Other Information and useful websites
·  https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/ea/mauchlinepsandecc/
·  http://www.switchedonkids.org.uk/
·  http://www.readwritecount.scot/
·  http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk
Dates for your Diary
9 December: WestFM Cash for Kids Christmas Jumper Day
9 December: Christmas School Lunch
15 December: Christmas Service in Mauchline Church
19 December: P1/P2 party pm
20 and 21 December: P1/P2 nativity performance
23 December: school closes
*Phonics – Continue to practise sounds in the sound books. Use sound flashcards for word building. Word boxes contain word cards to sound out and read.
*Reading – Please hear your child’s reading every night. Talk about the story and pictures. Go over the words in the word book. Please remember to sign the reading record to indicate that the homework has been done.
How Parents/Carers can help
*Please read a variety of texts to your child.
*Play board games – reinforcing taking turns, counting on and recognising number patterns on the dice.
* Incorporate mathematics into everyday situations – counting buttons on your jacket, steps up to the house/ onto the bus etc.
*Addition and Subtraction– counting sets, adding spots on the dice, counting a group of objects then take some away.
*Please provide your child with a variety of writing tools and encourage them to write, copy, draw, colour, etc.
* Play games to support sound recognition – eye spy, the Minister’s cat, I went to the shop and bought… etc.

Mauchline Primary School

Class Information Leaflet for Parents 2016-17

CLASS P1a TERM 2 TEACHER Miss Kirkcaldy

Dear Parents and Carers,

The purpose of our leaflet is to inform you about the learning and teaching taking place in your children’s classes and to give you ideas on how you can support your child’s learning at home. In this leaflet we will share information about the 3 core curricular areas of our Curriculum for Excellence (as well as other curricular areas), will let you know about any activities or events which are unusual and give you reminders about class routines and requirements.

Curriculum for Excellence has been introduced to raise standards of learning and teaching and help improve our children's life chances.Building on the best, it focuses on the importance of knowledge and skills and is about bringing life to learning and learning to life. Working in partnership with parents we endeavour to teach our pupils to be Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Successful Learners and Confident Individuals. The following guide will inform you of pupils’ expected pace of learning through the CfE levels.

EARLY: the pre-school years and P1 or later for some

FIRST: to the end of P4, but earlier or later for some

SECOND: to the end of P7, but earlier or later for some

THIRD AND FOURTH: S1 to S3 but earlier for some

SENIOR PHASE: S4-S6 and college or other means of study

Your child is working at early level.

If you can offer assistance on any of our topics, have a particular skill or specialised knowledge which relates to any of our learning this term or would like more information on this term’s work plan, please contact the school on 01290 550306.

Further CfE information is available at www.ltscotland.org.uk/parentzone



Language, Literacy and Modern Languages
Reinforcement of all sounds taught will continue. Word-building skills and spelling using known sounds from Jolly Phonics. Alphabet rainbows, magnetic letters, sound fans, a-z cards and a-z beanbags will continue to be used as well as sound detective cards, spell-ma-doodles, word frames, etc.
Key words and common words will continue to be taught through STORYWORLDS stories and a variety of games/activities e.g. Snap, Bingo, Treasure games, ICT programmes etc.
Writing skills will continue to be developed through pencil control activities such as tracing, tracking, cutting, dot-to-dot, drawing etc. Children will begin story writing by having their stories scribed. Learners will continue to work on independent sentence building activities. Correct letter formation will continue to be a focus throughout the term.
Mathematics and numeracy
* Concept of addition will be introduced/ continued.
* Continue to develop mental maths strategies within 10.
*Some learners will be introduced to the concept of subtraction.
* Introduction of number stories for some children, including linking number facts within 10 e.g. 3+2=5 2+3=5 5-2=3 5-3=2
Class Routines and Requirements
* Gym days are Thursday and Friday
Only gym shoes are needed for now but please ensure that gym shoes are labelled and that all jewellery is removed for these days.
Please note that due to input from other agencies such as Active Schools, gym times may change and it is advisable for your child to keep their gym kit in a labelled bag in school.
Health and Wellbeing
*Ball games to develop the skills of throwing, catching, rolling, dribbling and aiming using a variety of equipment.
*Social dance
*Learners will discuss building positive relationships.
*Daily tooth brushing.
Interdisciplinary Study (incorporates learning across many areas of the curriculum within one learning context or topic)
Electricity - Looking at the uses of electricity and the safety rules involved.