / January 2013