Cry, the Beloved CountryWord Journal Assignment

Chapters 1-4

Word, Part of Speech / Definition / Page Number
  1. Kloofs, noun, pl
/ In South Africa, a deep glen; ravine (Afrikaans) / p. 33
  1. Laboriously, adv
/ requiring much work, exertion, or perseverance / p. 39
  1. Intimation, noun
/ A hint or suggestion; making known indirectly / p. 41
  1. Dell, noun
/ a small, usually wooded valley / p. 41
  1. Wattles, noun
/ a number of rods or stakes interwoven with twigs or tree branches for making fences, walls, etc. / p. 41
  1. Multitude, noun
/ A great number / p. 42
  1. Bracken, noun
/ A cluster or thicket of such ferns; an area overgrown with ferns and shrubs / p. 41
  1. Alighted, verb
/ to dismount from a horse, descend from a vehicle, etc.
to settle or stay after descending / p. 49
  1. Kraal, noun
/ an enclosure for cattle and other domestic animals in southern Africa;
a village of the native peoples of South Africa, usually surrounded by a stockade or the like and often having a central space for livestock. / p. 46

Chapters 5 – 8

Word, Part of Speech / Definition
  1. Inarticulately, adv
/ lacking the ability to express oneself, especially in clear and effective speech
  1. Self-denunciation, noun
/ public censure or condemnation of oneself
  1. Cunning, adj
/ skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner
  1. Meek, adj
/ overly submissive or compliant; spiritless; tame
  1. Compelled, verb
/ to force or drive, especially to a course of action
  1. Fidelity, noun
/ strict observance of promises, duties, etc
  1. Somber, adj
/ gloomily dark; shadowy; dimly lighted
  1. Sullen, adj
/ showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve
  1. Irresolute, adj
/ not resolute; doubtful; infirm of purpose; vacillating
  1. Squatter, noun
/ a person who settles on land or occupies property without title, right, or payment of rent

Chapters 9 -12

Word, Part of Speech / Definition
  1. Travail, noun
/ pain, anguish or suffering resulting from mental or physical hardship
  1. Muse, verb
/ to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject
  1. hessian, noun
/ ( lowercase ) burlap
  1. Contrived, adj
/ obviously planned or forced; artificial; strained
  1. Vacillate, verb
/ to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute
  1. Dubious, adj
/ doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt
  1. Tenaciously, adv
/ holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold; pertinacious, persistent, stubborn, or obstinate
  1. Veld, noun
/ the open country, bearing grass, bushes, or shrubs, or thinly forested, characteristic of parts of southern Africa
  1. Symposium, noun
/ a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience

Chapters 13 -17

Word, Part of Speech / Definition
  1. Smote (v, past tense)
/ Struck or hit hard
  1. Cleave (v)
/ Split or divide
  1. Osiers (n)
/ Any of various willows; twigs (tough and flexible)
  1. Folly (n)
/ State of being foolish; foolish action
  1. Doggedly (adv)
/ Persistent in effort; stubborn
  1. Absolved (v, pt)
/ Freed from guilt
  1. Pro Deo (Latin)
/ Literally meaning “for God” – Absalom’s case is taken “for God” meaning that his attorney will defend him without payment, same as pro bono
  1. Implicate (v)
/ To show involvement; incriminating in nature
  1. Indisposition (n)
/ Disinclination or unwillingness
10.Inexplicable (adj) / Incapable of being explained
11.Provisionally (adv) / Provided for temporarily
12.Ineluctable (adj) / Incapable of being eluded or avoided

Chapters 18-20

Word, Part of Speech / Definition
  1. Verandah, noun
/ large,openporch,usuallyroofedandpartlyenclosed,asbyarailing,often extendingacrossthefrontandsidesofahouse
  1. Congenial, adj
/ agreeable,suitable,orpleasinginnatureorcharacter
  1. Plateau, noun
/ alandareahavingarelativelylevelsurfaceconsiderablyraised
above adjoininglandonatleastoneside
  1. Innumerable,adj
/ verynumerous, incapableofbeingcounted;countless.
  1. Exploitation, noun
/ useorutilization,especiallyforprofit; selfishutilization
  1. Abstraction, noun
/ A generalideaorterm apartfromconcreterealities,specificobjects,oractualinstances.

Chapters 21 and 22

Word, Part of Speech / Definition
  1. Agitating (agitate),
verb / toarouseorattempttoarousepublicinterestandsupport,asin somepoliticalorsocialcauseortheory
  1. Indignation, noun
/ strongdispleasureatsomethingconsideredunjust,offensive,insulting,orbase;righteousanger
  1. Subsidies (subsidy), noun
/ adirectmonetaryaidfurnishedbyagovernmenttoaprivate industrialundertaking,acharityorganization,orthelike
  1. Reverie, noun
/ astateofdreamymeditationorfancifulmusing
  1. Culpable, adj
/ deservingblameorcensure;blameworthy
  1. Brooding, adj
/ preoccupiedwithdepressing,morbid,orpainfulmemoriesor thoughts
  1. Adjourned
(adjourn), verb / tosuspendthemeetingof(aclub,legislature,committee,etc.)toafuturetime,anotherplace,orindefinitely

Chapters 23-29

  1. Jubilant (adj)
/ Showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph
  1. Contempt (noun)
/ The feeling with which a person views anything considered mean, worthless, or vile
  1. Exasperating (verb)
/ To irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely
  1. Expedient (adj)
/ Proper or suitable under the circumstances
  1. Hindrance (noun)
/ Something that impedes, prevents, or stops
  1. Pang (noun)
/ A sudden feeling of mental or emotional distress or longing
  1. Rendered (verb)
/ To cause to be or become; make, also to provide or perform (as in a service or aid)
  1. assailant (noun)
/ A person who attacks
  1. supposition (noun)
/ An assumption or hypothesis
  1. cogently (adv)
/ To the point, pertinent
  1. complicity (noun)
/ thestateofbeinganaccomplice;partnershiporinvolvementin wrongdoing
  1. vestments (noun)
/ Outer garments, especially ceremonial in nature
  1. reproach (verb)
/ To blame