Astronomy Unit Plan
Grade 8 Earth Science
Michael Pelofske
Educ 4255
Dr. Bruce Munson
Table of Contents
Introduction: pp. 3-4
Standards: p. 5
1: pp. 6-7
2: pp. 8-11
3: pp. 12-14
4: pp. 15-16
5: pp. 17-19
6: pp. 20-22
7: pp. 23-24
8: pp. 25-27
9: pp. 28-29
10: pp. 30-32
11: pp. 33-34
12: pp. 35-36
13: pp. 37-39
14: pp. 40-41
15: pp. 42-43
16: pp. 44-45
17: pp. 46-47
18: p. 48
19: pp. 49-50
20: pp. 51-53
Lesson Plan Summary: p. 54
Special Student Considerations: p. 55
Assessments: pp. 56-57
Safety: p. 58
Classroom Management: p. 59
Resources and Materials: pp. 60-62
Additional Notes: pp. 63-64
The Universe
Grade 8 Earth and Space Science
The basis for this unit plan is to gain an understanding of the origin, structure, and composition of the universe. This is done with lessons centered on using scientific reasoning to reinforce concepts, theories, and models presented. Students will use inquiry to observe and analyze in-class experiments and exercises, along with researching historical figures in astronomy and relating their work to current endeavors in studying the cosmos.
Along with in-class discussions, take home exercises, experiments, anticipatory sets, and summative tests, a performance task will wrap up the unit. Students will choose (or be assigned) a key historical figure in the field of astronomy to research and present a poster project of his/her work. The presentation will require information on the person’s life and achievements, demonstration of how this figure affected scientific development in the field and how it relates to work and understandings today. This summative assessment will demonstrate historic perspectives aspect of the history and nature of science.
Throughout the course of the unit, students will cover standards, benchmarks, and concepts outlined in both the national and Minnesota state standards for eighth grade science education. Students will also gain skills in vocabulary, application of knowledge and reasoning, research, three-dimensional conceptualizations, critical analysis of previous notions (theirs and historical figures), using mathematics in the field of science, connecting past phenomena and achievements to current events, and communication of findings.
Additional enduring understandings not mentioned in national or state standards that will be covered include:
1. The theory concerning the origin (and possible extinction) of our universe along with supporting scientific observations and data.
2. Critical analysis of how our perspective of phenomena in the universe is crucial to achieving a true understanding of our place in the cosmos.
3. The scale of the universe is difficult to illustrate in certain contexts due to its enormity.
Essential questions addressed (and subsequently answered by the students) include:
1. How has science formulated the concepts and theories that govern thought about the universe?
2. How have these ideas changed over time?
3. What methods are utilized in gaining understanding about the structure and composition of the universe?
4. What phenomena in Earth’s contexts are explained by events occurring in space?
5. How does the study of space affect scientific developments on Earth?
A list of concepts and terms covered, but not entirely limited to (refer to attached concept map), includes:
universe, Big Bang, Big Crunch, theory, expansion, gravity, accretion, nebula, galaxy, solar system, planet, satellite, moon, orbit, star, constellation, celestial sphere, class, luminosity, apparent magnitude, doppler effect.
These are mainly vocabulary terms that will likely require the students to refer to a definition to achieve an understanding. Many related descriptions and concepts should have little difficulty being incorporated into students’ previous knowledge.
Science Standards Covered Throughout This Unit
Minnesota Science Education Standards:
History and Nature of Science A: Scientific World View
1. The student will explain and give examples of how science can be used to make informed ethical decisions by identifying likely consequences of particular actions.
2. The student will explain the development, usefulness and limitations of scientific models in the explanation and prediction of natural phenomena.
History and Nature of Science B: Scientific Inquiry
1. The student will know that scientific investigations involve the common elements of systematic observations, the careful collection ofrelevant evidence, logical reasoning and innovation in developing hypotheses and explanations.
2. The student will describe how scientists can conduct investigations in a simple system and make generalizations to more complex systems.
History and Nature of Science C: Scientific Enterprise
1. The student will evaluate the credibility and validity of scientific and technological information from various sources.
History and Nature of Science D: Historic Perspectives
1. The student will relate personal experiences in scientific investigation to the experiences of scientists throughout history.
2. The student will cite examples of how science and technology contributed to changes in agriculture, manufacturing, sanitation, medicine, warfare, transportation, information processing or communication.
Earth and Space Science C: The Universe
1. The student will recognize that the sun is the principal energy source for the solar system and that this energy is transferred in the form of radiation.
1. The student will recognize that the universe consists of many billions of galaxies, each containing many billions of stars and that there are vast distances that separate these galaxies and stars from one another.
2. The student will recognize that the sun is a medium-sized star and is the closest star to Earth. It is the central and largest body in the solar system and is one of billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
National Science Education Standards:
Gravity is a ubiquitous force that holds all parts of the solar system (and universe) together.
Gravity is the force that keeps the planets in orbit around the sun and governs the rest of the motion in the solar system.
Lesson 1- The Origin of Existence (and the End?)
Content Standards:
MN – History and Nature of Science A: The student will explain the development, usefulness, and limitations of scientific models in the explanation and prediction of natural phenomena.
Gain and demonstrate understanding of the origin, structure, and composition of the universe.
Essential Questions:
What is the commonly accepted theory of the origin and age of the universe?
Why is it a theory?
Who first developed this idea of the universe’s origin?
What conflicts does this have with other explanations for the beginning of the universe?
Students will be able to identify and paraphrase the leading theory concerning the origin of the universe.
Students will be able to identify arguments for and against the acceptance of the “Big Bang Theory” and the subsequent “Big Crunch Theory.”
Introduction to historical figure in astronomy poster/presentation project.
Classroom discussion.
Apply prior knowledge of scientific method to existing theory(ies).
Word of the Day/ Earth Science Current Events (5-10 Minutes)
Pass out guide sheet and introduce “Historical Figure in Astronomy” poster/presentation assignment. One sheet consists of requirements for the assignment, the other is a rubric for grading (what is expected). Explain the nature and basis for the assignment, along with how it relates to information that will be discussed in the current unit. Suggest topics and/or possible figures to choose from along with resources students can use to find and research the criteria. Answer questions. (10-15 Minutes)
Introduce theory of the Big Bang (first mentioned by St. Augustine)
Basis is explosion of all matter in the universe from one infinitesimal point, mention key points in its development (after 1 second, universe was as big as _, etc)
As matter spread out and expanded and cooled, collections of matter congealed into bodies (galaxies, nebulae, stars).
Rapid expansion held in check by gravity – the attraction observed between all matter in the universe.
Universe expansion is observed to be slowing, logically following is a contraction back to one point – the Big Crunch.
Big Bang/Big Crunch is a theory (tested and backed by gathered evidence, yet unproven)
-Discussion: How does the Big Bang fit into the definition of a theory? Can it be proven? What other explanations are there for the origin of the universe? How are they tested? How can one or the other be proven? (20-25 Minutes)
Reiterate major points. Have class identify major theory of the universe’s origin and why it is still a theory, not a law. Name the founder of the idea of the Big Bang (St. Augustine). Have class identify reasons why people might or might not agree with this theory. How might this affect our society or culture via education, religion, scientific development, etc. (5 Minutes)
Lesson 2- Universe Expansion (Balloon Lab)
Content Standards:
NSES – Gravity is a ubiquitous force that holds all parts of the solar system (and universe) together.
MN – History and Nature of Science A: The student will explain the development, usefulness, and limitations of scientific models in the explanation and prediction of natural phenomena.
MN – History and Nature of Science B: The Student will describe how scientists can conduct investigations in a simple system and make generalizations to more complex systems.
Students will gain understanding of the origin, structure, and possible extinction of the universe.
Students will conceptualize and visualize how the universe began as well as how its structure has formed until now.
Essential Questions:
How has the universe’s explosive beginning affected its structure today?
How does expansion affect distances between objects?
How does expansion differ in a two-dimensional environment compared to a three-dimensional setting?
Students will be able to articulate that the universe is expanding.
Students will be able to paraphrase how expansion affects locations of objects in the universe.
Students will learn and execute safe and effective behavior regarding conducting experiments with supplied lab materials.
Silly putty
Guidesheet for silly putty/balloon lab exercise
Silly putty/Balloon experiment.
Word of the Day/ Current Events in Earth Science (5-10 Minutes)
Recap of prior lesson:
Following a large scale explosion, matter became spread out over tremendous expanse forming our universe. Answer students’ questions and clarify material that needs further explanation. (5 Minutes)
The universe has progressed to the structure we see today via expansion. Similar to a firecracker forcing heat, light, and sound in all directions, matter dispersed in all directions following the Big Bang.
The initial explosion was tremendous and expansion was immediate. Is this level of expansion still going on today? Why or why not? What might affect the rate of this expansion? How could we test this? (5-10 Minutes)
Silly Putty/Balloon Lab
Disperse lab materials and ask students to inquire how they could demonstrate expansion with silly putty and a balloon. Ask students what they would require to measure this expansion. Ask what problems might arise (especially regarding measuring expansion with a balloon…a non-linear surface).
Have students work in pairs or groups, depending on how appropriately students behave on daily basis as well taking into account the amount of lab material. Students must keep record of measurements along with their hypothesis, prediction, results, and explanation of their findings. (Were they accurate with their prediction? What went differently than expected? How does expansion with silly putty differ from expansion with a balloon? Which is a better model for illustrating the expansion of the universe, and why?)
(25-30 Minutes)
Closure: What did each group observe in their experiment? How does the lab represent what occurred during the Big Bang? Is this an effective model for our universe, why or why not? (Note: Balloon has points only on outer surface, universe has objects dispersed throughout)
Expansion Lab
Our universe has been expanding since it began with the Big Bang, according to the scientific theory and experimental observations. How exactly is the universe expanding? You and a partner (or your group) will be given silly putty, a balloon, string, a ruler, and a marker to measure the effects of expansion.
Step 1
Place the silly putty on the table and press it flat. Mark one dot in the center and number three more in other places on the surface of the putty. Record the distance in centimeters from the center dot to each of the three other dots and record them below.
Center to dot 1 -
Center to dot 2 -
Center to dot 3 -
Measure the distance in centimeters between the other three dots on your putty.
Dot 1 to dot 2 –
Dot 1 to dot 3 –
Dot 2 to dot 3 -
Step 2
Now spread the putty flatter and further out on the table and record the distances again, just like step 1. Also repeat your measurements for the other three dots.
Center to dot 1 –
Center to dot 2 –
Center to dot 3 –
Dot 1 to dot 2 –
Dot 1 to dot 3 –
Dot 2 to dot 3 –
How many dimensions did the putty expand when you spread it out on the table? What are the names of these dimensions?
Step 3
Now take the non-inflated balloon and place it on the table. Place a dot at the center and three numbered dots elsewhere on its surface. Record these distances as you did for the silly putty in steps 1 and 2.
Center to dot 1 –
Center to dot 2 –
Center to dot 3 –
Dot 1 to dot 2 –
Dot 1 to dot 3 –
Dot 2 to dot 3 –
What will happen to the distances between the dots if you inflate the balloon? How will these distances compare to those you recorded for the silly putty? Will the balloon have a bigger difference or not? Why do you think so?
NOTE! Do not blow up your balloon!!! Use 3-5 breaths to put air into it and no more!
Repeat your measurements like you did in step 2 for the silly putty. You might find it easier to use string to help your measuring, since a straight ruler does not work well on a round surface.
Center to dot 1 –
Center to dot 2 –
Center to dot 3 –
Dot 1 to dot 2 –
Dot 1 to dot 3 –
Dot 2 to dot 3 –
How many dimensions did the balloon expand? What are the names of these dimensions?
Was your hypothesis correct? What was similar and what was different between the expansion of the silly putty and the balloon?
Which is more like the expansion of the universe…the silly putty or the balloon? Why?
Lesson 3 - Size/Scale of the Universe
Content Standards:
MN – History and Nature of Science A: The student will explain the development, usefulness, and limitations of scientific models in the explanation and prediction of natural phenomena.
Students will gain understanding about the structure of the universe.
Students will be able to conceptualize the immense scale of the universe, compared to everyday experiences.
Students will understand the difficulties in developing accurate models of the size of the universe.
Essential Questions:
How big is the universe?
How are distances observed in everyday experiences compared to those observed between objects in the universe?
How can we demonstrate this visually? Mathematically?
Students will identify principle unit of distance measurement in astronomy – light year.
Students will identify the age of the universe is 13.8 billion years old.
Students will make a mathematical calculation to show the universe is 27.6 billion light years across.
Students will relate the unit light year to distances observed in daily life (i.e. distance covered in car for one hour at 60 miles per hour, etc).
Personal computer
LCD projector
Handout “How Long Will it Take?”
Class discussion
Word of the Day and Current Events in Earth Science (5-10 Minutes)
Recap of yesterday’s lecture: The universe expanded tremendously at its formation, and is still expanding today. Expansion in three dimensions requires that objects become located further and further apart from all other objects. (5-10 Minutes)
The universe is incredibly large, the largest thing we can conceive of (and even this is difficult to comprehend). Light is the fastest phenomena we have observed. Expanses in the universe are measured in light years – the distance light travels in one earth year (9.4 quadrillion kilometers or 5.8 quadrillion miles. If light has traveled from the origin of the universe 13.8 billion years ago, it has covered a long distance. (10 Minutes)
Open website “Powers of Ten”. The site shows a view of a particular object from incrementally further distances. It starts from the subatomic level and progresses outward to the outer expanses of the Milky Way galaxy. Before each successive view, ask the students what the real life distances the picture will show and what they will probably be able to see. For example: If they can see the oak leaf in one view, the next view 10x larger will probably show the branches of the tree and so forth. (10-15 Minutes)
Handout homework assignment “How Long Will it Take?”
The assignment asks students to use mathematics to correlate the distances seen between objects in the universe to those they experience in daily life. If the average walking speed is four miles per hour, how long would it take to walk the same distance as a light year? Demonstrate how to set up a similar equation on the board and have them begin to work out the math problems for the assignment. Remind the students the work will be due the next day. (5-10 Minutes)
Closure: The size of our universe is tremendous and is hard to accurately show with models. We often use mathematics to help us relate the size to objects or distances we commonly experience. Do you find it difficult to describe or comprehend these distances? Why or why not? How might you explain them differently?
How Long Will It Take?
This assignment will help show just how large the universe is. You may use a calculator to solve the questions, but show the equations you would use to solve the problem. Include your units, and show your work (on the back of the sheet if you need space).