Othello - Newspaper

Final Project Assignment

As you continue to read Shakespeare’s Othello, you will begin to draft several pieces of writing for each act. Pretend you are a reporter for a Venetian paper during the time of Othello. For each act of the play, you need to decide what you will report on for the paper. Do you talk about Othello’s successes in battle, rumors of from Iago, or a police log of Cassio’s fight? For each of the five acts of the play you need to draft an article (3/4 page) for any one event that took place within the entire act.

After completing these pieces, or “articles,” you will work in groups of three to create an entire newspaper. Each member of the group will be in charge of changing one of their drafts into a full length article for the newspaper. This means that the final paper will contain three major editorials, by three different authors. (Each article should come from a different act.) Also, as a group you will determine what newspaper extras you want your paper to include... Love advice from a character (how to get someone to love you)?The latest “sports” (battles) news? Advice from Iago (sarcastic)? After choosing three extras to include, each member will be assigned in charge of one. This means that each member of the group will be responsible for two pieces in the final product.

Your newspaper must include the following:

  1. A title for the paper
  2. A headline for each feature
  3. At least one picture (clipart is acceptable) with a caption
  4. Three major editorials – don’t forget the byline!
  5. Three minor features
  6. At least one advertisement

Most importantly, BE CREATIVE. What other related storieswould make the front page? How about a weatherreport? Put yourself in the shoes of a paper editor from Othello’s time and decidewhat is most important for the news on the day you have selected.


You will receive an individual and group grade for this assignment, which will count as a test grade. Individuals will need to turn in all of their drafted articles in addition to the final group created newspaper. Grades will be given individually for every person’s editorial and the “fun” feature they wrote. A group grade will be given on the overall appearance of the newspaper. [A total of 300 possible points.] This grading will prevent anyone’s grade from suffering if any one member of the group should not choose to participate.

Class time will be given to use computer labs.