
Title: VT/NH SRC Board Meeting Date: November 16, 2016
Place:Salt Hill PubTime:1800
President: Michael ProvenchierRecorder: Lisa Darling, sub for Tom Pzenny

Board Members: Jim Mcguire, Chris Price, Tracy McGuinness, Megan Marquissee, Michael Provenchier, Lisa Darling

Other Attendees: Michael Aanzullo, Paul Blais, Vicki Gould, Kevin Kondrad, Joe Harnish,Jessie Exilus

At 6:09 PMVT/NH Society for Respiratory Care Board of Directors Meeting was called into order.

Agenda Topic / Discussion / Action
Review of Previous Meeting Minutes / Meeting minutes were sent out to the membership today. Please let Mike know if you are not getting the AARC web blasts. Emails are not viewable when doing an email blast. If you are not getting the email there is an update that needs to be made. It is important to update personal information through AARC make sure the information is correct. / Mike will talk to Killington about Jim and Ken’s room.
Information Sharing / Feedback from the conference: Negotiating the cost of the conference. It was made clear that there was a goof up they took 2000 for the top of the mountain, room problems still haven’t returned a call from the resort. Killington has not been responsive or owned their mistakes.
Feedback: Paul Blais, should let the membership know the reasons why we will not be going back to Killington because it was such an enjoyable location for the attendees.
Keith Lamb’s airfare ticket, no contact. We will not pre-pay travel arrangements for speaker travel fees.
PACT Update / Flight arrangements for PACT in Washington. It was approved through the budget. Faye and Ken were not present
Review of Bylaws / AARC passed our bylaws, AARC sent a video, Mike to look at video. If approved by membership will need to be ready to act and have a process to act on it.
Bylaw Changes / Member at large there will be 2 appointed by the president and 2 elected to the board. Why aren’t all appointed- this was brought up prior to the bylaws committee meeting and felt strongly by some that two needed to be elected vs. appointed but the way the bylaws are written there is some flexibility.
It was brought up that if they are all elected it doesn’t give a way of vetting people who will be reaching out to therapists about the benefits of AARC membership. These people will be representing the VT/NH SRC.
Discussion about who is a voting member on the board all positions will have voting privileges if they are appointed or voted in. This year we will be voting in 1 and appointing 2 members at large due to Bill Hay holding one member at large position.
A quorum would consist of 1 more than half that is on the board.
The process to remove an appointed position due to inactivity or poor attendance at BOD meetings would be by meeting to discuss voting and would be for the remainder of the term. / Changes in the Bylaws are marked in red this is how it should go out to members so they can easily see where the changes were made. This is going out with the election ballot sent in an email blast by the election’s committee giving one survey the general membership will need to open and one AARC blast.
Nomination Committee Update / First year we put the nomination form on the website. Ease of use, Megan’s first build worked well.
President Elect:
Jillian Hanson
Megan Marquissee
Members At Large:
James Mcguire
Lisa Depalo
Jessie Exelus
Kevin Kondrad
Joe Harnish
Tom Pzenny
Ann Capitrti
When to get the vote out to nominations, Nominations close on Friday. Mike makes a motion, Megan seconds vote passes unanimously. / Recommendations to have a parliamentarian.
Bios and pictures of everyone to be given to Megan by December 1st.
Voting will December 5th closed December 19th.
Megan will run a membership list the first week of December and give to Tracy.
Education Committee Update / Meredith, September 19 & 20th at Church Landing.
Bringing back the Sputum Meeting with dinner and dancing after. / Budget is currently being worked on and will be presented at the BOD budget meeting.
End of the year financials / Conference budget 39029 spent over 5 thousand over conference budget due to increased costs from Killington Resort.
AARC Share: 2,200
3,623 from profit share
5,000 in checking account 9000 in CD / Lisa to follow up on a few outstanding payments.
Recognition / Chris recognizes all of the work Mike has done as President. Mike gave speech about all the hard work of the board and education committee meeting. Wants to give a presentation about leadership in respiratory care and climbing the chain in the hospital. Value of a therapist beyond the dollar. Enjoyed working with the group. We have a good group of people, the board will improve grow stronger; this board is talked about around the country on the national level. Would like to work with the students about competent and leadership how do you succeed. Put the patient first. Happy to see the board we will have in the future excited with the bylaw changes.
Cheers to Chris for the year to come.
Other Business: / Email group: 5 people who are in the email. Make this a function of the secretary. They will be sending out the information
Appoint why can’t there be a vendor liaison appointed to one person.
Board business and education committee business. Emails directed goes to that email account.
Motion that there are two people who have access to the email the education committee chair and the secretary have access the expectation is that the emails be forwarded to the appropriate people that need be. / Education Committee Chair and Secretary the only people in the email.
Next Meeting: January 18th at 6pm Location TBD
Meeting adjourned: at 8pm